AUTHOR=Lin Pei-Hui , Duann Pu TITLE=Dyslipidemia in Kidney Disorders: Perspectives on Mitochondria Homeostasis and Therapeutic Opportunities JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physiology VOLUME=11 YEAR=2020 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphys.2020.01050 ISSN=1664-042X ABSTRACT=
To excrete body nitrogen waste and regulate electrolyte and fluid balance, the kidney has developed into an energy factory with only second to the heart in mitochondrial content in the body to meet the high-energy demand and regulate homeostasis. Energy supply from the renal mitochondria majorly depends on lipid metabolism, with programed enzyme systems in fatty acid β-oxidation and Krebs cycle. Renal mitochondria integrate several metabolic pathways, including AMPK/PGC-1α, PPARs, and CD36 signaling to maintain energy homeostasis for dynamic and static requirements. The pathobiology of several kidney disorders, including diabetic nephropathy, acute and chronic kidney injuries, has been primarily linked to impaired mitochondrial bioenergetics. Such homeostatic disruption in turn stimulates a pathological adaptation, with mitochondrial enzyme system reprograming possibly leading to dyslipidemia. However, this alteration, while rescuing oncotic pressure deficit secondary to albuminuria and dissipating edematous disorder, also imposes an ominous lipotoxic consequence. Reprograming of lipid metabolism in kidney injury is essential to preserve the integrity of kidney mitochondria, thereby preventing massive collateral damage including excessive autophagy and chronic inflammation. Here, we review dyslipidemia in kidney disorders and the most recent advances on targeting mitochondrial energy metabolism as a therapeutic strategy to restrict renal lipotoxicity, achieve salutary anti-edematous effects, and restore mitochondrial homeostasis.