AUTHOR=Vandersickel Nele , Van Nieuwenhuyse Enid , Van Cleemput Nico , Goedgebeur Jan , El Haddad Milad , De Neve Jan , Demolder Anthony , Strisciuglio Teresa , Duytschaever Mattias , Panfilov Alexander V. TITLE=Directed Networks as a Novel Way to Describe and Analyze Cardiac Excitation: Directed Graph Mapping JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physiology VOLUME=10 YEAR=2019 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphys.2019.01138 ISSN=1664-042X ABSTRACT=
Networks provide a powerful methodology with applications in a variety of biological, technological and social systems such as analysis of brain data, social networks, internet search engine algorithms, etc. To date, directed networks have not yet been applied to characterize the excitation of the human heart. In clinical practice, cardiac excitation is recorded by multiple discrete electrodes. During (normal) sinus rhythm or during cardiac arrhythmias, successive excitation connects neighboring electrodes, resulting in their own unique directed network. This in theory makes it a perfect fit for directed network analysis. In this study, we applied directed networks to the heart in order to describe and characterize cardiac arrhythmias. Proof-of-principle was established using