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Front. Phys. , 15 December 2023

Sec. Optics and Photonics

Volume 11 - 2023 |

Quantum squeezing induced nonreciprocal enhancement of optomechanical cooling

Tian-Xiang LuTian-Xiang LuLiu-Sha ChenLiu-Sha ChenWo-Jun ZhongWo-Jun ZhongXing Xiao
Xing Xiao*
  • College of Physics and Electronic Information, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, China

We theoretically propose how to achieve nonreciprocal enhancement of mechanical cooling in a compound cavity optomechanical system composed of an optomechanical resonator and a χ(2)-nonlinear resonator. By parametric pumping the χ(2)-nonlinear resonator unidirectionally with a classical coherent field, quantum squeezing of the resonator mode emerges in one direction but not in the other, resulting in asymmetric optical detuning and a tunable chiral photon interaction between two resonators. As a result, nonreciprocal mechanical cooling is achieved. More importantly, enhanced mechanical cooling deep into the ground-state can be achieved in the selected directions due to the squeezing effect. These results provide an experimentally feasible way to realize nonreciprocal ground-state cooling of mechanical resonator, which may have a wide range of applications in quantum communication and quantum technologies.

1 Introduction

Cavity optomechanical (COM) systems [1], featuring the interaction between light and mechanical vibrations, have emerged as a promising platform for quantum information processing [2], ultra-sensitive sensing [3, 4], and investigating macroscopic quantum phenomena [57], etc. However, in order to reveal the various quantum phenomena in the COM devices, such as quantum entanglement [5], nonclassical states generation [6], and mechanical quantum squeezing [7], it is a crucial step to suppress the uncontrollable thermal noise of mechanical vibrations [8, 9]. Up to now, COM-based ground-state cooling of mechanical resonators has been proposed in theory [1012] and demonstrated in experiments [1315] by exploiting different cooling mechanisms such as feedback cooling and sideband cooling. Recently, to overcome the resolved sideband limit in the sideband cooling scheme or to realize the synchronous cooling of multiple mechanical modes, several proposals have been made by introducing auxiliary optical or magnon modes [1618], nonreciprocal coupling [1921], nonlinearity effect [22, 23], as well as hybrid approaches [2428].

In parallel, nonreciprocal devices that exhibit different responses when interchanging the ports of input and output have been demonstrated experimentally with a wide range of structures, including optical [2933], acoustic [3438], mechanics [39], and optomechanics [4045]. In a COM system, the optical nonreciprocal effect can be realized based on the momentum difference between forward and backward-moving light beams [40], the phase difference between the optomechanical coupling rates [4144], or the optomechanically induced transparency and amplification effect [45]. In the past few decades, various schemes have also been proposed to realize on-chip nonreciprocal optical devices, which are generally based on nonlinear or chiral interactions [4650], non-Hermitian [51, 52], synthetic gauge fields [53, 54], thermal motion of atoms [5558], and the Sagnac effect in spinning resonators [30, 5964]. By selectively rotating the resonators and appropriately adjusting their rotation directions [30], the frequency of the optical mode undergoes a Sagac-Fizeau frequency shift, which provides a unique approach for achieving, e.g., a one-way photon blockade [59, 60], a nonreciprocal phonon laser [61], backscattering-immune quantum entanglement [62, 63], and nanoparticle sensing [64]. Very recently, nonreciprocal phononic devices have also been realized by using circulating fluids [34], macroscopic metamaterials [65], and nonlinear media [36, 66]. As a crucial element for engineering the propagation of phonons, nonreciprocal phononic devices have a wide range of applications, including phonon isolation [34], one-way mechanical networks [36, 65], acoustic imaging, and chiral phonon transport or cooling [19, 20, 66]. In particular, nonreciprocal mechanical cooling was theoretically proposed by using the relativistic Sagnac effect in a spinning COM device [67]. However, these schemes are technically challenging in experiments as they require high-speed rotation of the optical resonators while maintaining stable resonator-fiber or resonator-resonator coupling strengths [30]. In addition, the mechanical modes are typically excited in the resonators of micron-scale dimensions, as opposed to the millimeter-sized resonators suitable for rotation. Therefore, in terms of simplifying experimental implementation for nonreciprocal mechanical cooling, seeking an efficient approach that can be free from spinning components is highly desirable.

