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Front. Phys. , 06 December 2024

Sec. Nuclear Physics​

Volume 12 - 2024 |

This article is part of the Research Topic Neutron Skin Thickness in Atomic Nuclei: Current Status and Recent Theoretical, Experimental and Observational Developments View all 5 articles

Mixing of isoscalar and isovector characteristics in the low-energy dipole mode

  • 1Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
  • 2Laboratory for Zero-Carbon energy, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
  • 3Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Saitama, Japan

We investigated isospin splitting in low-energy dipole (LED) states of spherical nuclei such as 40Ca, 90Zr, 132Sn, 208Pb, and several N=50 isotones using self-consistent Hartree–Fock plus random phase approximation calculations. Our analysis of isovector dipole (IVD) and isoscalar dipole (ISD) strengths, along with transition densities, reveals a clear energy-dependent relationship between IS and IV modes in 40Ca and 90Zr. For 208Pb and 132Sn, LED states show mixed IS + IV characteristics due to different neutron and proton shell structures. In N=50 isotones, E1 modes exhibit varying IS and IV properties with smooth transitions as neutron excess increases. Our results suggest that compressional ISD strengths could provide valuable insights into the slope parameter of the nuclear equation of state. The observed dependence on nuclear shell structures and neutron–proton correlations highlights the need for precise measurements and further research in nuclear physics.

1 Introduction

Low-energy dipole (LED) excitation is one of the key ingredients to investigate nuclear properties. The LED states appear in low excitation energy compared with the excitation energy of giant dipole resonance (GDR), having sizable strengths up to several percentage of the Thomas–Reiche–Kuhn sum rule. They have been observed in wide nuclear mass regions, e.g., 48Ca [1], 68Ni [2], 90Zr [3, 4], 132Sn [5], and 208Pb [6]. The systematic calculations for the dipole mode (E1) [79] show that the LED state appears in many isotopes. The LED state on a neutron-rich nucleus has been called the pygmy dipole resonance, which is often interpreted as a collective oscillation of the neutron skin and the remnant core [10, 11] (skin-core oscillation). There have been many studies for the LED to probe the properties of neutron matter, nuclear symmetry energy, and the slope parameter in the equation of state of neutron matter. However, its nature is still under debate.

It is found from recent experiments [1219] that the LED state has two components in its lower- and higher-energy regions. The lower LED has an isoscalar (IS) + isovector (IV) characteristic, whereas the higher LED has IV dominant characteristic. These characteristics are indicated by comparing the E1 strengths induced by (α,α) scattering for the IS characteristic and (γ,γ) scattering for the IV characteristic. This phenomenon is called LED isospin splitting. Several theoretical calculations [2031] using the (quasi-particle) random-phase approximation (RPA) show that the calculated LED state in magic nuclei has both IS and IV characteristics in its strengths and transition densities. However, the underlying structure of LED isospin splitting is not well-understood yet.

To investigate LED isospin splitting, we systematically study the LED states of several spherical nuclei and N=50 isotones, using the RPA calculation, which describes the IV dipole (IVD) and the compressional IS dipole (ISD) modes. We obtain the pure IS characteristic (and pure IV character) in the E1 modes of 40Ca and 90Zr, while the isospin-mixed LED strengths appear in NZ nuclei. Isospin-mixing is induced by proton and neutron shell structures near the Fermi levels. Our calculation for N=50 isotone shows that the E1 mode with the pure IS characteristic varies smoothly to the lower component in LED isospin splitting. The LED is expected to be a substitute for observing the slope parameter L of the nuclear equation of state (EOS). There have been many studies to investigate which observable LED has the strongest correlation with L, but we have not yet pinned down the value of L. We show that low-energy compressional ISD strengths might be a suitable probe of L.

The manuscript is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews briefly the Hartree–Fock (HF) and the RPA calculation. In Section 3, we calculate the LED states in 40Ca, 90Zr, 208Pb, and 132Sn and analyze the properties of LED isospin splitting. Changes in the LED properties in N=50 isotones are shown. We mention the relation between the ISD strength and L. Conclusions are given in Section 4.

2 Methods

We employ the HF + RPA approach to describe LED states. The numerical code used in the present calculation is a revised version of the code developed in [32].

