AUTHOR=Velazco Julio G. , Jordan David R. , Mace Emma S. , Hunt Colleen H. , Malosetti Marcos , van Eeuwijk Fred A. TITLE=Genomic Prediction of Grain Yield and Drought-Adaptation Capacity in Sorghum Is Enhanced by Multi-Trait Analysis JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=Volume 10 - 2019 YEAR=2019 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2019.00997 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=
Grain yield and stay-green drought adaptation trait are important targets of selection in grain sorghum breeding for broad adaptation to a range of environments. Genomic prediction for these traits may be enhanced by joint multi-trait analysis. The objectives of this study were to assess the capacity of multi-trait models to improve genomic prediction of parental breeding values for grain yield and stay-green in sorghum by using information from correlated auxiliary traits, and to determine the combinations of traits that optimize predictive results in specific scenarios. The dataset included phenotypic performance of 2645 testcross hybrids across 26 environments as well as genomic and pedigree information on their female parental lines. The traits considered were grain yield (GY), stay-green (SG), plant height (PH), and flowering time (FT). We evaluated the improvement in predictive performance of multi-trait G-BLUP models relative to single-trait G-BLUP. The use of a blended kinship matrix exploiting pedigree and genomic information was also explored to optimize multi-trait predictions. Predictive ability for GY increased up to 16% when PH information on the training population was exploited through multi-trait genomic analysis. For SG prediction, full advantage from multi-trait G-BLUP was obtained only when GY information was also available on the predicted lines