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REVIEW article

Front. Phys., 06 February 2025
Sec. Nuclear Physics​
This article is part of the Research Topic Neutron Skin Thickness in Atomic Nuclei: Current Status and Recent Theoretical, Experimental and Observational Developments View all 5 articles

Novel features of asymmetric nuclear matter from terrestrial experiments and astrophysical observations of neutron stars

  • 1Department of Physics and Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies Institute, Soongsil University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • 2School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Korea Aerospace University, Goyang, Republic of Korea
  • 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Japan

The accurate measurement of neutron skin thickness of 208Pb by the PREX Collaboration suggests a large value of the nuclear symmetry energy slope parameter, L, whereas the smaller L is preferred to account for the small neutron-star radii from NICER observations. To resolve this discrepancy between nuclear experiments and astrophysical observations, new effective interactions have been developed using relativistic mean-field models with the isoscalar- and isovector-meson mixing. We investigate the effects of δ-nucleon coupling and σδ mixing on the ground-state properties of finite nuclei, as well as the characteristics of isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter and neutron stars. Additionally, we explore the role of the quartic ρ-meson self-interaction in dense nuclear matter to mitigate the stiff equation of state for neutron stars resulting from the large δ-nucleon coupling. It is found that the nuclear symmetry energy undergoes a sudden softening at approximately twice the saturation density of nuclear matter, taking into account the PREX-2 result, the recent NICER observation of PSR J04374715, and the binary neutron star merger, GW170817.

1 Introduction

The astrophysical phenomena concerning compact stars as well as the characteristics of finite nuclei and nuclear matter are determined by the nuclear equation of state (EoS), characterized by the relation between the energy density and pressure of the system [1, 2]. Many nuclear EoSs have been contemplated so far through realistic nuclear models in a non-relativistic or relativistic framework [3, 4]. Relativistic mean-field (RMF) calculations, based on the one-boson exchange potential for nuclear interactions [5, 6], have achieved great success in understanding of the properties of nuclear matter and finite nuclei [7]. To reproduce a reasonable nuclear incompressibility and properties of unstable nuclei, the RMF models have been developed by introducing the non-linear self-couplings of isoscalar, Lorentz-scalar (σ) and Lorentz-vector (ωμ) mesons [8, 9]. In addition, the isovector, Lorentz-vector (ρμ) meson and its non-linear couplings have been considered to describe a neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei and characteristics of isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter [10, 11]. The RMF approach is, at present, one of the most powerful tools to study neutron star physics [1214], as in the case of the Skyrme energy density functional [1518].

The nuclear symmetry energy, Esym, which is defined as the difference between the energies of pure neutron and symmetric nuclear matter, is recognized to be an important physical quantity to study the properties of isospin-asymmetric nuclear EoS [19, 20]. In addition, the slope parameter of nuclear symmetry energy, L, gives a significant constraint on the density dependence of Esym and is related to the neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei [21]. Laboratory experiments have been also performed to investigate the properties of low-density nuclear matter and to impose constraints on Esym and L through the heavy-ion collisions (HICs) [22, 23]. Recently, the impacts of the higher-order coefficients—the curvature and skewness of nuclear symmetry energy, Ksym and Jsym—have been studied in light of some astrophysical observations, for instance the mass-radius relations of neutron stars and the cooling process of proto-neutron stars [2426].

Owing to the precise observations of neutron stars, such as the Shapiro delay measurement of a binary millisecond pulsar J16142230 [27, 28] and the radius measurement of PSR J0740+6620 from Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) and from X-ray Multi-Mirror (XMM-Newton) Data [2932], theoretical studies have been currently performed more than ever to elucidate neutron star physics through the nuclear EoS for dense matter. It has been found that the nuclear EoS should satisfy at least 2M to support the high-mass PSR J0740+6620 event, and that the precise measurements of neutron-star radii provide the valuable information in determining the features of isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter. In addition, the direct detection of gravitational-wave (GW) signals from a binary neutron star merger, GW170817, observed by Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors has placed stringent restrictions on the mass–radius relation of neutron stars [3335]. In particular, the tidal deformability of a neutron star [36, 37] plays a critical role in constructing the EoS for neutron star matter [3841]. It has been reported that there are the strong correlations of neutron-star radii with Esym and L, and the radius of a typical neutron star is determined by L [4245]. Using a Bayesian analysis based on constraints from NICER and GW170817 within chiral effective field theory calculations, L is currently estimated as L = (43.7–70.0) MeV [46].

The accurate measurement of neutron skin thickness of 208Pb, Rskin208, by the PREX Collaboration, using the parity-violating electron scattering, has revealed a serious discrepancy between the measured Rskin208 and theoretical predictions [47]. The neutron skin thickness, Rskin, is defined here as the difference between the root-mean-square radii of point neutrons and protons, Rn and Rp, in a nucleus:


To explain the PREX-2 result, Reed et al. [48] have proposed the large L value as L=106±37 MeV, by exploiting the strong correlation between Rskin208 and L. In contrast, Reinhard et al. [49], using modern relativistic and non-relativistic energy density functionals, have predicted the smaller value, L=54±8 MeV, by carefully assessing theoretical uncertainty on the parity-violating asymmetry, APV, in 208Pb. Additionally, the CREX experiment, which provides a precise measurement of the neutron skin thickness of 48Ca, Rskin48, through the parity-violating electron scattering [50], complicates the understanding of isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter. This complexity arises from the difficulty of reconciling the PREX-2 and CREX results simultaneously. In addition, the measurements from polarized proton scattering off 208Pb indicate smaller Rskin208, and consequently smaller L, compared to those obtained from the PREX-2 experiment [51, 52]. As a result, Rskin208 and L remain uncertain in theoretical calculations [53, 54]. At present, many species of neutron skin thickness have been reported from a combination of experimental and theoretical results [55].

