AUTHOR=Shikaya Yuuki , Inaba Masafumi , Tadokoro Ryosuke , Utsunomiya Shota , Takahashi Yoshiko TITLE=Optogenetic control of gut movements reveals peristaltic wave-mediated induction of cloacal contractions and reactivation of impaired gut motility JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physiology VOLUME=14 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphys.2023.1175951 ISSN=1664-042X ABSTRACT=
Gut peristalsis, recognized as a wave-like progression along the anterior-posterior gut axis, plays a pivotal role in the transportation, digestion, and absorption of ingested materials. The embryonic gut, which has not experienced ingested materials, undergoes peristalsis offering a powerful model for studying the intrinsic mechanisms underlying the gut motility. It has previously been shown in chicken embryos that acute contractions of the cloaca (an anus-like structure) located at the posterior end of the hindgut are tightly coupled with the arrival of hindgut-derived waves. To further scrutinize the interactions between hindgut and cloaca, we here developed an optogenetic method that produced artificial waves in the hindgut. A variant form of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2(D156C)), permitting extremely large photocurrents, was expressed in the muscle component of the hindgut of chicken embryos using Tol2-mediated gene transfer and