AUTHOR=Namgung Bumseok , Ng Yan Cheng , Leo Hwa Liang , Rifkind Joseph M. , Kim Sangho
TITLE=Near-Wall Migration Dynamics of Erythrocytes in Vivo: Effects of Cell Deformability and Arteriolar Bifurcation
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physiology
Red blood cell (RBC) deformability has a significant impact on microcirculation by affecting cell dynamics. Despite previous studies that have demonstrated the margination of rigid cells and particles in vitro, little information is available on the in vivo margination of deformability-impaired RBCs under physiological flow and hematocrit conditions. Thus, in this study, we examined how the deformability-dependent, RBC migration alters the cell distribution under physiological conditions, particularly in arteriolar network flows. The hardened RBCs (hRBCs) were found to preferentially flow near the vessel walls of small arterioles (diameter = 47.1–93.3 μm). The majority of the hRBCs (63%) were marginated within the range of 0.7R-0.9R (R: radial position normalized by vessel radius), indicating that the hRBCs preferentially accumulated near the vessel walls. The laterally marginated hRBCs maintained their lateral positions near the walls while traversing downstream with attenuated radial dispersion. In addition, the immediate displacement of RBCs while traversing a bifurcation also contributes to the near-wall accumulation of hRBCs. The notable difference in the inward migration between the marginated nRBCs and hRBCs after bifurcations further supports the potential role of bifurcations in the accumulation of hRBCs near the walls.