AUTHOR=Heathers James A. J. TITLE=Everything Hertz: methodological issues in short-term frequency-domain HRV JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physiology VOLUME=5 YEAR=2014 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphys.2014.00177 ISSN=1664-042X ABSTRACT=
Frequency analysis of the electrocardiographic RR interval is a common method of quantifying autonomic outflow by measuring the beat-to-beat modulation of the heart (heart rate variability; HRV). This review identifies a series of problems with the methods of doing so—the interpretation of low-frequency spectral power, the multiple use of equivalent normalized low frequency (LFnu), high frequency (HFnu) and ratio (LF/HF) terms, and the lack of control over extraneous variables, and reviews research in the calendar year 2012 to determine their prevalence and severity. Results support the mathematical equivalency of ratio units across studies, a reliance on those variables to explain autonomic outflow, and insufficient control of critical experimental variables. Research measurement of HRV has a substantial need for general methodological improvement.