In this article, we review the recently updated RMF models with non-linear couplings by introducing the isoscalar- and isovector-meson mixing, σ2δ2 and ωμωμρνρν, which can cover both data from stable nuclear ground states and astrophysical observations of neutron stars. Although the isovector, Lorentz-scalar (δ) meson has been claimed to be less important than the isovector, Lorentz-vector (ρμ) meson so far, it has been recently realized that the δ meson considerably affects the properties of isospin-asymmetric nuclear EoS, such as neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei and neutron-star radii [5659] The new effective interactions discussed in this review are constructed under the constraints from the terrestrial experiments and astrophysical observations of neutron stars, especially focusing on the PREX-2 and CREX experiments. The resulting nuclear EoS have to support the following conditions:

(1) The EoSs for symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter satisfy the particle flow data in heavy-ion collisions (HICs) [6063],

(2) The EoS for neutron stars attains to the observed mass of PSR J0740+6620 M=2.0720.066+0.067 M [32, 64, 65],

(3) The EoS for neutron stars explains the dimensionless tidal deformability from the binary merger event, GW170817 (Λ1.4=190120+390) [34, 35].

Under these constraints, we examine the effects of the δ-nucleon coupling and σδ mixing on the ground-state properties of finite nuclei, and consider the PREX-2 and CREX results. Additionally, we investigate the impact of the quartic self-interactions of δ and ρ mesons on the nuclear EoS to study the properties of neutron star matter.

This paper is organized as follows. A summary and analytical calculations concerning the RMF model with non-linear couplings are described in Section 2. Numerical results and detailed discussions are presented in Section 3. Finally, we give a summary in Section 4.

2 Theoretical framework

2.1 Lagrangian density

In quantum hydrodynamics [7], we employ the recently updated effective Lagrangian density including the isoscalar (σ and ωμ) and isovector (δ and ρμ) mesons as well as nucleons (N=p,n) [57, 58]. The total Lagrangian density is then given by


where ψN=ψnψp is the iso-doublet, nucleon field, τN is its isospin matrix, Wμν=μωννωμ, and Rμν=μρννρμ. The meson-nucleon coupling constants are respectively denoted by gσ, gω, gδ, and gρ. The photon-N interaction, LEM=eψ̄pγμAμψp14FμνFμν with Fμν=μAννAμ, is also taken into account to describe the characteristics of finite nuclei [7, 66]. Additionally, a non-linear potential in Equation 1 is supplemented as follows:


The first and second terms in Equation 2 are introduced to obtain a quantitative description of ground-state properties for symmetric nuclear matter [8, 67]. The quartic self-interactions of ω, δ, and ρ mesons are also introduced in Equation 2 [9, 10, 68, 69]. We also consider the isoscalar- and isovector-meson mixing, which only affects the characteristics of NZ finite nuclei and isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter [56, 70, 71], while the scalar-vector mixing is not included in the present study [11, 7275].

2.2 Field equations for finite nuclei in mean-field approximation

In mean-field approximation, the meson and photon fields are replaced by the mean-field values: σ̄, ω̄, δ̄, ρ̄, and Ā. Then, the effective nucleon mass in matter is simply expressed as


where MN (=939 MeV) is the nucleon mass in free space. If we restrict consideration to spherical finite nuclei, the equation of motion for N is given by


with EαN being the nucleon single-particle energy. The meson and photon fields are then given by




where ρNs (ρN) is the scalar (baryon) density for N, which is computed self-consistently using nucleon wave functions in Equation 4 that are solutions to the Dirac equation in the spatially dependent meson and photon fields. The effective meson masses are defined by


The total energy of the system is thus written as


where the sum α runs over the occupied states of EαN with the degeneracy 2jα+1 [7].

2.3 Infinite nuclear matter

To study the bulk properties of nuclear and neutron star matter, it is necessary to compute the nuclear equation of state (EoS)—a relation between the energy density, εB, and pressure, PB. In infinite nuclear matter, the surface terms in Equations 59 have no influence on its characteristics as the gradient reads zero. The scalar and baryon density for N=p,n are then obtained as


where kFN and EN*=kFN2+MN*2 are the Fermi momentum and energy for N. With the self-consistent calculations of the meson fields, εB and PB are respectively given by εB=NεN+εM and PB=NPN+PM where the nucleon and meson parts are expressed as




2.4 Nuclear bulk properties

In general, the bulk properties of infinite nuclear matter are identified by the expansion of isospin-asymmetric nuclear EoS with a power series in the isospin asymmetry, α=(ρnρp)/ρB, and the total baryon density, ρB=ρn+ρp [76, 77]. The binding energy per nucleon is then written as


where E0(ρB) is the binding energy per nucleon of symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) and Esym(ρB) is the nuclear symmetry energy (NSE),