We note that quantum squeezing has recently been demonstrated to be effective for amplifying the interactions between quantum objects [68, 69], and it has become a versatile tool for solving various challenging tasks. Recently, directional quantum squeezing has been used to realize optical diodes and quasicirculators [70], nonreciprocal photon correlations or blockades [7173], and nonreciprocal magnon lasers [74], which exhibit superior unique properties and open up a new route for realizing chip-compatible nonreciprocal devices. Inspired by these pioneering works, here we study how to achieve nonreciprocal enhancement of mechanical cooling by the quantum squeezing effect. We find that by unidirectionally pumping the χ(2)-nonlinear resonator, asymmetric optical detuning and a tunable chiral photon interaction between two resonators can be achieved. As a result, nonreciprocal mechanical cooling is achieved when the device is driven in one direction but not in the other. Moreover, we find that the cooling efficiency is improved; that is, mechanical cooling deep into the ground-state is accessible due to the squeezing effect. Compared to the schemes based on spinning the optical resonators [67], our scheme for achieving nonreciprocal enhancement of optomechanical cooling requires only two-mode matching in one resonator, and therefore could be practical to implement in experiments. As such, we anticipate that our work could serve as a useful tool to explore controlled switching between classical and quantum states, provide a solid foundation to engineer various backscatter-immune quantum effects with diverse nonreciprocal devices, and facilitate a variety of emerging quantum technologies ranging from quantum information processing to quantum sensing.

2 Theoretical model

As shown in Figure 1, we consider a compound COM system consisting of two coupled whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) microtoroid resonators and two nearby optical waveguides. One of the resonators R1 (with frequency ω1 and decay rate κ1) supports a mechanical breathing mode b (with frequency ωm and effective mass m) and is driven by a signal field of frequency ωl from port 1 (or port 2) corresponding to the forward-input case (or backward-input case). The other resonator R2 (with frequency ω2 and decay rate κ2) is made of silicon nitride, aluminum nitride, or lithium niobate [7580], which can generate the common χ(2)-nonlinearity and support the parametric amplification process [68, 69]. To achieve nonreciprocal enhancement of mechanical cooling, a strong pump field (with frequency ωp and phase θp) is pumped from port 3. In R2, the pump field generates a squeezing interaction with strength Λ for the counterclockwise (CCW) mode a2,↺, which is squeezed to a mode as,↺ due to the directional phase-matching condition (i.e., the conservation of energy and momentum) [68, 69], but the clockwise (CW) mode a2,↻ is unsqueezed [70]. For the forward-input case, in a frame rotating at frequency ωp/2, the total Hamiltonian of this system can be written as ( = 1):


where Δ1,2p=ω1,2ωp/2, Δin = ωlωp/2, and Δc = ωcωp. ωc is the frequency of the second-harmonic modes c in R2. J0 denotes the coupling strength between the two WGM resonators. g and gd are the COM coupling rate in the radiation-pressure process and the nonlinear single-photon coupling strength in the parametric nonlinear process. εl=2κ1Pin/ωl is the drive strength with input power Pin. λp=2κ2Pp/ωp is the pump light with the power Pp. The dynamical equation of c can be solved by the Heisenberg equation



FIGURE 1. Schematic illustration of the COM system composed of two coupled WGM resonators (R1 and R2). To achieve a nonreciprocal enhancement of mechanical cooling, the system is pumped from port 3 with a classical coherent field and a broadband squeezed-vacuum-field, where the coherent field causes the CCW mode a2,↺ to be squeezed as,↺, while the squeezed-vacuum field keeps the dissipation of as,↺ the same as that in regular mode. (A) For the forward-input case, a CW mode a1,↻ in R1 can be stimulated by driving the system from port 1, which is coupled to the squeezed mode as,↺ with a coupling rate Js. (B) For the backward-input case, a CCW mode a1,↺ in R1 can be excited by driving the system from port 2, which is coupled to the unsqueezed mode a2,↻ in R2 with a coupling rate J0.

