Front. Phys., 19 March 2025

Sec. Interdisciplinary Physics

Volume 13 - 2025 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2025.1413813

A spherical fuzzy planar graph approach to optimize wire configuration in transformers

Hao Guan,Hao Guan1,2Saira Hameed
Saira Hameed3* Sadaf Sadaf3Aysha KhanAysha Khan4Jana ShafiJana Shafi5
  • 1Institute of Computing Science and Technology, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China
  • 2Institute of Computer Science of Information Technology, Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, Duyun, China
  • 3Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 4University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Musanna, Oman
  • 5Department of Computer Engineering and Information, College of Engineering in Wadi Alddawasir, Prince Sattam Bin Abdul Aziz University, Wadi Alddawasir, Saudi Arabia

In this modern era, graph theory has become an integral part of science and technology. It has enormous applications in handling various design-based problems. In this study, we present a new approach that increases the ability of graph theory to deal with uncertain challenges. The spherical fuzzy graph addresses the uncertainty domain more broadly, going beyond classical fuzzy graphs other than generalized fuzzy graph types. The concept of the spherical fuzzy planarity value provides a new method to evaluate the edge intersection and order in the graph. The ability of the spherical fuzzy planar graph (SFPG) to model complex relationships can enable more precise and reliable network designs and analyses. In this work, the concepts of spherical fuzzy multigraph (SFMG), spherical strong and weak edges, and the value of planarity for spherical fuzzy graphs (SFGs) are introduced. Moreover, the concept of the degree of planarity within the context of spherical fuzzy planar graphs and the notion of strong and weak faces are introduced. Additionally, we delve into the construction of spherical fuzzy dual graphs, which can be realized in cases where the fuzzy graph is planar or possesses a degree of planarity 0.67. This notion also serves as the foundation for certain basic theorems. We talk about some significant findings related to this subject. We discuss some major results linked to this topic. To show the worth and importance of our work, we also provide a real-world application.

1 Introduction

One of the most advanced fields of science is “graph theory,” which plays a vital role in the applications of other branches of science like chemistry, biology, physics, electrical engineering, computer science, discrete mathematics, astronomy, and operations research. Graph theory research has experienced significant advancements recently due to its diverse range of applications. It is also helpful in image segmentation, networking, data mining, structuring, organizing, communication, etc. For instance, a data set can be represented graphically in the form of a model, like a tree containing vertices and edges. Similarly, the concept of a graph can be used to organize network design. In many different types of graph structure applications, including design problems for electrical transmission lines, utility lines, subways, circuits, and trains, crossing through edges can be problematic. It is actually essential to run paths of communication at different levels for it to cross them. Although the positioning of the electrical cables is not extremely difficult, the cost of some types of lines can increase if subway tunnels are constructed beneath them. Specifically, circuits with a few layers in their structure are simpler to produce. Planar graphs become a framework for these applications. All the abovementioned applications utilize the concept of planar graphs. Crossing has certain benefits, such as saving space and being affordable, but it also has some disadvantages. In city road planning, due to crossing, there are increased chances of accidents because of the increasing rush of vehicles day by day. Moreover, the expenditure on crossing routes underground is high, but traffic jams are reduced on underground routes. In urban planning, it would be protective for human lives not to cross the routes. However, due to a lack of space, such crossing of routes is permitted. Generally, we use such linguistic terms as “congested, “very congested,” and “high congested”. The word congested has no definite meaning. All the abovementioned terms have some membership degrees. The choice of navigating between a congested road and a non-congested one is more favorable than navigating between two congested routes. In a fuzzy planar graph, the “congested” edges would represent strong connections between vertices, possibly indicating a high level of interaction or influence, while the “low congested” edges would represent weaker connections, perhaps suggesting a lower level of interaction or influence.

These days, science and technology deal with complicated models for which appropriate data are limited. To deal with such a phenomenon, we use mathematical models to tackle different kinds of systems that contain elements of uncertainty and vagueness. The generalization of the ordinary set theory, namely, fuzzy sets, is the foundation for handling such types of models. The concept of the fuzzy set, introduced by Lotif A. Zadeh [1] in 1965, revolutionized how we handle ambiguity and partial data in various fields. Numerous implications for fuzzy sets extend the range of investigation areas across various educational fields. In 1983, Atanassov presented the idea of an intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) to overcome the lack of fuzzy sets as it provides a degree of truthfulness (f) as well as degree of falseness (h) with the constraint that f+h1. To deal with such types of models, which require more space, IFS did not support. In order to address this requirement, Yager [2] introduced the concept of Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFS), which extends the space by introducing additional limitations 0f2+h21. People often have a variety of opinions such as Yes, Abstain, No, and Refusal; a picture fuzzy set has been supported, as initiated by Cuong [3, 4], which is the generalization of PFS, which extends the space with the new limitations 0f+g+h1, where f:V[0,1], g:V[0,1], and h:V[0,1] denote the degree of truthfulness, degree of abstinence, and degree of falseness, respectively. Furthermore, I=1(f+g+h) represents the degree of refusal.

However, aspects such as being young, smart, tall, short, healthy, and successful in a certain field cannot be easily quantified. It is possible to express these qualitative and vague predicates by defining appropriate boundaries. To enlarge the space for uncertain and vague information, Gundogdu and Kahraman [5] expanded the concept of PFS by introducing the notion of a spherical fuzzy set (SFS) with the new limitations. 0f2g2+h21, and I=1(f2+g2+h2). The notion of SFS with various practical applications in decision-making problems was investigated by Ashraf et al. [6]. Ashraf et al. [7] likely extended the Dombi aggregation operators to the context of SFS, providing a framework for aggregating information or making decisions in scenarios where uncertainty is represented using SFS.