Besides, E0(ρB) and Esym(ρB) can be expanded around the nuclear saturation density, ρ0, as


with χ=(ρBρ0)/3ρ0 being the dimensionless variable characterizing the deviations of ρB from ρ0. The incompressibility coefficient of SNM, K0, the slope and curvature parameters of NSE, L and Ksym, and the third-order incompressibility coefficients of SNM and NSE, J0 and Jsym, are respectively defined as


Taking into account the thermodynamic condition, the pressure of infinite nuclear matter, PB(ρB,α), is given by


with the binding energy per nucleon in Equation 14. The nuclear incompressibility, KB(ρB,α), is then expressed as


Hence, the incompressibility coefficient of SNM, K0, in Equation 16 is related with KB through K0=KB(ρ0,0). In the RMF calculation, we can obtain the analytical expression of KB(ρB,α) using the following equation:


where the density derivatives of meson fields are calculated through the relation






We here use the following quantities:






where the effective meson masses, mσ*2, mω*2, mδ*2 and mρ*2, are given in Equations 1013, and JN for N=p,n reads


According to the Hugenholtz-Van Hove theorem in nuclear matter, Esym defined in Equation 15 can be generally written as


where EN is the single-particle energy for N, which is determined self-consistently by solving the following transcendental equation [78, 79]:


The effective mass, (four) momentum, and energy for N are here defined as [80, 81]


with ΣNs(0)[v] being the scalar (time) [space] component of nucleon self-energy. In addition, Esym is divided into the kinetic and potential terms as


Based on the Lorentz-covariant decomposition of NSE [82], Esympot is expressed as


with the scalar (s), time (0), and space (v) components. The Esym is thus computed as follows:


where the effective quantities at the Fermi surface in Equations 2225 are then given by MF*=Mp*(kF)=Mn*(kF), kF*=|kp*(kF)|=|kn*(kF)|, and EF*=Ep*(kF)=En*(kF) at ρp=ρn, namely, kFp=kFn=kF. In RMF approximation, ΣNs,0,v are respectively given by


Using Equations 20, 21, Esym can be finally expressed as


Note that kF*=kF and Esymv(ρB)=0 in RMF approximation.

The L and Ksym given in Equation 17 are also expressed as


where the kinetic, scalar, and time components are respectively given by




2.5 Stability of nuclear and neutron star matter

In order to move on the calculations of neutron stars in which the charge neutrality and β equilibrium conditions are imposed, we introduce the degrees of freedom of leptons (electrons and muons) as well as nucleons and mesons in Equation 2.


where ψ=ψμψe is the lepton field and its mass is given by m̂=diag(me,mμ).

When we consider the stability of matter in cold neutron stars, the first principle of thermodynamics should be considered:


with u, P, v=1/ρB, μ, and q being the total internal energy per nucleon, pressure, volume per nucleon, chemical potential, and charge fraction, respectively [8386]. In neutron star matter, the charge neutrality and β equilibrium conditions read


with ρ the lepton density. The stability of neutron star matter are then expressed as the following two constraints on chemical potential and pressure:


The total internal energy per baryon, u(v,q), can be decomposed into the baryon (B) and lepton (L) contributions as


with α=12Yp. At zero temperature, the β equilibrium condition leads to the relation [87].


where the isospin symmetry breaking (ISB) energy of infinite nuclear matter is given by


Considering the differentiation of μ(v,q)=μ(ρB,α), we find


where kFe and kFμ are respectively the Fermi momenta for electrons (e) and muons (μ). For simplicity, we here define the nuclear symmetry energy involving the isospin asymmetry, α, as


Note that we explicitly keep α to consider the stability of nuclear and neutron star matter, though the nuclear symmetry energy is in general calculated at ρp=ρn, namely, α=0, as shown in Equation 15. Hence the stability constraint on chemical potential, Vμ(ρB,α)>0, can be satisfied by assuming that Esym(ρB,α) is positive at any ρB.

As for the pressure stability, the differentiation of P(v,q)=P(ρB,α) reads


with the baryon and lepton contributions. Similar to Equation 27, the baryon contribution is given by


Using the thermodynamic definitions of pressure and incompressibility of infinite nuclear matter in Equations 18, 19, this equation can be simplified as


where the slope of ISB energy, LISB(ρB,α), is defined as


The lepton contribution is also given by the simple form under the β equilibrium condition:


Therefore, the stability of neutron star matter under the charge neutrality and β equilibrium conditions can be clarified by the thermodynamic constraints on chemical potential and pressure, namely, Vμ(ρB,α)>0 and


The thermodynamic stability is used in several calculations of nuclear and neutron star matter, for instance, the compressibility of β-equilibrated matter [56, 88] and the phase transition between the crust and core regions in neutron stars [8991].

3 Results and discussions

3.1 Nuclear models

We adopt the recently developed effective interactions labeled as the OMEG family, which are constructed to reproduce the characteristics of finite nuclei, nuclear matter, and neutron stars [58, 92]. In particular, the δN coupling and σδ mixing in the OMEG family are determined so as to support the astrophysical constraints on the neutron-star radii from the NICER mission [2932] and the tidal deformabilities from the binary merger events due to GW signals [34, 93]. Various theoretical calculations using the well-calibrated parameter sets based on the RMF models are also presented: BigApple [94], DINO [95], FSU-δ [59], FSUGarnet [96], FSUGold [97], FSUGold2 [98], Bayesian refinement of FSUGarnet and FSUGold2, FSUGarnet+R and FSUGold2+R [99, 100], HPNL0 and HPNL5 [101], IOPB-I [102], IU-FSU [103], NL3 [67], PD15 [104], TAMUC-FSUa [105, 106], and TM1 [9]. In Tables 1, 2, we summarize the model parameters and the properties of symmetric nuclear matter at ρ0 for the effective interactions used in the present study.