We use the Skyrme effective interaction and the minimal nuclear energy density functional (EDF) [33]. The Skyrme interaction is an EDF often used in mean-field model calculations and is characterized by being expanded in terms of delta functions in space. The parameter set is determined according to each protocol. The adopted Skyrme interactions are SkM* [34], SLy4 [35], UNEDF1 [36], SkI2, and SkI3 [37] parameter sets. The minimal EDF has been recently presented as an EDF with the smallest number of possible phenomenological parameters. The SeaLL1 parameter set is used in this work. The pairing correlation is ignored in this paper because its contribution to LEDs is small, as shown in [9]. We only restrict our consideration to spherical nuclei to avoid complicating the discussion with nuclear deformation and pairing effects. Therefore, the HF + RPA approach is a sufficient model for our purpose, when we discuss the LED in closed-shell and spherical nuclei.

Here, two operators for IVD and compressional ISD are introduced to investigate isovector and isoscalar characteristics in LED. The IVD operator D̂ is expressed as


where Y(1) denotes the spherical harmonics for the dipole mode =1. The index ip (in) indicates that the sum runs over protons (neutrons). For the compressional ISD mode, the operator,


is adopted where 5r2/3 is introduced to eliminate the center-of-mass contribution.

The E1 transition strength from the ground state |0 to the excited state |α by D̂ or D̂IS in an even-even nucleus is B(E1;α)=α|D̂|02 or B(ISE1;α)=α|D̂IS|02. The transition amplitude α|D̂|0 can be calculated within HF + RPA for the one-particle-one-hole excitations. Using them, the strength function is given by smearing out with the Lorentzian and is written by


where Eα is the energy of the excited state |α and the strength function is denoted as S(ISE1;α) for D̂IS. We adopt 2γ=1 MeV throughout this paper.

The excited states are analyzed by using particle–hole (ph) contribution Cph and transition density δρ, which are obtained in the HF + RPA calculations. The ph contribution of an excitation from the i orbit to the m orbit is evaluated, with the forward and backward amplitudes Xi(r) and Yi(r), as


in which Xim is extracted from Xi(r) as


and similar for Yim. Here, ϕm is the mth wave function and the spin index is omitted for simplicity. The transition density δρ is expressed as


The radial dipole transition density δρL=1(r) is calculated from δρ as


The size of the RPA matrix is reduced by assuming the reflection symmetry of the ground state with respect to x=0, y=0, and z=0 planes. We adopt the three-dimensional coordinate (3D) representation within a sphere of radius Rbox=25 fm with a uniform mesh spacing of 0.6 fm.

Furthermore, we introduce an index for the isospin structure (Iiss) of the excited state to quantify the isospin characteristic of the dipole mode. Iiss is obtained from the transition densities of the neutron and proton at the state with an excitation energy E as


where δρπ(ν) denotes the transition density on protons (neutrons). If Iiss(E)0, it means that the transition density has almost the same distributions in both the proton and neutron, and the state with energy E has a pure IS characteristic. On the contrary, if Iiss(E)1, the transition densities are out of phase over the space r, and the state has a pure IV characteristic. Then, Iiss(E) with less than or over 0.5 means the state has an IS or IV dominant characteristic, and the Iiss(E)0.5 state has an IS + IV mixed characteristic.

3 Results and discussion

We calculate the E1 strengths and transition densities of the IVD and ISD modes, focusing mainly on their LED states. First, we show the LED modes in 40Ca and 90Zr, which hold isospin symmetry in their excited states. Next, we investigate the LED states in both stable (208Pb) and unstable (132Sn) nuclei, where NZ, demonstrating the emergence of isospin mixing in the excited states. We also investigate the interaction dependence of the LED properties for 90Zr and 132Sn. Then, we show how the LED properties change in N=50 isotones: 100Sn, 90Zr, 82Ge, 78Ni, and 70Ca. Finally, we evaluate the relations between the slope parameter L and some quantities of dipole strengths. We can guess that the strength of compressional ISD modes is a more suitable value to probe the slope parameter than the IVD strength, dipole polarization, and partial cross sections of the LED.