Based on Zadeh’s fuzzy relation [8], Kaufmann [9] introduced the concept of fuzzy graphs in 1973. Then, in fuzzy graphs, various graph-based theoretical concepts were initiated by Rosenfeld [10]. In his study of fuzzy graphs, Bhattacharya [11] made lots of remarkable perspectives about how they differ from classical graph theory. He proved that not all ideas in the field of fuzzy graphs have a direct equivalent or parallel in classical graph theory. In Mordeson and Nair [12], the idea of the complement of a fuzzy graph was introduced. A few operations on fuzzy graphs were also presented. Subsequently, the original fuzzy graph was redefined as the complement of the complement, following this change in the definition of complement. Nagoorgani and Malarvizhi [13] introduced the notion of isomorphism on fuzzy graphs. One of the most important tools of graphing is its dual graph. Abdul-Jabbar et al. [14] introduced the concept of fuzzy dual graphs. Shannon and Atanassov [15] put forward the concepts of intuitionistic fuzzy relations and intuitionistic fuzzy graphs. Several operations on intuitionistic fuzzy graphs were introduced by Parvathi et al. [16]. Akram et al. [1720] proposed some additional advanced concepts: intuitionistic fuzzy hypergraphs, intuitionistic fuzzy cycles, strong intuitionistic fuzzy graphs, and intuitionistic fuzzy trees. Alshehri and Akram [21] gave an idea of intuitionistic fuzzy planar graphs. The concept of Pythagorean fuzzy graphs PFG was introduced by Naz et al. [22] along with some applications. Naz and Akram [23] presented the idea of the Pythagorean fuzzy energy of PFG. Moreover, some operations of PFG were defined by Akram et al. [24]. Akram et al. [25] suggested many graphs in a Pythagorean fuzzy environment.

Akram et al. [26] developed the concept of a spherical fuzzy graph SFG. In addition, some operators on SFG, namely, symmetric difference and rejection, were defined. The term energy of SFG defined by Yahya and Mohamed [27] and some bounds of energy of SFG were extracted too. Yager [28] proposed the idea of the fuzzy multiset. Akram et al. [26] developed the concept of a SFG. Recently, the idea of a fuzzy planar graph was introduced by Pal et al. [29] and Samanta et al. [30]. Furthermore, some properties were discussed too. Pramanik et al. [31] looked into a few unique planar fuzzy graphs. Moreover, planar fuzzy graphs have some extensions discussed in [32, 33]. Their ability to capture and represent uncertainty makes them a valuable tool in scenarios where traditional crisp graphs may fall short; refer [3449].

The item that follows is the subscription to our suggested research project:

• This research project aims to introduce the concept of a SFMG based on a spherical fuzzy multiset.

•The concept of the degree of vertex in SFMG is defined and elaborated with an example.

•An idea of a strong edge in SFMG as well as of complete SFMG is initiated.

•Under a spherical fuzzy environment, planar graphs are discussed, and the planarity of SFPG is defined.

• We discuss the concept of duality in SFPG.

• Some results regarding SFPG as well as the planarity of SFPG are presented.

• Finally, to utilize an idea of SFPG in an MCDM problem.

2 Motivation

The motivation behind spherical fuzzy sets lies in their ability to provide a richer, more flexible, and accurate framework for handling uncertainty. By addressing the limitations of classical fuzzy sets and IFSs, SFSs open new avenues for research and application in various fields, ultimately leading to reliable and effective decision-making processes. Despite significant progress in the study of SFSs, there has been limited effort directed toward the exploration and development of SFGs. Inspired by the potential of fuzzy planar graphs and intuitionistic planar graphs, we developed the concept of SFPGs. This paper is organized as follows.

In Section 3, some basic definitions are presented. In Section 4, we define the concept of SFMG, degree of the vertex in SFMG, strong edge in SFMG, complete SFMG, strength of the spherical fuzzy edge, planar spherical fuzzy graph, strong SFPG, and strong and weak spherical fuzzy faces of SFPG illustrated with examples. In addition, some results regarding planarity are also present. In Section 5, we introduce the notion of SFDG of SFPG and illustrate with the example. In Section 6, the application of SFPG is presented. In Section 8, we put our recommended task to its conclusion.

Some symbols and notations are used, which are presented in Table 2 along with their meanings.

3 Preliminaries

Definition 3.1. [1] Let V be an underlying set of vertices. A fuzzy set M is characterized by a membership function ξ:V[0,1] and is defined as M={<p,ξM(p)>:vV}. The fuzzy binary relation is a fuzzy subset ξ on V×V given as η:V×V[0,1]. A fuzzy graph G̃=(V,ξ,η) is a pair of mappings ξ:V[0,1] and η:V×V[0,1], such that η(p1,p2)min{ξ(p1),ξ(p2)} for all p1, p2V, where ξ(p) and η(p1,p2) denote the membership degrees of the vertex and of the edge (p1,p2) in G̃, respectively.

Example 3.2. Given the set V={p1,p2,p3}, the fuzzy set and fuzzy relation are defined as follows: the fuzzy set ξ is


The fuzzy relation η is


The graph is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Fuzzy graph.