Table 1

Table 1. Model parameters for various effective interactions.

Table 2

Table 2. Properties of symmetric nuclear matter at ρ0 for various effective interactions.

In addition, we present the extended interactions based on the FSUGarnet, TAMUC-FSUa, and FSUGold2 models, in which the δN coupling are introduced to investigate the effect of δ meson. Since the δN coupling only influences the properties of NZ finite nuclei and isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter, we adjust gρ2 and Λωρ to preserve the original model’s predictions for L when the δN coupling is included. Simultaneously, the other coupling constants related to the properties of N=Z finite nuclei and isospin-symmetric nuclear matter—gσ2, gω2, g2, and g3—are readjusted to closely match the experimental data for the binding energy per nucleon and charge radius of several closed-shell nuclei, as well as to maintain the original K0 value. The resultant coupling constants and nuclear properties for the FSUGarnet, TAMUC-FSUa, and FSUGold2 series are listed in Table 3. Furthermore, the parameter sets for the FSUGold2 with the δN coupling and the quartic self-interaction of ρ meson are also given in Table 4, where the quartic coupling constant, e3, is varied in the range of 0e3800 with the fixed parameters, c3=144.12 and gδ2=300.

Table 3

Table 3. Model parameters and nuclear properties for the extended version of the FSUGarnet, TAMUC-FSUa, and FSUGold2 models.

Table 4

Table 4. Model parameters and several properties for the FSUGold2 with the δ-N coupling and the quartic self-interaction of ρ meson. We set c3=144.12 and gδ2=300.00.

3.2 Finite nuclei

The theoretical predictions for the neutron skin thickness of 40Ca and 208Pb, Rskin48 and Rskin208, in the RMF models are presented in Figure 1, compared with the experimental data: the electric dipole polarizability of 48Ca (RCNP; Rskin48=0.14–0.20 fm) [107], the complete electric dipole response on 208Pb (RCNP; Rskin208=0.1560.021+0.025 fm) [52], the coherent pion photoproduction cross sections measurement of 208Pb (MAMI; Rskin208=0.15±0.03(stat.)0.03+0.01(sys.) fm) [108], and the parity-violating electron scattering off 48Ca (CREX; Rskin48=0.121±0.026(exp.)±0.024(model) fm) [50] and off 208Pb (PREX-2; Rskin208=0.283±0.071 fm) [47].

Figure 1

Figure 1. Neutron skin thickness of 40Ca and 208Pb, Rskin48 and Rskin208. The left panel shows the results from the effective interactions presented in Tables 1, 2. The right panel is for the FSUGarnet, TAMUC-FSUa, and FSUGold2 series in Table 3.

As for the OMEG family, the OMEG0 and OMEG1 give the large values, Rskin208=0.227 fm and Rskin208=0.245 fm, respectively, which meet the PREX-2 result. The OMEG2 is selected so as to match the predicted result, Rskin208=0.19±0.02 fm, by the assessment of the theoretical uncertainty on parity-violating asymmetry in 208Pb [49]. Meanwhile, the OMEG3 exhibits the small value, Rskin48=0.161 fm, which satisfies the experimental result in RCNP and is near the range of CREX experiment, Rskin48=0.121±0.035 fm. We summarize the predictions for the charge radius, Rch, neutron skin thickness, Rskin, and weak radius, Rwk, of 48Ca and 208Pb in Table 5. We here consider the zero-point energy correction taken from the conventional Skyrme Hartree–Fock calculations [9, 109]. The Rch is defined as


with Rp being the point proton radius [98].

Table 5

Table 5. Predictions for the charge radius, Rch, neutron skin thickness, Rskin, weak radius, Rwk, and weak skin thickness, RwkRch, of 48Ca and 208Pb in fm.

We see the linear correlation between Rskin48 and Rskin208 in the left panel of Figure 1. In general, the larger Rskin48 and Rskin208 are obtained by the models with the larger L (see Table 2). To explain the results from RCNP, L should be small such as the OMEG3, BigApple, FSUGarnet, and IU-FSU. In contrast, the DINO family is located far from the points calculated by the other RMF models. As explained in Reed et al. [95], the DINO family expresses the large Ksym by means of the huge δN and ρN couplings. Although it is difficult to support the PREX-2 and CREX results simultaneously, only the DINOc successfully aligns with both data sets. We note that the δ-N coupling and σ-δ mixing affect the charge radii of finite nuclei and hence Rskin while they have less influence on the binding energy because we focus on the finite, closed-shell nuclei, 16O, 40,48Ca, 68Ni, 90Zr, 100,116,132Sn, and 208Pb, in the present study [110].

