AUTHOR=Yang Yuting , Zhang Xu , Chen Yun , Guo Jinlong , Ling Hui , Gao Shiwu , Su Yachun , Que Youxiong , Xu Liping TITLE=Selection of Reference Genes for Normalization of MicroRNA Expression by RT-qPCR in Sugarcane Buds under Cold Stress JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=7 YEAR=2016 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2016.00086 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=
Sugarcane, accounting for 80% of world's sugar, originates in the tropics but is cultivated mainly in the subtropics. Therefore, chilling injury frequently occurs and results in serious losses. Recent studies in various plant species have established microRNAs as key elements in the post-transcriptional regulation of response to biotic and abiotic stresses including cold stress. Though, its accuracy is largely influenced by the use of reference gene for normalization, quantitative PCR is undoubtedly a popular method used for identification of microRNAs. For identifying the most suitable reference genes for normalizing miRNAs expression in sugarcane under cold stress, 13 candidates among 17 were investigated using four algorithms: geNorm, NormFinder, deltaCt, and Bestkeeper, and four candidates were excluded because of unsatisfactory efficiency and specificity. Verification was carried out using cold-related genes