AUTHOR=Biasato Ilaria , Bellezza Oddon Sara , Chemello Giulia , Gariglio Marta , Fiorilla Edoardo , Dabbou Sihem , Pipan Miha , Dekleva Dominik , Macchi Elisabetta , Gasco Laura , Schiavone Achille TITLE=Welfare implications for broiler chickens reared in an insect larvae-enriched environment: Focus on bird behaviour, plumage status, leg health, and excreta corticosterone JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physiology VOLUME=13 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphys.2022.930158 ISSN=1664-042X ABSTRACT=
The use of insect live larvae as environmental enrichment has recently been proposed in broiler chickens, but the concomitant administration of black soldier fly (BSF) and yellow mealworm (YM) has never been tested yet. Therefore, the present study aims to evaluate the effects of live BSF and YM larvae as environmental enrichments for broiler chickens by means of plumage status, behaviour, leg health, and excreta corticosterone metabolites (CM). A total of 180 4-day old male Ross 308 broiler chickens were randomly distributed in 3 experimental treatments (6 replicates/treatment, 10 birds/replicate) and fed for 35 days as follows: 1) control (C, commercial feed), 2) BSF: C + 5% of the expected daily feed intake [DFI] live BSF larvae and 3) YM: C + 5% of the expected DFI live YM larvae. Feathering, hock burn (HB) and footpad dermatitis (FPD) scores (end of the trial), as well as behavioural observations (beginning of the trial [T0] and every 11 days [T1, T2 and T3] during morning, larvae intake and afternoon) through video recordings, were assessed, and excreta samples collected to evaluate the CM. Feathering, HB and FPD scores, and excreta CM were unaffected by insect live larvae administration (