To clarify the effect of δ meson on the characteristics of finite nuclei, we describe the correlation between Rskin48 and Rskin208 for the FSUGarnet, TAMUC-FSUa, and FSUGold2 series in the right panel of Figure 1. We also display the calculations based on the other RMF models including the δ meson as well as the σ, ω, and ρ mesons. As shown in Table 3, Ksym becomes large as gδ2 increases. Consequently, the TAMUC-FSUa, and FSUGold2 series draw the lines from the upper right to the bottom left. In particular, the FSUGold2 with the large δN coupling (gδ2250) supports both experimental data from the parity-violating electron scattering. On the other hand, the FSUGarnet series moves away from the PREX-2 and CREX results when the large gδ2 is introduced.

The density profiles in 208Pb are displayed in Figure 2. We here present the baryon, charge, and weak charge densities, ρB (=ρp+ρn), ρch, and ρW, with the experimental results [47, 111]. The ρW is approximately expressed as


with Qp(n) being the proton (neutron) weak charge and GpE being the proton electric form factor [112114]. The OMEG family is calibrated so as to reproduce ρW and ρB in 208Pb by the PREX-2 experiment.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Baryon, charge, and weak change densities, ρB, ρch, and ρW, for 208Pb. The density profiles for the OMEG1, DINOc, and FSUGarnet are given in the left panel. The right panel is for the FSUGold2 series.

In the left panel of Figure 2, we present the density profiles for the OMEG1, DINOc, FSUGarnet. The OMEG1 and FSUGarnet adequately satisfy the density distributions of ρch from the elastic electron scattering [111]. On the other hand, the DINOc possesses the instability around the core of nuclei because of the strong δN coupling constant [95]. As a result, the density profiles, ρB, ρch, and ρW, show the large density fluctuations around the core.

The effect of δN coupling on the density profiles for the FSUGold2 series is illustrated in the right panel of Figure 2. There is almost no difference up to gδ2=150. In the case of gδ2=300, ρch and ρW begin to show the instability around the core, but ρB still matches the experimental data from PREX-2 [47]. When the larger value, gδ2>300, is taken, the unexpectedly large fluctuations of ρch and ρW emerge around the core, and the wave functions do not converge numerically. In the present study, we thus impose the limit on the δN coupling as gδ2300 for the FSUGold2 series. We here comment that this defect can not be solved even if one considers the quartic self-interactions of δ and/or ρ mesons in Equation 3, which less affect Rskin48 and Rskin208.

3.3 Infinite nuclear matter

The δ-meson effect can be clearly seen in the effective nucleon mass, MN*, in Equation 3. Displayed in Figure 3 is the density dependence of MN* in pure neutron matter for the OMEG family and the FSUGold2 series. When the ρ meson only is included, the RMF model gives the equal effective mass of proton and neutron. However, the iso-scalar δ meson is responsible for the mass splitting between protons and neutrons, where Mp* is much heavier than Mn* at high densities. Compared with the OMEG family, the FSUGold2 series shows the strong mass splitting, as gδ2 increases, even at low densities. It is implied that the neutron distribution is more spread out than the proton one, because Mn* is lighter, and then, the large fluctuations of ρch and ρW appear around the core of 208Pb as shown in Figure 2. Due to the δN coupling and the σδ mixing, Mp* and Mn* respectively reach the almost constant values at high densities in all the cases.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Effective nucleon mass, MN*, as a function of ρB/ρ0 for the OMEG family (A) and the FSUGold2 series (B).

The density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy, Esym, in Equation 26 is depicted in Figure 4. We here present the calculations using the OMEG, FSU-δ, and DINO families. Furthermore, we use the conventional ones (the NL3, FSUGold2, TAMUC-FSUa, IOPB-I, and FSUGarnet models). In addition, several experimental or theoretical constraints are presented. Figure 4 highlights significant differences in Esym at high densities, that is, whereas the conventional calculations show a monotonic increase in Esym, the models with the δ meson exhibit more complex behavior. In particular, the DINO family predicts a large Esym above 1.5ρ0 as the δ meson amplifies Esym in dense nuclear matter [57]. The OMEG and FSU-δ families, on the other hand, display unusual Esym trends depending on the strength of δN coupling and σδ mixing. The σδ mixing has a weak influence on Esym below ρ0, but, as discussed by Zabari et al. [56], it becomes substantial above ρ0. Specifically, the σδ mixing reduces Esym at high densities, partially offsetting the increase from the δN interaction. Furthermore, in the OMEG0 and FSU-δ6.2, the inflection points appear above ρ0 and the dip emerges around 2.5ρ03.5ρ0. This behavior is similar to the cusp in Esym in the skyrmion crystal approach [115, 116] and to the results from the Skyrme Hartree-Fock calculations [117]. We note that, as explained in Section 2.5, the thermodynamic constraint on chemical potential in isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter, Vμ(ρB,α)>0, is satisfied over all densities, namely, Esym(ρB,α)>Esym(ρB)>0.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy, Esym. The shaded regions are the results from analyses of HIC data using the isospin-dependent Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbec (IBUU04) and improved quantum molecular dynamics (ImQMD) transport models [22, 139, 140]. The recent experimental constraint from the pion emission in heavy-ion reactions is expressed as HIC(π) with Esym(ρB)=52±13 MeV at ρB/ρ0=1.45±0.2 [141143]. We also present two theoretical constraints on the magnitude of Esym at 2ρ0 with Esym(2ρ0)40.2±12.8 MeV by Chen [144] and Esym(2ρ0)51±13 MeV by Li et al. [145].