Definition 3.3. [28] Let V be a non-empty set of vertices. A fuzzy set M is said to be a fuzzy multiset if the fuzzy set M is characterized by a membership function named as count membership, such that f:VL, where L is defined as the collection of every crisp multiset taken from the interval [0, 1]. The value of f(p) in L is a crisp multiset taken from [0, 1] for all pV. Furthermore, the entries f1(p), f2(p), f3(p), …, fs(p) in f(p) construct a decreasingly ordered sequence, i.e., f1(p)f2(p)f3(p)fs(p), for all vV.

Definition 3.4. Let ξ:V[0,1] be a mapping on an underlying set of vertices V and S={(p1,p2),η(p1,p2)k,k=1,2,3,,qp1p2|(p1,p2)V×V} be a fuzzy multiset of V×V, such that η(p1,p2)kmin{ξ(p1),ξ(p2)} for all k=1,2,,qp1p2, where qp1p2=max{k|η(p1,p2)k0}. Then, G̃=(V,ξ,S) is called a fuzzy multigraph, where ξ(p) and η(p1,p2)k denote the membership degrees of the vertex p and of the edge (p1,p2) in G̃, respectively.

Example 3.5. Let V={p1,p2,p3} be a non-empty set. Then, a fuzzy multiset is given in Equation 1


The fuzzy multigraph is shown in Figure 2. There are two edges between p1 and p2, which is called the fuzzy multigraph.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Fuzzy multigraph.

Definition 3.6. [26] Let the underlying set of vertices be V. A spherical fuzzy set T on a universe V is an object having a form as


where fT(p) [0,1] denote the degree of truthfulness of p in T, gT(p) [0,1] denote the degree of abstinence of p in T, and hT(p) [0, 1] denote the degree of falseness of p in T with the following condition


Moreover, IT(p)=1(fT2(p)+gT2(p)+hT2(p)) is the degree of refusal of p in T for all pV. A spherical fuzzy relation on V×V.

Example 3.7. Let A={p,fA(p),gA(p),hA(p)|pV} and B={(p1,p2),fB(p1,p2)i,gB(p1,p2)i,hB(p1,p2)i|(p1,p2)V×V} for all i=1,2,,k be a spherical fuzzy set and spherical fuzzy edge set in Spherical fuzzy graph shown in Figure 3, and defined by Tables 1, 2, respectively.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Spherical fuzzy graph S.

Table 1

Table 1. Spherical fuzzy set A.

Table 2

Table 2. Spherical fuzzy edge set B.

Definition 3.8. [26] Let the underlying set of vertices be V. A spherical fuzzy multiset U is characterized by functions named as “count truthness membership” of P(CTU), “count abstinence membership” of P(CAU), and “count falseness membership” of P(CFU) given by CTU:VW, CAU:VW, and CFU:VW, respectively, where W is the set of all crisp multisets drawn from the unit interval [0, 1], such that, for every pV, the truthfulness membership sequence and abstinence membership sequence denoted as (fU1(p),fU2(p),fU3(p),,fUr(p)) and (gU1(p),gU2(p),gU3(p),,gUr(p)), respectively, construct decreasing sequences. Similarly, the terms of CFU(p) form a sequence represented as (hU1(p),hU2(p),hU3(p),,hUr(p)) such that 0fU2(i)(p)+gU2(i)(p)+hU2(i)(p)1; i=1,2,3,,r. An SFMSU is denoted by


The orders of membership for truthfulness and abstinence are listed in descending order, but the sequence for falsehood may not follow the same order.

4 Spherical fuzzy planar graphs

Definition 4.1. [26] Let the underlying set of vertices be V and A be a spherical fuzzy multiset on V; further, let B be a spherical fuzzy multiset of V×V such that


for all i=1,2,,k. Then, G̃ is called SFMG. By noting that, between two vertices (say) p1 and p2, more than one edge may be present. Furthermore, fB(p1,p2)i denotes the degree of truthfulness, gB(p1,p2)i denotes the degree of abstinence, and hB(p1,p2)i denotes the degree of falseness of an edge (p1,p2) and i represents the number of edges between two vertices.

Example 4.2. In Figure 4, a SFMGG̃=(V,E) such that V={p1,p2,p3,p4} and E={p1p2,p1p3,p1p4,p1p4,p2p3,p2p4,p3p4,p3p4}. Let A={p,fA(p),gA(p),hA(p)|pV} and B={(p1,p2),fB(p1,p2)i,gB(p1,p2)i,hB(p1,p2)i|(p1,p2)V×V for all i=1,2,,k be SFS and SFMS defined by Table 3 and Table 4, respectively.

Figure 4

Figure 4. SFMGC.

Table 3

Table 3. SFSA.

Table 4

Table 4. SFMSB.

Definition 4.3. Let A be SFMS and B be a spherical fuzzy multiedge set in SFMG. The degree of a vertex p1V is represented by deg(p1) and is defined as


for all p1,p2V.

Example 4.4. In Example 4.2, the degrees of the vertices of SFMGC are computed as follows:

• deg(p1)=(0.9,0.9,2.0).

• deg(p2)=(0.6,0.3,1.2).

• deg (p3)=(0.9,0.9,1.9).

• deg(p4)=(1.2,1.1,2.7).

Definition 4.5. Let a spherical fuzzy multiedge set B be defined as

B=p1,p2,fBp1,p2i,gBp1,p2i,hBp1,p2i  i=1,,k|p1,p2V×V

in SFMG. A multiedge (p1,p2) of SFMG is strong if




for all i=1,2,,k and for all p1, p2V.