3.1 40Ca and 90Zr

For the N=Z nucleus, 40Ca, Figures 1A, B show the IVD and ISD transition strengths, B(E1;E) and B(ISE1;E), and the strength functions S(E1;E) and S(ISE1;E). They are calculated with the SkM* interaction. The E1 mode with a large ISD strength appears at the excitation energy 7.2 MeV, which is the lowest in the LED states, while it has a negligibly small IVD strength. The radial transition densities r2δρL=1 of the lowest state are plotted in Figure 1C. Proton (π) and neutron (ν) transition densities, δρL=1π and δρL=1ν, are in phase and almost the same, indicating pure IS characteristic. Its index for isospin structure Iiss=0.044 also signifies the pure IS characteristic. A coherent superposition of proton and neutron excitations π,ν:1d3/22p3/2 and 1d5/21f7/2 generates the state at 7.2 MeV. This isospin-symmetric mechanism is a characteristic transition on the E1 excitation in N=Z nuclei, due to the similar shell structures near the Fermi levels in both the proton and neutron. It should be noted that the low-energy ISD mode is also obtained in another isospin-symmetric N=Z stable nucleus, 16O [21, 31].

Figure 1

Figure 1. IVD and ISD strength and strength functions of 40Ca are shown in (A, B), respectively. The arrow indicates the neutron threshold energy. (C) Neutron (solid) and proton (dashed) transition densities r2δρL=1 of the E1 mode at 7.2 MeV.

Figures 2A, B show E1 strengths for 90Zr, same as Figure 1. Similar to 40Ca, the E1 state at 7.7 MeV has a large ISD strength and a negligibly small IVD strength. Its transition density is displayed in Figure 2C, which seems to have a pure IS characteristic and indicates Iiss=0.030. The state is generated by coherent superposition of proton and neutron excitations, π,ν: 1f5/22d5/2 and 2p1/23s1/2, as listed in Table 1 where we list large contributions Cph of the decomposed ph excitations. The highest occupied neutron orbit is 1g9/2, which only contributes to the LED state at 7.7 MeV. The E1 transition between 1g9/2 and 1h11/2 is the one major shell excitation and a node-less excitation, which needs nodes to be orthogonal to the center-of-mass mode. Then, its contribution Cph gets small, Cph=0.052 (Table 1). Therefore, although 90Zr has 10 more neutrons than protons, its LED properties are almost the same as those of the N=Z nuclide (40Ca), which has a large ISD strength.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Same as Figure 1 but for 90Zr. (A) IVD strength, (B) ISD strength, (C, D) transition densities of the 7.7, and 11.9-MeV states, respectively.

Table 1

Table 1. Calculated ph contributions Cph of LED states in 90Zr.

The LED states with large IVD and small ISD strengths appear at approximately 12 MeV. Three peaks appear in the IVD strengths, but their transition densities and Cphs are similar to each other. The transition densities of the E1 mode at 11.9 MeV are shown in Figure 2D. The aspect of the out-of-phase δρν and δρπ indicates a result of the fragmentation of the GDR due to their two bumps. The E1 mode has the transition densities of a typical pure IV characteristic, also shown in its Iiss=0.856.

The E1 modes with pure IV and IS characteristics with energetic differences appear in the LED strengths of 90Zr. The LED modes with large ISD and small IVD strengths appear in lower energy (at 7.2 MeV), and the LED modes with the opposite E1 strength distribution in higher energy (at approximately 12 MeV). This property of strength is consistent with that of LED isospin splitting. Furthermore, similar results can be obtained in other interactions shown in Figure 3. For SLy4, UNEDF1, and SeaLL1 interactions, the lower-LED modes with large ISD and negligibly small IVD strengths appear at 8 10 MeV, and the higher-LED modes with large IVD and small ISD strengths appear around the neutron threshold energy.

Figure 3

Figure 3. IVD and ISD strengths in 90Zr are displayed in upper and lower panels, respectively. The results were obtained using SLy4, UNEDF1, and SeaLL1 parameter sets.

The mechanism to induce LED is the same for all interactions in this work. The interaction dependence appears in the strengths and energy position of the LED, which is a result of the chemical potential and nuclear shell structure.