Based on the Lorentz decomposition of nucleon self-energy in Section 2.4, Esym is generally divided into the kinetic and potential terms, Esymkin and Esympot, as Esym=Esymkin+Esympot. In RMF approximation, only the isovector mesons contribute to Esympot as Esympot=Esyms+Esym0, where the scalar (s) and time (0) components, Esyms and Esym0, are respectively given by the δ and ρ mesons. We show the Lorentz decomposition of Esym for the OMEG family and the FSUGold2 series as a function of ρB/ρ0 in Figure 5. The top panels are the density dependence of Esym and Esymkin. We see that the unique behavior of Esym in the OMEG family is caused by Esympot because Esymkin is almost the same as in both cases. The contents of Esympot are given in the middle and bottom panels of Figure 5. It is found that Esyms is negative while Esym0 is positive, which is similar to the general understanding of NN interaction described by the nuclear attractive and repulsive forces. Note that a similar description of Esympot has been reported using the RMF model with a contact interaction of isovector mesons, where the scalar contribution, (ψ̄NτNψN)2, is positive while the vector one, (ψ̄NγμτNψN)2, is negative [118, 119]. It is noticeable that, for the FSUGold2 series, Esyms is strongly influenced by the δN coupling above ρ0, and the contribution of Esyms is small at high densities. Conversely, for the OMEG family, the σδ mixing shows less impact on Esyms below ρ0, but it strongly affects Esyms at high densities. When the absolute value of Esyms is larger than that of Esym0, Esympot has the rapid reduction, and then Esym shows a dip around 3ρ0 as in the cases for the OMEG0 and FSU-δ6.2 in Figure 4.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Lorentz decomposition of nuclear symmetry energy, Esym, for the OMEG family (left panels) and the FSUGold2 series (right panels). The total Esym and the kinetic term, Esymkin, are presented in the top panels. The scalar (time) component of potential term, Esyms(Esym0), is given in the middle (bottom) panels.

The EoSs for symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter are displayed in Figure 6 with the constraints on the nuclear EoS extracted from the analyses of particle flow data in HICs [6062]. In both panels, we show the various EoSs calculated by the OMEG, DINO, and FSU-δ families, and the FSUGarnet and FSUGold2 models. The δ meson does not affect P in symmetric nuclear matter. All the cases except for the OMEG0 are well constructed to match the HIC data in symmetric nuclear matter because of the small K0. However, the stiffer EoS with K0285 MeV is still acceptable, taking into account the recent simulation of Au+Au collisions [63]. In contrast, the δ meson has a large impact on P in pure neutron matter. The DINOa and DINOc show the hard EoSs, which are far from the constraints from HICs, due to the large δN coupling. Meanwhile, the strong σδ mixing softens the EoSs extremely for the OMEG and FSU-δ families in the density region from ρ0 to 2ρ0, around which the characteristics of a canonical 1.4M neutron star are generally determined.

Figure 6

Figure 6. EoS—pressure, P, as a function of ρB/ρ0—for (A) symmetric nuclear matter and for (B) pure neutron matter. The shaded areas represent the constraints from elliptical flow data [60] and kaon production data [61, 62].

We present the EoS for pure neutron matter for the FSUGold2 series in Figure 7. In the left panel, the EoS becomes hard with increasing the δN coupling, and the EoS with gδ2=300 exceeds the HIC results as in the cases for the DINO family in Figure 6. Hence, we find that, even if the large δN coupling is introduced simply, it is not easy to explain simultaneously both properties of dense nuclear matter and characteristics of finite nuclei for Rskin48 and Rskin208 in Figure 1. In order to suppress such excessive stiffness of EoSs for pure neutron matter due to the δN coupling, we additionally include the quartic self-interaction of ρ meson in the FSUGold2 model with the upper limit of gδ2=300 (see Table 4), given in the right panel of Figure 7. The EoS is soft and again reaches the upper edge of the constraint from HICs with increasing the quartic coupling, e3, whose effect is almost imperceptible below ρ0.

Figure 7

Figure 7. EoS for pure neutron matter for the FSUGold2 series. The left panel shows the dependence of δN coupling square, gδ2. In the right panel, the influence of quartic ρ-meson self-interaction, e3, is presented with the fixed parameter of gδ2=300 (see Table 4).

3.4 Neutron star physics

In studying neutron star physics, the EoS for non-uniform matter is additionally required as well as that for uniform nuclear matter since the radius of a neutron star is remarkably sensitive to the nuclear EoS at very low densities [120]. In the present study, to cover the crust region, we adopt the MYN13 EoS, in which nuclei are taken into consideration using the Thomas-Fermi calculation in non-uniform matter and the EoS for infinite nuclear matter is constructed with the relativistic Hartree-Fock calculation [80, 81, 121, 122]. We list in Table 6 the predicted stellar properties, which are calculated by solving the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff (TOV) equation [123, 124].

Table 6

Table 6. Properties of neutron stars.