Example 4.6. Consider a SFMGJ=(X,Y) as shown in Figure 5, where X and Y are SFS and spherical fuzzy multiedge set are defined in Table 5 and in Table 6, respectively.

By direct computations, we can easily summarize that in this SFMGJ, these are (p1p2), (p2p3) strong edges.

Figure 5

Figure 5. SFMGJ.

Table 5

Table 5. SFSX.

Table 6

Table 6. Spherical fuzzy multiedge set Y.

Definition 4 7. Let

B=p1,p2,fBp1,p2i,gBp1,p2i,hBp1,p2i  i=1,,k|p1,p2V×V,

be a spherical fuzzy multiedge set in SFMGG̃. A SFMGG̃ is complete if


for all i = 1, 2, …, k and for all p1,p2V.

Example 4.8. Let H=(D,R) be a SFMG as shown in Figure 6, where D and R are SFS and spherical fuzzy multiedge set defined in Table 7 and in Table 8, respectively.

Using basic calculations, from Figure 6, it is clear that it is complete SFMG.

Figure 6

Figure 6. Complete SFMGH.

Table 7

Table 7. SFSD.

Table 8

Table 8. Spherical fuzzy multiedge set R.

Definition 4.9. Strength of the spherical fuzzy edge (p1,p2) is denoted by


and can be calculated as given in Equation 2.


where i = 1, 2, …, k and for all (p1,p2)V×V.

Example 4.10. Let L=(U,P) be a SFMG as shown in Figure 7, where U and P are SFS and spherical fuzzy multiedge set defined in Table 9 and in Table 10, respectively.

From Equation 2, the strength of the edges is computed as follows.

• For an edge (p1p2,0.1,0.1,0.2), I(p1,p2)=(1, 0.5, 0.6).

• For an edge (p1p2,0,0.1,0.1), I(p1,p2)=(0, 0.5, 0.3).

• For an edge (p1p2,0.1,0.2,0.3), I(p1,p2)=(1, 1, 1).

• For an edge (p2p3,0.1,0.2,0.4), I(p2,p3)=(1, 1, 0.8).

• For an edge (p2p4,0.1,0.2,0.2), I(p2,p4)=(1, 1, 0.6).

Figure 7

Figure 7. SFMGL.

Table 9

Table 9. SFSU.

Table 10

Table 10. Spherical fuzzy multiedge set P.

Definition 4.11. Let G̃ be a SFMG. A spherical fuzzy strong edge is an edge (p1,p2) if M(p1,p2) 0.5, N(p1,p2) or O(p1,p2), otherwise weak.

Definition 4.12. Let G̃=(A,B) be a SFMG, and the spherical fuzzy multiedge set B contains two edges ((p1,p2),fB(p1,p2)a,gB(p1,p2)a,hB(p1,p2)a) and ((p3,p4),fB(p3,p4)b,gB(p3,p4)b,hB(p3,p4)b) which are intersected at a point X, where a and b are fixed integers. The intersecting value at the point X is defined as given in Equation 3.


If the number of intersecting points increases, then the value of the planarity decreases. Thus, for SFMGTX is inversely proportional to the value of spherical planarity.

Example 4.13. Let S=(M,N) be a SFMG, as shown in Figure 8, where M and N are SFS and spherical fuzzy multiedge set, which are defined in Table 11 and in Table 12, respectively, as below.

The intersecting value at the point X is given by Equation 4.


For an edge ((p1,p3),0.3,0.1,0.3), we can write from Equation 2 as follows:


By substituting the values from Tables 9, 10, we get Equation 5.


Similarly, for an edge ((p2,p4),0.1,0.2,0.2),


By putting the values from Tables 9, 10, we get Equation 6.


Substituting the values from Equations 8, 9 in Equation 7, we get the intersecting value as


Figure 8

Figure 8. SPMGS.

Table 11

Table 11. SFSM.

Table 12

Table 12. Spherical fuzzy multiedge set N.

Definition 4.14. For SFMG, J1=(RM1,RN1,RO1), J2=(RM2,RN2,RO2), …, Ju=(RMu,RNu,ROu) are intersecting points between the edges of G̃; G̃ is said to be SFPG having the value of spherical planarity defined as


Vividly, R=(RM,RN,RO) is bounded, and 0<RM1; 0<RN1; and 0<RO1. For certain geometrical representations of a SFPG, if there is no intersecting points, then its value of spherical planarity is (1, 1, 1). Thus, the crisp graph of this SFMG becomes a crisp planar graph. If RM decreases and RN increases, the number of intersecting points between edges increases and the nature of spherical planarity decreases. Conversely, if RM increases and RN decreases, the number of intersecting points between edges decreases and the nature of spherical planarity increases. We summarize that every SFMG is a SFPG with a certain value of spherical planarity.

Example 4.15. An G=(ξ,η) is said to be a crisp graph where ξ={e,f,g,h} and η={(e,f),(e,g),(f,g),(f,h),(g,h),(h,e)}. Then, SPG, G*=(E,F) as shown in Figure 9.

The intersecting value at the point X is given by


For an edge ((e,g),0.5,0.3,0.4), we can write from Equation 2 as follows:


By substituting the values from Tables 13, 14, we get


Similarly, for an edge ((f,h),0.4,0.3,0.6),


By putting the values from Tables 13, 14, we get


Substituting the values from Equations 8, 9 in Equation 7, we get intersecting value as


Figure 9

Figure 9. SFPGG.

