AUTHOR=Peltonen-Sainio Pirjo , Jauhiainen Lauri , Honkavaara Eija , Wittke Samantha , Karjalainen Mika , Puttonen Eetu TITLE=Pre-crop Values From Satellite Images for Various Previous and Subsequent Crop Combinations JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=10 YEAR=2019 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2019.00462 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=
Monocultural land use challenges sustainability of agriculture. Pre-crop value indicates the benefits of a previous crop for a subsequent crop in crop sequencing and facilitates diversification of agricultural systems. Traditional field experiments are resource intensive and evaluate pre-crop values only for a limited number of previous and subsequent crops. We developed a dynamic method based on Sentinel-2 derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values to estimate pre-crop values on a field parcel scale. The NDVI-values were compared to the region specific 90th percentile of each crop and year and thereby, an NDVI-gap was determined. The NDVI-gaps for each subsequent crop in the case of monocultural crop sequencing were compared to that for other previous crops in rotation and thereby, pre-crop values for a high number of previous and subsequent crop combinations were estimated. The pre-crop values ranged from +16% to -16%. Especially grain legumes and rapeseed were valuable as pre-crops, which is well in line with results from field experiments. Such data on pre-crop values can be updated and expanded every year. For the first time, a high number of previous and following crop combinations, originating from farmer’s fields, is available to support diversification of currently monocultural crop sequencing patterns in agriculture.