There are three methods used widely to determine the crust-core transition density, ρt [125]: the thermo-dynamical method, the dynamical method, and the random-phase-approximation method. We employ the first method in the present study. As explained in Section 2.5, the stability of nuclear and neutron star matter is determined by the constraints on chemical potential and pressure, Vμ(ρB,α)>0 and VP(ρB,α)>0, in the first law of thermodynamics. Since the proton fraction, Yp, is supposed to be small in the crust region, the second-order Taylor series approximation of the nuclear EoS is generally adopted in the density derivative of baryon pressure, PB/ρBμ, in Equation 28 [83]. However, it has been reported that the parabolic approximation of isospin-asymmetric nuclear EoS may be misleading as regards the predictions for ρt [89]. We thus employ the exact nuclear EoS to calculate VP defined in Equation 29.

We summarize the results of ρt in the second column of Table 6. Compared with the results from the Taylor series expansion, the our results settle between the second-order and fourth-order calculations. For example, for the FSUGold, the exact value is ρt=0.079 fm3 while the second-order (fourth-order) result is ρt2nd=0.089 (ρt4th=0.051) fm3 (see Table 2 in Routray et al. [89]). In addition, the current results are almost the same as the transition density from the pasta phase to the homogeneous nuclear matter in the model calculation with Thomas-Fermi approximation [126]. The EoS for neutron star matter in the OMEG family is presented in Figure 8. The crust-core phase transition occurs at VP=0, which is also described in the left panel of Figure 9. As it is well known, the EoS with larger L gives the smaller ρt [127].

Figure 8

Figure 8. EoS for neutron star matter for the OMEG family. The inner-crust region is described by the EoSs of MYN13 [121], BBP [1], and NV [146].

Figure 9

Figure 9. Thermodynamic stability of pressure, Vp, in neutron star matter for the OMEG family (A) and for the FSUGold2 series with the fixed parameter of gδ2=300 (B).

Since the large σδ mixing enhances the rapid reduction of Esym around 3ρ0 as shown in Figure 4, we have to investigate the stability of neutron star matter. Similar to the crust-core phase transition, we adopt the thermo-dynamical method. It is especially important to apply the exact nuclear EoS to VP because Yp is by no means small and the Taylor series expansion is prohibited at high densities. It is found that the constraint on chemical potential, Vμ>0, is always satisfied as Esym is positive at any densities. Hence, all we have to do is check the thermodynamic stability of pressure, VP. In Figure 9, we show VP in neutron star matter. In general, VP changes from negative to positive at ρt, and the stable EoS possesses VP>0 even at high densities. Despite the OMEG0 give a strong concavity in Esym by the σδ mixing, it satisfies the thermodynamic stability. In the right panel of Figure 9, we show VP for the FSUGold2 series. The neutron star matter keeps VP>0 when the δN coupling only is included, whereas the large quartic self-interaction of ρ meson, e3, makes the matter unstable. Though the quartic ρ-meson self-interaction is useful to figure out the HIC data as mentioned in the right panel of Figure 7, the large value of e3 is unfavorable to the neutron star physics.

We illustrate in Figure 10 the proton fraction, Yp, in neutron star matter with the threshold for the direct URCA process. The direct URCA process is visible only when Yp is large enough to conserve momentum in β-equilibrated matter, in which the Fermi momenta of neutrons, protons, and electron must satisfy the relation: kFnkFp+kFe. Hence, Yp can be estimated as 0.111Yp0.148, above which the direct URCA cooling occurs [118, 128, 129]. We find that as ρB increases, the threshold of Yp for the direct URCA process shifts toward the upper boundary where muons are present. The Yp for the DINOa grows quickly with increasing ρB due to the large δN coupling, and then the direct URCA process is allowed sufficiently at 2ρ0, which corresponds to the core density of a canonical 1.4M neutron star. Conversely, in the OMEG and FSU-δ families, the σδ mixing suppresses Yp, and then delays the direct URCA process. Particularly, the direct URCA process never occurs for the OMEG0, OMEG2, and OMEG3 in the current density region, and thus the so-called modified URCA process, which is the standard model of neutron-star coolings, mainly takes place for the neutrino emission [130]. Alternatively, the possibility of exotic degrees of freedom in the core of a neutron star, such as hyperons, quarks, gluons and/or some unusual condensations of boson-like matter, should be taken into account to understand the rapid neutron star cooling.

Figure 10

Figure 10. Proton fraction, Yp(=ρp/ρB), in neutron star matter. The shaded band is the threshold for the direct URCA process [118, 128]. The asterisks indicate the densities at which the direct URCA process actually begins.

The mass(M)–radius(R) relations of neutron stars are displayed in Figure 11. We here show the astrophysical constraints from the NICER observations: PSR J0030+0451 [29, 31], PSR J0740+6620 [32, 64, 65], and PSR J04374715 [131, 132]. According to the observation from PSR J0740+6620, the maximum mass of a neutron star, Mmax, should be larger than 2M. Thus the EoS involving the large R, such as the NL3, is ruled out. It is found that the large δN coupling affects the large R in the DINO family, whereas the σδ mixing makes R small in the OMEG family. In particular, though the DINOa and OMEG0 have the same L as L=50 MeV, their MR relations are completely different and the difference of R at canonical-mass point reads approximately 1.7 km (see also Table 6). The OMEG family can support not only the NICER constraint on R1.4 from PSR J0030+0451 but also that from PSR J04374715, which is the latest result based on new chiral effective field theory inputs [131].