Here, κp denotes the external decay rate for the pump field. We consider the strong pump field to excite mode c in R2 [70]. In this strong pump case, we can omit the terms related to g in Eq. 2 for the purpose of calculating the steady state of mode c cs = λp/(iΔc + κp). After that, the Hamiltonian of Eq. 1 can be rewritten as


where the squeezing strength and phase are


It is clearly seen that the squeezing strength Λ is dependent on the second-order polarizability of the medium (i.e., gd) and pump power Pp. Therefore, the squeezing strength Λ can be modulated experimentally by the pump power Pp [7580]. It is worth noting that the external pump field will cause additional thermalization noise in CCW mode in R2. According to Refs. [68, 69], by applying a broadband squeezed-vacuum-field (with frequency ωv and phase θv), the additional noise can be suppressed under the condition θvθp = ± (n = 1, 3, 5, … ). To transform H to the squeezing picture, we define the squeezed operator as,↺ via the Bogoliubov transformation [68, 69]:


where r = (1/4) ln[(1 + β)/(1 − β)] is the squeezing parameter, and β=Λ/Δ2p is the pump ratio, which requires β < 1 to avoid system instability. Then, with the rotating wave approximation [68, 69], the Hamiltonian in the frame rotating at a frequency of Δin can be changed into


where Δ1 = ω1ωl, Δs=Δ2psΔin,


It is clearly seen that the effective squeezed mode detuning Δs and the effective coupling rate Js are controlled by the pump ratio β, thus causing a nonreciprocal enhancement of mechanical cooling. For the backward-input case (i.e., by driving the system from port 2), a CCW mode a1,↺ in R1 can be excited, which is coupled to the unsqueezed mode a2,↻ in R2 with a coupling rate of J0. Therefore, the Hamiltonian of this system reads


where Δ2 = ω2ωl. Comparing the Hamiltonians Hf and Hb, it can be clearly seen that the detuning and coupling strengths between the resonators in these two Hamiltonians are completely different due to the directional squeezing effect.

In the following, we study the role of directional squeezing in achieving nonreciprocal mechanical cooling and enhancing mechanical cooling deep into the ground-state. To see this, we expand every operator as the sum of its steady value and a small fluctuation, i.e., o(t) = os + δo, where o(t) denotes one of these quantities a1(t), a2(t), and b(t). For the forward-input case, the effective linearized Hamiltonian of the fluctuation operators (hereafter we drop the notation “δ” for all fluctuation operators for the sake of simplicity, like “δaa”) can be obtained:


where Δ1=Δ1+g(bs+bs*), and G=ga1,s is the effective COM coupling rate with the steady-state values


In our calculations, for the backward-input case, we need to, respectively, replace a1,↻, as,↺, Js, Δs with a1,↺, a2,↻, J0, Δ2. In the weak coupling regime, the reaction of the mechanical resonator to photon can be neglected [11]. So the fluctuation spectrum SFFω of the optomechanical force F=a1,+a1, is totally determined by the optical part in the effective Hamiltonian of Eq. 7:


The linearized quantum Langevin equations (QLEs) are given by


where a1,in and as,in are the noise operators. In the frequency domain, the linearized QLEs as


As a result, we obtain


with A(ω)=κ1i(ωΔ1)+Js2/[κ2i(ωΔs)]. Following the methods as given in Ref. [11], we can obtain the rate equations of the mechanical mode as


