AUTHOR=Kröpfl Julia M. , Kammerer Tobias , Faihs Valentina , Gruber Hans-Jürgen , Stutz Jan , Rehm Markus , Stelzer Ingeborg , Schäfer Simon T. , Spengler Christina M. TITLE=Acute Exercise in Hypobaric Hypoxia Attenuates Endothelial Shedding in Subjects Unacclimatized to High Altitudes JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physiology VOLUME=10 YEAR=2020 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphys.2019.01632 ISSN=1664-042X ABSTRACT=
Travel of unacclimatized subjects to a high altitude has been growing in popularity. Changes in endothelial shedding [circulating endothelial cells (ECs)] and hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (CPCs) during physical exercise in hypobaric hypoxia, however, are not well understood. We investigated the change in ECs and CPCs when exposed to high altitude, after acute exercise therein, and after an overnight stay in hypobaric hypoxia in 11 healthy unacclimatized subjects. Blood withdrawal was done at baseline (520 m a.s.l.; baseline), after passive ascent to 3,883 m a.s.l. (arrival), after acute physical exercise (±400 m, postexercise) and after an overnight stay at 3,883 m a.s.l. (24 h). Mature blood cells, ECs, and CPCs were assessed by a hematology analyzer and flow cytometry, respectively. The presence of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), their activity, and hematopoietic cytokines were assessed in serum and plasma. EC and CPC concentrations significantly decreased after exercise (