Figure 11

Figure 11. Mass–radius relations of neutron stars. The NICER observation data are supplemented by the constraints from PSR J0030+0451 (1.440.14+0.15 M and 13.021.06+1.24 km, and 1.340.16+0.15 M and 12.711.19+1.14 km) [29, 31], PSR J0740+6620 (2.0720.066+0.067 M and 12.390.98+1.30 km) [32, 64, 65], and PSR J04374715 (12.280.76+0.50 km at 1.4 M, and 1.418±0.037 M and 11.360.63+0.95 km) [131, 132].

The dimensionless tidal deformability, Λ, of neutron stars is displayed in Figure 12 as a function of M/M. The Λ is defined as Λ=23k2R/M5 with k2 being the second Love number [36, 37]. The astrophysical constraints on Λ at the canonical-mass point, Λ1.4, from the binary merger events detected by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo observatories are also presented as follows: Λ1.4=190120+390 for GW170817 [34] and Λ1.4=616158+273 for GW190814 [93]. As explained in Miyatsu et al. [57], the δN coupling enlarges Λ for the DINOa, and then Λ1.4 lies far from the constraints on Λ1.4 from GW190814. On the other hand, the σδ mixing has a promising effect on Λ, and thus the OMEG family sufficiently matches the severe constraints from both GW170817 and GW190814.

Figure 12

Figure 12. Dimensionless tidal deformability, Λ, of neutron stars. We present the constraints on Λ1.4 from the binary merger events, GW170817 (Λ1.4=190120+390) [34] and GW190814 (Λ1.4=616158+273) [93].

4 Summary and conclusion

We have developed a new family of nuclear EoSs, referred to as the OMEG family, using the RMF model with non-linear couplings between the isoscalar and isovector mesons. In addition to the σ, ω, and ρ mesons, we have also included the δ meson to examine the ground-state properties of finite, closed-shell nuclei as well as the characteristics of nuclear and neutron star matter. Specifically, we have investigated the effects of δN coupling and σδ mixing on the EoS for both nuclear and neutron star matter. The model parameters for the OMEG family have been calibrated so as to satisfy the constraints from the particle flow data in HICs [6062], the observed neutron-star mass of PSR J0740+6620 [32, 64, 65], and the dimensionless tidal deformability, Λ1.4, from the neutron star merger, GW170817 [34], as well as the results from the PREX-2 and CREX experiments [47, 50].

It has been found that the δN coupling and the σδ mixing significantly influence the properties of isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter and finite nuclei, playing a crucial role in reconciling terrestrial experiments with astrophysical observations of neutron stars. The strong δN coupling for the FSUGold2 series can simultaneously explain the large Rskin208 and the small Rskin48 measured by the PREX-2 and CREX experiments. However, it seems difficult that the FSUGold2 series satisfy the combined constraints from the particle flow data in HICs and astrophysical observations, such as the EoS for pure neutron matter and the Λ of neutron stars. Even with the inclusion of quartic ρ-meson self-interaction in the FSUGold2 series, both experimental and observational results can not be understood, because the large e3 destabilizes neutron star matter. In contrast, the OMEG family can satisfy the recent measurement of R1.4=12.280.76+0.50 km for PSR J04374715 from NICER [131] and the stringent constraint on Λ1.4=190120+390 from GW170817 [34]. This is attributed to the σδ mixing, which suppresses Esym above 2ρ0, resulting in a softer nuclear EoS in the density region corresponding to the core density of the canonical neutron stars.

In a future work, we plan to extend the present study to global calculations of finite nuclei properties covered the periodic table, aiming to achieve well-calibrated parameter sets for the RMF models. Finally, we comment that the further theoretical studies are necessary to reconcile the Rskin measured by proton (in)elastic scattering with that obtained from parity-violating electron scattering. In particular, it is very significant to investigate the discrepancy between the PREX-2 data [47] and the results from RCNP [51, 52] and MAMI [108]. It is also essential to consider the effect of isospin symmetry breaking on asymmetric nuclear matter from the quark level [133138].

Author contributions

TM: Writing–original draft, Writing–review and editing. M-KC: Writing–review and editing. KK: Writing–review and editing. KS: Writing–review and editing.


The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (Grant Nos. RS-2023-00242196, NRF-2021R1A6A1A03043957, NRF-2020R1A2C3006177, and NRF-2018R1A5A1025563).


TM would like to thank H. Sagawa and G. Colò for informative discussions of the neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei.

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The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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The author(s) declare that no Generative AI was used in the creation of this manuscript.

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Keywords: isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter, neutron skin thickness, neutron stars, NICER, nuclear equation of state, nuclear symmetry energy, PREX-2, relativistic mean-field models

Citation: Miyatsu T, Cheoun M-K, Kim K and Saito K (2025) Novel features of asymmetric nuclear matter from terrestrial experiments and astrophysical observations of neutron stars. Front. Phys. 12:1531475. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1531475

Received: 20 November 2024; Accepted: 11 December 2024;
Published: 06 February 2025.

Edited by:

Masayuki Matsuzaki, Fukuoka University of Education, Japan

Reviewed by:

Tomoyuki Maruyama, Nihon University, Japan
Anto Sulaksono, University of Indonesia, Indonesia

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*Correspondence: Tsuyoshi Miyatsu, dHN1eW9zaGkubWl5YXRzdUBzc3UuYWMua3I=

ORCID: Tsuyoshi Miyatsu,; Myung-Ki Cheoun,; Koichi Saito,

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