3.2 208Pb and 132Sn

Here, we show E1 strengths and transition densities of LED states in NZ nuclei: 208Pb and 132Sn. Figure 4 shows the E1 strengths and transition densities in 208Pb, similar to Figure 1, calculated with the SkM* interaction. The lowest E1 mode at 6.9 MeV has both large ISD and IVD strengths, which is clearly different from 40Ca and 90Zr. The second-lowest E1 mode appears at 7.6 MeV, with a large IVD strength and small but non-negligible ISD strength. Their transition densities of 6.9 MeV and 7.6 MeV states, displayed in Figures 4C, D, can be interpreted as the skin-core oscillation. This E1 mode of 208Pb differs from that of N=Z nuclei, in which protons and neutrons act coherently. The differences come from the nuclear structures near the Fermi levels of nucleons. The E1 excitation mode in 208Pb is described by the superposition of neutron (proton) single ph excitations over the N=126 (Z=82) gap. This mechanism makes it difficult to induce purely the in-phase transition densities of neutrons and protons, unlike 40Ca and 90Zr, and causes mixing of the ISD and IVD modes, namely, the IS + IV characteristic in the LED states. The ph contributions of the 6.9 and the 7.6 MeV states, listed in Table 2, are not much different. In both states, significant contributions from four neutron ph excitations, namely, 2f5/23d5/2, 1h9/22g9/2, 3p3/23d5/2, and 2f5/23d3/2, exhaust 50% of the total. Iisss of the 6.9 MeV and 7.6 MeV states are 0.237 and 0.417, respectively. Both modes should be interpreted as IS + IV characteristic modes, although the transition densities of the 7.6 MeV state seem to have a dominant IV characteristic trend.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Same as Figure 1 but for 208Pb. (A) IVD strength, (B) ISD strength, (C) transition density of the 6.9-MeV state, and (D) transition density of the 7.6-MeV state.

Table 2

Table 2. Calculated ph contribution Cph of LED states in 208Pb.

Figure 5 shows the LED states of a neutron-rich unstable nucleus 132Sn which are calculated with the SkM* interaction. Similar to 208Pb, some E1 modes appear around the neutron threshold energy with large IVD and ISD strengths. We pick up three E1 states with large strengths at 7.2 MeV, 8.0 MeV, and 8.6 MeV. The 7.2-MeV state has the largest ISD strength lower than 10 MeV, and its Iiss is 0.237. The 8.0-MeV state has large ISD and IVD strengths and Iiss=0.448, indicating the IS + IV characteristic. The 8.6-MeV state has large IVD and small ISD strengths with Iiss=0.388, which also indicates the IS + IV characteristic. At a glance, three states have the characteristics of IS, IS + IV, and IV dominances in their E1 strengths, respectively, but their Iiss signify IS + IV characteristics of three modes. To investigate the isospin characteristic of the E1 state, not only the strength but also the transition density are necessary. It is not easy to separate pure IS and IV characteristics of the LED modes in NZ nuclei because different proton and neutron shell structures near the Fermi levels hardly induce in-phase transition densities of protons and neutrons, irrespective of the interactions used.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Same as Figure 1 but for 132Sn. (A) IVD strength, (B) ISD strength, (C–E) transition densities of the 7.2, 8.0, and 8.6-MeV states, respectively.

Figure 6 shows the LED strengths calculated with other interactions to compare with them. The LED modes in 132Sn occupy 2% of the ISD energy-weighted sum rule value, regardless of which interaction is used. We can see similar LED strengths of the SkM* in other interactions, although some detail differences exist, similar to the case of 90Zr. From the E1 strength distribution viewpoint, LED isospin splitting is less clear than SkM* in the results using SLy4, UNEDF1, SkI2, SkI3, and SeaLL1 due to large ISD and IVD strengths in the states. These interaction differences in LED isospin splitting are attributed to different structures of single-particle states near the Fermi levels and to the correlation between protons and neutrons, which induces the IS + IV characteristic of the LED modes.

Figure 6

Figure 6. Same as Figure 3 but for 132Sn. The results were obtained using SLy4, UNEDF1, SeaLL1, SkI2, and SkI3 parameter sets.

3.3 Transition of LED isospin splitting in N=50 isotones

The LED strengths and its transition densities for 40Ca, 90Zr, and NZ nuclei are investigated in the above sections. For the LED states of 90Zr, we obtained LED isospin splitting, where the lower LED mode exhibits large ISD and small IVD strengths, while the higher LED mode shows the opposite. Furthermore, the transition densities of the lower and higher LED modes can take pure IS and pure IV characteristics due to the similar proton and neutron shell structures. On the other hand, in the NZ nuclei, the isospin characteristics of the LED modes mix due to the difference between proton and neutron shell structures near the Fermi levels. This is a general property, irrespective of the used interactions.