Table 13

Table 13. SFSE.

Table 14

Table 14. Spherical fuzzy multiedge set F.

Theorem 4.16. Let G̃=(A,B) be complete SFPG. Then, the spherical planarity value R of G̃ is defined by R=(RM,RN,RO) where RM=11+Jn, having a value less than 1, RN=11+Jn and RO=11+Jn, where Jn is the number of intersecting points for edges in G̃.

Proof. For complete SFMG, we have


for all p1,p2A. Let J1,J2,…,Ju be the intersecting points along the edges in G̃. For any edge (p3,p4) in complete SFPGG̃=(A,B)




In this way, for point p, the intersecting value at point p along edges (p1,p2) and (p3,p4), M1=1+121, and O1=1+12=1, hence Mn1, Nn1, and On=1, where n=1,2,3,,u. Then,


Here, Jn represents the number of intersecting for edge in G̃. So, p has a value less than 1.

Definition 4.17. A SFPGG̃ is called strong SFPG if the spherical fuzzy planarity value R=(RM,RN,RO) of the graph is RM 0.5, RN 0.5, or RO 0.5.

Theorem 4.18. For SMG, G̃ with R>(0.5,0.5,0.5) then spherical-valued strong edges in G̃ containing the number of intersecting value are at most 1.

Proof. Let G̃=(A,B) be SMG with R=(RM,RN,RO), where RM>0.5, RN>0.5, and RO>0.5. Let us assume that G̃ contains two intersecting values, J1 and J2, which correspond to two spherical, strongly valued edges. For a strong edge [(p1,p2),(f,g,h)], M(p1,p2)0.5, N(p1,p2)0.5, and O(p1,p2)0.5. Accordingly, for two intersecting spherical-valued strong edges [(p1,p2),(f.g,h)] and [(p3,p4),(f,g,h)].




that is, M10.5, N10.5 and O10.5, M20.5, N20.5 and O20.5. Then, 1+M1+M22, 1+N1+N22 and 1+O1+O22; therefore, RM=11+(M1+M2)0.5, RN=11+(N1+N2)0.5, and RO=11+(O1+O2)0.5 which is contradiction as R>(0.5,0.5,0.5). So, the intersecting value among spherical strong edges can never be 2. The level of planarity diminishes as the number of cutting spherical strong edges increases. Moreover, if the number of intersecting points of strong-valued strong edges is 1, then in this case, the level of planarity is assumed as R=(0.5,0.5,0.5). Accordingly, we found that spherical-valued strong edges in G̃ containing the number of intersecting point are at most 1.

Example 4.19. Two SFPG are shown in Figures 10, 11. In Figure 10, a SFPG with one crossing among two strong edges that there is one point in SFPG where two strong edges (p1,p3) and (p2,p5) intersect or cross each other. The value of the spherical planarity of SFPG is (0.52,0.5,0.5). Hence, this SFPG is strong and the number of intersecting values at point p is 1. In Figure 3.8, a SFPG is considered with two intersecting points among strong edges (p1,p3)(p2,p5) and (p1,p3)(p2,p4). The value of the spherical planarity of this graph is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5). Hence, the SFG is not strong. So, the graph has no intersecting point, and then the SPG must be strong.

Figure 10

Figure 10. Example of strong SFPG.

Figure 11

Figure 11. Example of not strong SFPG.

Theorem 4.20. Let G̃ be a SFPG having a value of spherical fuzzy planarity R. If R(0.67,0.67,0.67), then two spherical strong multi-valued edges in G̃ do not have any crossing between them.

Proof. A G̃ is called SFPG with spherical fuzzy planarity R=(0.67,0.67,0.67). Take the value of spherical fuzzy planarity R where two spherical strong-valued edges ((p1,p2),(f,g,h))((p3,p4),(f,g,h)) intersect. For any spherical-valued strong edge ((p1,p2),(f(p1,p2),g(p1,p2),h(p1,p2))), M10.5, N10.5, and O10.5. For a minimum value of M(p1,p2), N(p1,p2), O(p1,p2), M(p3,p4), N(p3,p4), and O(p3,p4). M1=0.5, N1=0.5, and O1=0.5. Then, the value of Mn=11+0.50.67, Nn=11+0.50.67, and On=11+0.50.67. Hence, G̃ contains no intersecting point between spherical-valued strong edges.

The above theorem motivated to define the term strong planar graph.

Definition 4.21. A SFPG is called strong if R(0.67,0.67,0.67).

Theorem 4.22. A SMG containing complete K5̃ or K̃3,3 spherical graph is not strong SFG.

Proof. The G̃=(A, B) is said to be complete SFG corresponding to the crisp graph G=(ξ,η) with vertices such that ξ={p1,p2,p3,p4,p5} and the set B and values of f, g and h are given in Equations 10-13.


From Theorem 4.16, the value of planarity for complete SFG is the number of intersecting values for edges in G̃. So, it has only one intersecting point that it can be desisted from G̃. Then, R=11+Ju=11+1=0.5. Hence, G̃ is not strong.

Definition 4.23. Let G̃ be SFG and 0h0.5 be a rational number. An edge (say) (p1,p2) is said to be the considerable edge if the following condition must be held.




