AUTHOR=Oteng-Frimpong Richard , Kassim Yussif Baba , Puozaa Doris Kanvenaa , Nboyine Jerry Asalma , Issah Abdul-Rashid , Rasheed Masawudu Abdul , Adjebeng-Danquah Joseph , Kusi Francis TITLE=Characterization of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Test Locations Using Representative Testing Environments With Farmer-Preferred Traits JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=12 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2021.637860 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=
In this study, the differential rankings of 36 groundnut genotypes under varying environmental conditions were studied at various levels of phenotype. Locations that are generally accepted by the crop- and soil-based research community to represent the entire Guinea and Sudan Savanna agro-ecological zones in Ghana were characterized, this time using a crop. The characterization was done based on four farmer-preferred traits (early and late leaf spot disease ratings, and haulm and pod yields) using three models (i.e., AMMI, GGE, and Finlay–Wilkinson regression). These models were used to capture specific levels of phenotype, namely, genotype-by-environment interaction (GE), genotype main effect plus GE (G+GE), and environment and genotype main effects plus GE (E+G+GE), respectively. The effect of three major environmental covariables was also determined using factorial regression. Location main effect was found to be highly significant (