AUTHOR=Zhang Xin , Yang Hao , Li Hongmei , Chen Ting , Ruan Yao , Ren Chunhua , Luo Peng , Wang Yanhong , Liu Bing , Li Huo , Zhong Ping , Zhang Jiquan , Jiang Xiao , Hu Chaoqun
TITLE=Molecular Identification of Anion Exchange Protein 3 in Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): mRNA Profiles for Tissues, Ontogeny, Molting, and Ovarian Development and Its Potential Role in Stress-Induced Gill Damage
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physiology
Bicarbonate (HCO3–) transport mechanisms play an essential role in the acid-base homeostasis of aquatic animals, and anion exchange protein 3 (AE3) is a membrane transport protein that exchanges Cl–/HCO3– across the cell membrane to regulate the intracellular pH. In this study, the full-length cDNA of AE3 (Lv-AE3) was obtained from the Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). The Lv-AE3 cDNA is 4,943 bp in length, contains an open reading frame of 2,850 bp, coding for a protein of 949 amino acids with 12 transmembrane domains. Lv-AE3 shows high sequence homology with other AE3 at the protein level. Lv-AE3 mRNA was ubiquitously detected in all tissues selected, with the highest expression level in the gill, followed by the ovary, eyestalk and brain. By in situ hybridization, Lv-AE3-positive cells were shown predominant localization in the secondary gill filaments. The expression levels of Lv-AE3 were further investigated during the essential life processes of shrimp, including ontogeny, molting, and ovarian development. In this case, the spatiotemporal expression profiles of Lv-AE3 in L. vannamei were highly correlated with the activities of water and ion absorption; for example, increased mRNA levels were present after hatching, during embryonic development, after ecdysis during the molt cycle, and in the stage IV ovary during gonadal development. After low/high pH and low/high salinity challenges, the transcript levels of Lv-AE3 were reduced in the gill, while the cell apoptosis rate increased. In addition, knockdown of Lv-AE3 mRNA expression induced cell apoptosis in the gill, indicating a potential link between Lv-AE3 and gill damage. Altogether, this study thoroughly investigated the relationship between the mRNA expression profiles of Lv-AE3 and multiple developmental and physiological processes in L. vannamei, and it may benefit the protection of crustaceans from fluctuated aquatic environments.