Otherwise, it is not a considerable edge. For SFMGG̃, a multiedge (p1,p2)V×V is said to be considerable edge if M(p1,p2)h, N(p1,p2)h, O(p1,p2)h, for each edge (p1,p2) in G̃.

Theorem 4.24. A G̃=(Ã,B̃) is said to be a strong SPG, where h be a considerable number. Then, the considerable edges in G̃ have at most [0.49h] intersecting points (here [x] is the greatest integer not exceeding x).

Proof. Let R be the value of spherical fuzzy planarity and 0h0.5. Let (p1,p2) be a considerable edge; it is seen that (f(p1,p2)min{f(p1),f(p2)}h and (h(p1,p2)max{h(p1),h(p2)h. So, f(p1,p2)h×{min{f(p1),h(p2)} and h(p1,p2)h×{max{h(p1),h(p2)}. In this case, M(p1,p2)h, N(p1,p2)h, and O(p1,p2)h. Let J1, J2,…, Ju be the intersecting points among the considerable edges. Let J1 be the intersecting point between the considerable edges (p1,p2) and (p3,p4). Then, M1=M(p1,p2)+(M(p3,p4)2 and O1=O(p1,p2)+(O(p3,p4)2.


RM, RN11+uh, and RN11+uh.

Since G̃ is a strong SFPG, we have,


This implies that


and RN11+uh.


This implies that


The crucial parameter of a SFPG is its face. The face of a SFG is a region bounded by spherical fuzzy edges. Every SFFis characterized by spherical fuzzy edges at its boundary. If all the edges in the boundary of a SFF have membership values of truthfulness, abstinence, and falseness (1,1,1), respectively, it becomes a crisp face. If one of these edges is eliminated, SFF will not exist. So, the existence of a SFF depends on the minimum value of the strength of the spherical fuzzy edges in its boundary.

Definition 4.25. Let G̃ be a SFPG and


for all (p1,p2)V×V. A SFF of G̃ is a region bounded by the set of spherical fuzzy edges ĚE, of a geometric representation of G̃. The truthfulness degree, abstinence degree, and falseness degree of the SFF are defined as follows: min{fB(p1,p2)imin{fB(p1),fB(p2)},i=1,2,3,,k|(p1,p2)Ě},min{gB(p1,p2)imin{gB(p1),gB(p2)},i=1,2,3,,k|(p1,p2)Ě},and, max{hB(p1,p2)imax{hB(p1),hB(p2)},i=1,2,3,,k|(p1,p2)Ě} respectively.

Definition 4.26. A SFF is called strong SFF if its value of truthfulness and value of abstinence are greater than 0.5 and degree of falseness is less than 0.5; otherwise, the face is weak. Every SFPG has an infinite region, which is called outer SFF. Other faces are called inner SFF.

Example 4.27. Suppose SFPG as shown in Figure 12. The SFPG has the following faces:

SFFF1 is bounded by the edges ((p1,p2),0.1,0.3,0.5), ((p2,p3),0.2,0.3,0.2), and ((p1,p3),0.2,0.3,0.4).

SFFF2 is bounded by the edges ((p1,p3),0.2,0.3,0.4), ((p1,p4),0.1,0.2,0.3), and ((p3,p4),0.3,0.2,0.2).

SFFF3 is surrounded by the edges ((p1,p2),0.1,0.3,0.5), ((p1,p4),0.1,0.2,0.3), and ((p2,p4),0.1,0.2,0.1).

•Outer SFFF4 is surrounded by the edges ((p2,p3),0.2,0.3,0.2), ((p3,p4),0.3,0.2,0.2), and ((p2,p4),0.1,0.2,0.1).

Clearly, the values of truthfulness, abstinence, and falsehood of SFFF1 are 0.5, 0.75, and 0.83, respectively. The values of truthfulness, abstinence, and falseness of SFFF2 are 0.5, 0.66, and 0.666, respectively. The values of truthfulness, abstinence, and falseness of SFFF3 are 0.333, 0.666, and 0.833, respectively. The values of truthfulness, abstinence, and falseness of SFFF4 are 0.333, 0.666, and 0.666, respectively. Now, the observation shows that in this SFPG every face is weak.

Figure 12

Figure 12. Faces of SFPG.

5 Spherical fuzzy dual graph

The concept of duality is very useful in elaborating many models, like integrated circuits, drainage systems for basins, and others. A graph is planar if and only it has a dual graph. This means that for any planar graph, there exists a dual graph, and for any graph with dual graph, it must be planar. This concept works well to deal with a wide range of complicated and significant circumstances. By inspiring this concept, we are going to present the idea of a (SFDG) of SFPG. In a SFDG, vertices correspond to the strong SFF of the SFPG, and between two vertices, every spherical fuzzy edge corresponds to every edge in the boundary between two faces of the SFPG. The formal definition is given below.

