AUTHOR=Liu Hanmei , Yu Guiling , Wei Bin , Wang Yongbin , Zhang Junjie , Hu Yufeng , Liu Yinghong , Yu Guowu , Zhang Huaiyu , Huang Yubi TITLE=Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of a Novel Starch Synthase in Maize JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=6 YEAR=2015 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2015.01013 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=
Starch is an important reserve of carbon and energy in plants, providing the majority of calories in the human diet and animal feed. Its synthesis is orchestrated by several key enzymes, and the amount and structure of starch, affecting crop yield and quality, are determined mainly by starch synthase (SS) activity. To date, five SS isoforms, including SSI-IV and Granule Bound Starch Synthase (GBSS) have been identified and their physiological functions have been well characterized. Here, we report the identification of a new SS isoform in maize, designated SSV. By searching sequenced genomes,