AUTHOR=Griffing Lawrence R. , Gao Hongbo T. , Sparkes Imogen TITLE=ER network dynamics are differentially controlled by myosins XI-K, XI-C, XI-E, XI-I, XI-1, and XI-2 JOURNAL=Frontiers in Plant Science VOLUME=5 YEAR=2014 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpls.2014.00218 ISSN=1664-462X ABSTRACT=
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of higher plants is a complex network of tubules and cisternae. Some of the tubules and cisternae are relatively persistent, while others are dynamically moving and remodeling through growth and shrinkage, cycles of tubule elongation and retraction, and cisternal expansion and diminution. Previous work showed that transient expression in tobacco leaves of the motor-less, truncated tail of myosin XI-K increases the relative area of both persistent cisternae and tubules in the ER. Likewise, transient expression of XI-K tail diminishes the movement of organelles such as Golgi and peroxisomes. To examine whether other class XI myosins are involved in the remodeling and movement of the ER, other myosin XIs implicated in organelle movement, XI-1 (MYA1),XI-2 (MYA2), XI-C, XI-E, XI-I, and one not, XI-A, were expressed as motor-less tail constructs and their effect on ER persistent structures determined. Here, we indicate a differential effect on ER dynamics whereby certain class XI myosins may have more influence over controlling cisternalization rather than tubulation.