Definition 5.1. Let G̃ be SFPG and spherical fuzzy multiedge set


Let F1, F2, …, Fm be the strong SFF of G̃. The SFDG of G̃ is a SFPGG̃=(V̆,C̆,D̆), where V̆={ui,̆i=1,2,,m}, and the vertex uĭ of G̃ is considered for face Fi of G̃. The values of truthfulness, abstinence, and falseness of vertex uĭ are given by the mapping C̆=(fC̆,gC̆,hC̆): V̆[0,1]×[0,1]×[0,1] such that:

fC̆uĭ=maxfDp1,p2i,i=1,2,3,,t,|p1,p2 is an edge ofthe boundary of the strongSFFFi,
gC̆uĭ=maxgDp1,p2i,i=1,2,3,,t,|p1,p2 is an edge of theboundary of the strongSFFFi


hC̆uĭ=minhDp1,p2i,i=1,2,3,,t,|p1,p2 is an edgeof the boundary of the strongSFFFi,

respectively. Between two faces Fi and Fj of G̃, there may exist more than one same edge. Hence, between two vertices uĭ and uj̆ in SFDGG̃, there may exist more than one edge. Let fD(uĭ,xj̆), gD(uĭ,xj̆), and hD(uĭ,uj̆) represent the degree of truthfulness, degree of abstinence, and degree of falseness of the path edge between uĭ and uj̆, respectively.

Example 5.2. Let the underlying set of vertices V={p1,p2,p3,p4,p5}, the SFSC=(p1,0.2,0.3,0.7),(p2,0.4,0.3,0.2),(p3,0.6,0.1,0.4),(p4,0.7,0.4,0.3) and the spherical fuzzy multiedge set D={((p1,p2),0.1,0.2,0.3),((p1,p2),0.1,0.2,0.4),((p1,p4),0.1,0.2,0.3),((p2,p3),0.2,0.1,0.3), ((p2,p3),0.3,0.1,0.4),((p2,p4),0.2,0.3,0.3),((p2,p4),0.3,0.3,0.2),((p3,p4),0.5,0.1,0.4). Then, the SFPGG̃=(A,B) has the following faces.

SFFF1 is bounded by the edges ((p1,p2),0.1,0.2,0.3) and  ((p1,p2),0.1,0.2,0.4).

SFFF2 is bounded by the edges ((p2,p4),0.2,0.3,0.3) and ((p2,p4),0.3,0.3,0.2).

SFFF3 is bounded by the edges ((p2,p3),0.2,0.1,0.3) and ((p2,p3),0.3,0.1,0.4).

SFFF4 is bounded by the edges ((p1,p2),0.1,0.1,0.4), ((p1,p4),0.1,0.2,0.3), and ((p2,p4),0.2,0.3,0.3).

SFFF5 is surrounded by the edges ((p2,p4),0.3,0.3,0.2), ((p2,p3),0.2,0.1,0.3), and ((p3,p4),0.5,0.1,0.4).

SFFF6 is bounded by the edges ((p1,p4),0.1,0.2,0.3), ((p1,p2),0.1,0.2,0.3), ((p3,p4),0.5,0.1,0.4), and ((p2,p3),0.3,0.1,0.4).

Here, F6 is an outer SFF and remaining all are inner SFF. By direct computations, it can be easily observed that all the SFF are strong SFF. Suppose the vertex set


where the vertex uj̆ is taken corresponding to the strong SFFFj, j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Thus, we get the values of truthfulness, abstinence, and falseness for the vertex uj̆, respectively, as follows:

For vertex ŭ1:


For vertex ŭ2:


For vertex ŭ3:


For vertex ŭ4:


For vertex ŭ5:


Finally, for vertex x̆6:


Now, the values of truthfulness, abstinence, and falseness of edges of SFDG are given below.

For an edge (ŭ1,ŭ6):


For an edge (ŭ1,ŭ4):


For an edge (ŭ4,ŭ2):


For an edge (ŭ2,ŭ5):


For an edge (ŭ3,ŭ5):


For an edge (ŭ3,ŭ6):


For an edge (ŭ5,ŭ6):


For an edge (ŭ6,ŭ4):


Thus, we get the edge set of SFDG as follows:


In Figure 13, the SFDGĞ=(V̆,C̆,D̆) of G is plotted by dotted lines.

Algorithm 1

Algorithm 1. Method to calculate the value of planarity for electric connections.

Figure 13

Figure 13. Dual of SFPG.

6 Application

In real-world power distribution systems, maintaining efficient and reliable connections between transformers and households is crucial. Using the spherical fuzzy multigraph model allows us to better visualize and optimize these complex networks. By representing transformers as vertices and the wires connecting them to households as edges, we can account for uncertainties or varying degrees of connectivity in the system. This approach provides insights into how power is distributed, identifies potential vulnerabilities, and suggests improvements in efficiency and reliability. In the example of a transformer system represented as a spherical fuzzy planar graph, the transformer is considered a node and the electrical connections (wires) between components are treated as edges. The number of intersecting points (where wires cross) directly impacts the damage rate. The more intersections there are, the higher the likelihood of damage, as each crossing increases the risk of overheating or failure. Using the spherical fuzzy graph, we can model the uncertainty and degree of risk associated with each connection, helping minimize the damage rate by optimizing the placement of wires and reducing intersections. A vertex denotes each transformer L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7, while the edge denotes each electric connection made between the transformer via a small wire as given in Figure 14.

Figure 14

Figure 14. Transformer unit connections.