Here, we show the transition of LED isospin splitting in N=50 isotones from N=Z to NZ. Figure 7 shows the E1 strengths calculated with the SkM* interaction in N=50 isotones, 100Sn, 90Zr, 82Ge, 78Ni, and 70Ca. Interestingly, the lowest ISD mode on the proton-drip-line nucleus 100Sn is essentially the same as that of the stable nucleus 90Zr, as well as with its higher LED mode at 12 MeV. The transition densities of the lower LED modes for N=50 isotones are shown in Figure 8, and the higher LED modes, in Figure 9. Table 3 shows the excitation energies of lower and higher LED modes and Iisss. From the viewpoints of the strengths and Iisss, the E1 states of 100Sn, 90Zr, and 82Ge have the characteristic of LED isospin splitting, which is also shown in their transition densities from Figures 8, 9. The higher LED has out-of-phase two-bump transition densities regarding the fragmentation of the GDR for 100Sn, 90Zr, and 82Ge in Figure 9. However, a small mixing of IS and IV characteristics is seen in the transition densities of the LED states in 82Ge [Figures 8C, 9C]. δρπ and δρν have different behaviors inside the nucleus (r5 fm). Considering 78Ni, the E1 transition strengths at 8.3 MeV seem to have the IS dominant characteristic and its transition density and Iiss indicate the IS + IV characteristic, like the case of 132Sn. The higher LED mode at 12.4 MeV has both large ISD and IVD strengths, but this is the neutron emission mode from the g9/2 orbit to the continuum, which has a long tail of neutron transition density. For the LED modes of 70Ca, the ISD and IVD strength distributions are similar. The lower LED at 5.8 MeV, which is composed mainly of the neutron excitation from 1f5/2 to the resonant 2d3/2 orbit, has Iiss0.5, indicating the IS + IV characteristic, while the higher LED at 10.9 MeV keeps the IV characteristic (Iiss=0.86).

Figure 7

Figure 7. E1 strengths in N=50 isotones, 100Sn, 90Zr, 82Ge, 78Ni, and 70Ca, with the SkM* interaction. For 90Zr, the figure shows the same results in Figures 2A, B.

Figure 8

Figure 8. Transition densities of lower LED modes, (A) at 8.2 MeV in 100Sn, (B) 7.7 MeV in 90Zr, (C) 8.6 MeV in 82Ge, (D) 8.3 MeV in 78Ni, and (E) 5.8 MeV in 70Ca.

Figure 9

Figure 9. Transition densities of higher LED modes, (A) at 11.9 MeV in 100Sn, (B) 11.9 MeV in 90Zr, (C) 12.4 MeV in 82Ge, (D) 12.1 MeV in 78Ni, and (E) 10.9 MeV in 70Ca.

Table 3

Table 3. Iiss of lower and higher LED modes for N=50 isotones: Excitation energy (MeV) and Iiss of the lower LED mode and of the higher LED mode, for each isotone.

As one approaches from N=Z nuclei to NZ nuclei, the characteristic of the LED modes changes from the pure IS or pure IV characteristic to the IS + IV characteristic, although many of the higher LED modes in NZ drip-line nuclei are neutron emission modes.

3.4 ISD strength and the slope parameter L

We investigate the relation between the low-energy E1 strengths in 132Sn and the slope parameter L of EOS. The LED has attracted much attention because the LED observables strongly correlate with L [38, 39, 40]. However, the value of L has not yet been completely determined. The candidates observable have been suggested to access and determine the value of L. They are the summation of LED strength B(E1), the LED cross section σLED, and the LED dipole polarizability αLED.


where Edip is defined as the energy corresponding to the minimum of the strengths S(E1;E) and S(ISE1;E) that exist between the LED peak and the GDR on each nucleus. The upper limit of the summation of LED strength is also Edip. The Edip values for IVD and ISD of 132Sn were all within 10±1 MeV, as shown in Figure 6. Although the values depend on the smearing parameter γ, they hardly change in the range γ= 0.4 0.6 MeV. Table 4 lists the L values and the calculated LED observables, σLED, αLED, and B(E1), sorted by the value of L. In this work, we add the summation of low-energy compressional ISD strength B(ISE1) to the candidates.

Table 4

Table 4. Slope parameter L and LED observables for 132Sn; σLED, αLED, and the summations of IVD and ISD strength EdipB(E1), EdipB(ISE1). The interactions are sorted by the order of L value.

Table 4 shows linear relations between E1 strength observables and values of L in the Skyrme parameter sets, excluding minimal EDF SeaLL1. The linear correlations between σLED, αLED, and B(E1) and L can be confirmed, although the linearity deviates locally. However, the sequence of L values and B(ISE1) calculated with Skyrme interactions aligns in Figure 10. Its Pearson correlation coefficient is r=0.93 and the standard deviation is σ=624 [e2fm6] in this work. More detailed data are required, but this suggests that B(ISE1) might also be a suitable quantity for investigating L. D̂IS contains r2, so it can be expected to be an operator that probes the nuclear surface more than the IVD operator D̂. Therefore, the strength of the ISD of neutron-rich nuclei may be an important quantity for extracting L information.