The rate of decomposition grows with the number of crossings. Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, and Z6 are crossings among the pairs of wire (L1L6,L2L7), (L1L3,L2L7), (L1L3,L2L6), (L1L3,L2L5), (L2L5,L3L6), (L2L5,L4L6), respectively. The strength of the wire L1L3=(1,0.666,0.833), L2L6=(0.75,0.8,0.8), L1L6=(0.5,0.75,0.83), L2L7=(0.666,0.6,0.8), L2L5=(0.5,0.75,0.8), L3L6=(0.4,0.33,0.75), and L4L6=(1,0.8,0.714). For crossings, the points of intersection are


Thus, the spherical fuzzy planarity value R=(0.1909,0.1976,0.1721). When the planarity value is at minimum, it indicates that graph has a high number of edge crossings, which can make it harder to interpret and manipulate, as shown in Figure 15. The spherical fuzzy planarity value indicates a high number of edge crossings at the Z5 intersection, which increases complexity and the risk of damage. Reducing the number of these crossings can improve the system’s planarity and lower the destruction rate. To mitigate the risks of electric hazards, high-quality wires are recommended for critical connections, specifically between L3 and L6, and L2 and L5. These high-quality wires help minimize the potential for overheating and failures at the intersection. This model aids in monitoring and detecting destruction rates in real-time, enabling proactive management of the system and identification of high-risk areas, such as the Z5 intersection, to reduce potential hazards. By applying these strategies, the Z5 intersection’s risk can be minimized, improving both the safety and efficiency of the system. Through meticulous examination and the implementation of enhanced security measures, it is feasible to diminish the percentage of destruction, thereby safeguarding numerous lives.

Figure 15

Figure 15. Spherical fuzzy electric connection model.

6.1 Comparison with already existing methods

There are already existing methods, such as fuzzy planar graph and interval-valued planar graph, which can be used to determine if a discrete process is planar or if an interval representing a continuous process is planar, respectively. However, spherical planar graphs can be understood by combining principles from spherical fuzzy sets and planar graphs.

In planar graphs, interval-valued planar graphs are considered simultaneously [40]. However, we use a more versatile technique that involves three types of degree of membership such as truthfulness, falseness, and abstinence memberships, which gives more clear information about uncertain data.

7 Limitation and advantages

The proposed technique of spherical planar graph is restricted to undirected graphs only.

The spherical fuzzy planar graph extends traditional fuzzy graph theory by incorporating membership, non-membership, and hesitancy degrees, offering a more comprehensive representation of uncertainty. Compared to standard fuzzy graphs, it provides higher precision in modeling ambiguous or imprecise relationships. Its planar structure simplifies visualization and analysis of complex networks, reducing computational complexity. The approach supports dynamic adaptability, making it suitable for systems with evolving uncertainties. It also enhances decision-making capabilities by capturing partial truths more effectively than traditional fuzzy models. Furthermore, its multi-dimensional representation is particularly useful for handling conflicting and incomplete information in engineering and optimization problems. The proposed study, applying spherical fuzzy planar graphs to transformer systems, effectively models uncertain and dynamic connections between components like wires and nodes. It can address network reliability analysis, fault detection, and load balancing in power systems by capturing imprecise data and ambiguous relationships. This approach also aids in optimizing energy distribution and minimizing losses through flexible modeling of uncertainty. Additionally, it supports scalability and adaptability, making it suitable for evolving smart grid systems and renewable energy integration challenges.

8 Conclusion

Graph theory has enormous applications to problems in transportation, operations research, computer science, image capture, data mining, etc. Sometimes, to deal with uncertainty and vagueness in various network problems, various graph theoretical concepts are used based on Zadeh’s fuzzy relations. SFG as the generalization of fuzzy graphs, intuitionistic fuzzy graphs, Pythagorean fuzzy graphs, and picture fuzzy graphs can be used to tackle various models based on real-world problems more effectively due to the enlargement of the space of uncertainty. In this article, the idea of spherical fuzzy graphs is utilized, as are the notions of SFG, SFMG, and SFPG. The concept of spherical fuzzy planarity value provides a new method to evaluate the edge intersection. Furthermore, the spherical fuzzy planarity value has been defined based on strong, weak, and considerable edges. In addition, we present the idea of a SFPG. Planar graphs are very useful in designing circuits as well as various network models. In this article, we delve into potential synergies between SFPG and two distinct yet interconnected fields: neutral networks and geographical information system(GIS). By harnessing this strength of SFPG, we aim to enhance the capabilities of neutral networks in modeling complex relationships, while also extending the functionality of GIS for spatial analysis and decision-making. We can deal with such problems using a planar graph. Planar graphs can be used to build circuits and road networks. We gave an example of transformer connections to check crossing between edges, so the planarity value can also be calculated. Our future plans regarding our research work are as follows:

Soft fuzzy planar graphs, vague planar graphs, hesitant SFG, spherical fuzzy hypergraphs, and single-valued SFG.

Data availability statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Author contributions

HG: conceptualization and writing–original draft. SH: project administration, supervision, and writing–original draft. Sadaf: investigation, methodology, and writing–original draft. AK: project administration and writing–review and editing. JS: data curation, supervision, and writing–review and editing.


The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62407011).

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


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Keywords: spherical fuzzy multigraph, spherical fuzzy planar graph, spherical fuzzy planarity value, spherical fuzzy dual graph, fuzzy graph theory

Citation: Guan H, Hameed S, Sadaf , Khan A and Shafi J (2025) A spherical fuzzy planar graph approach to optimize wire configuration in transformers. Front. Phys. 13:1413813. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2025.1413813

Received: 07 April 2024; Accepted: 27 January 2025;
Published: 19 March 2025.

Edited by:

Igor Kondrashuk, University of Bío-Bío, Chile

Reviewed by:

Sarfraz Ahmad, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan
Ugur Kadak, Gazi University, Türkiye

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*Correspondence: Saira Hameed, c2FpcmEubWF0aEBwdS5lZHUucGs=

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