Figure 10

Figure 10. EdipB(ISE1) of 132Sn and the parameter L calculated with Skyrme interactions. The Pearson correlation coefficient is denoted as r. The shaded area means the standard deviation σ of the linear chi-squared fit.

4 Conclusion

We investigated LED isospin splitting in spherical nuclei (40Ca, 90Zr, 132Sn, 208Pb, and several N=50 isotones). Using fully self-consistent HF + RPA calculations with Skyrme interactions and minimal EDF in 3D Cartesian coordinates, we analyzed the isospin splitting mechanism through IVD and ISD strength functions and transition densities, introducing the isospin structure index Iiss for analysis.

Their LED modes vary with excitation energy for 40Ca and 90Zr. Below 10 MeV, E1 modes show large ISD and minimal IVD strengths, with transition densities in-phase for neutrons and protons (IS characteristic, Iiss0). In contrast, higher-energy E1 modes exhibit out-of-phase densities (IV characteristic, Iiss1). This indicates a fundamental energy-position relation between IS and IV modes in 40Ca and 90Zr, as confirmed by HF + RPA calculations with various interactions.

We investigated the LED states of nuclei with more neutrons than protons, stable 208Pb, and unstable 132Sn. The states differ from those in nuclei with N=Z. In both cases, the LED modes below 9 MeV show both IS and IV characteristics, with an IS + IV mixed characteristic (Iiss0.5). This mixed characteristic is expected due to different neutron and proton shell structures near the Fermi levels. In 208Pb and 132Sn, the transition densities with the IS characteristic are less favored due to the distinct shell structures. We also examined how different interactions affect the LED states of 132Sn. Our HF + RPA results with SLy4 and SeaLL1 show unclear isospin splitting, whereas SkM* and UNEDF1 better reproduce the LED isospin splitting.

We calculated the LED states for spherical N=50 isotones: 100Sn, 90Zr, 82Ge, 78Ni, and 70Ca. We found a smooth evolution in the transition densities of E1 modes with the largest strengths below 10 MeV. In 100Sn and 90Zr, the E1 modes show pure IS or IV characteristic. In 82Ge, there is a slight mixing of IS and IV due to neutron excess. For 78Ni, the LED mode exhibits skin-core oscillation, while at 70Ca, it shows neutron emission. As we approach the neutron drip line, the IS characteristic of the LED modes gradually shifts to a mixed IS + IV characteristic.

Finally, we showed the behaviors of the low-energy E1 strengths in 132Sn and the slope parameter L of EOS. It was shown that the sum of the compressional ISD strengths in the low-energy region might be an important quantity for exploring the slope parameter L. This is also conjectured from the form of the ISD operator, which includes a term that probes the nuclear surface.

LED isospin splitting is characterized by the isospin (IS, IV, and IS + IV) on the dipole transition, which strongly depends on the nuclear shell structures and the neutron–proton correlation. Therefore, to measure and analyze more precisely the isospin splitting will give the fundamental knowledge of the neutron–proton correlation, and pure IS or neutron characteristic might also be extracted. In the future work, we should proceed to study isospin splitting, considering the nuclear deformation and pairing correlation theoretically.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding authors.

Author contributions

TI: writing–original draft and writing–review and editing. SE: writing–original draft and writing–review and editing.


The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was supported by the MEXT Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers Grant in Japan.


The authors thank K. Hagino for the fruitful discussions.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: electric dipole mode, PDR, isoscalar and isovector characteristics, RPA, energy density functional, Hartree–Fock method

Citation: Inakura T and Ebata S (2024) Mixing of isoscalar and isovector characteristics in the low-energy dipole mode. Front. Phys. 12:1487954. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1487954

Received: 29 August 2024; Accepted: 05 November 2024;
Published: 06 December 2024.

Edited by:

Oscar Moreno, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Reviewed by:

Chen Ji, Central China Normal University, China
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto, University of Alcalá, Spain

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*Correspondence: Tsunenori Inakura, aW5ha3VyYUBnbWFpbC5jb20=; Shuichiro Ebata, ZWJhdGFAbWFpbC5zYWl0YW1hLXUuYWMuanA=

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