Here, γm is the mechanical damping rate; Pn is the probability for the mechanical element to be in the Fock state |n⟩; Γn−1←n is the transition rate from n to n1 induced by the effective magnomechanical coupling. According to the Fermi’s golden rule [8, 9], the heating and cooling rate are given by


Hence, we can obtain the final mean phonon number of the mechanical resonator and the quantum limit of cooling, which reads


where Γm = G2[SFF(ωm) − SFF(−ωm)] is the net cooling rate, and nm=(eωm/kBT1)1 is the thermal phonon number with the environment temperature T and the Boltzmann constant kB. We computed Eqs. 12–14 with experimentally feasible parameters to better understand the behavior of the nonreciprocal mechanical cooling [81, 82]. These parameters are λ = 1,550 nm, ωm = 2π × 23.4 MHz, κ1/ωm = 3, κ2/ωm = 0.5, m = 5 × 10−11 kg, mechanical quality factor Qm = ωm/γm = 105, g = 2 × 104 Hz, Pin = 1 mW, the initial phonon number nm = 312 (environment temperature T = 300 mK), and J0/ωm = 1, which can be tuned by controlling the air gap between the resonators. For a controllable gap (0.2 μm ∼ 2 μm), J0 is typically between 5 MHz ∼ 5 GHz [81]. We point out that the compound COM system consisting of two coupled silica microtoroid WGM resonators and a nearby optical fiber has been investigated experimentally [81, 82]. In addition, microring resonators with large χ(2)-nonlinearity and high-Q have been successfully fabricated in experiments [7580].

3 Nonreciprocal enhancement of mechanical cooling

As mentioned above, when the directional squeezing effect is not applied, the response of the system to the external driving field is reciprocal. However, by applying a directional quantum squeezing effect, the system exhibits nonreciprocal features when interchanging the ports of input and output. Firstly, we show that for our COM system, this squeezing effect leads to distinct changes in the effective squeezed mode detuning Δs and the effective coupling strength Js. Figure 2A shows the squeezing parameter r (inset figure), the detuning Δs, and the enhanced coupling rate Js as a function of pump ratio β. Increasing the pump ratio β approaches 1, r increases greatly (see inset figure), and the detuning Δs decreases to 0 (see blue solid curve in Figure 2A). Furthermore, the effective coupling strength Js is enhanced exponentially with respect to J0 with increasing β. This indicates that the presence of a directional quantum squeezing effect results in a shifted detuning of the squeezed mode and enhanced coupling strength.


FIGURE 2. (A) The squeezing parameter r (inset figure), the detuning Δs, and the enhanced coupling rate Js as a function of pump ratio β. (B) For the forward-input case, the fluctuation spectrum SFF(ω) (in arbitrary units) versus the frequency ω for different values of the ratio β. We have selected Δ1/ωm=1, and Δ2/ωm =−1. The other parameters can be found in the main text.

In the following, to verify the role of the squeezing effect in influencing the optical fluctuation spectrum, we plot Figure 2B to demonstrate that the optical fluctuation spectrum SFF(ω) varies with the frequency ω for different values of the ratio β. In our discussion, we focus on unresolved sideband cases, that is, κ1 > ωm. For comparisons, in the forward-input case, we first consider the case without a squeezing effect. For β = 0, two narrower peaks appear, with a dip emerging between them due to the interference between the two optical modes (see black dotted curve in Figure 2B) [16, 17]. If the directional quantum squeezing effect is present, increasing the ratio β leads to a more pronounced depth of the dip. The reason for the phenomenon is that the squeezing effect enhances the effective coupling strength Js [7074]. This implies that mechanical cooling deep into the ground-state is accessible.

In fact, in the case of a unresolved sideband, the cooling efficiency of mechanical mode is mainly determined by the positive-frequency SFF(+ωm) and negative-frequency SFF(−ωm) parts of the optical fluctuation spectrum, i.e., the fluctuation spectrum values SFF(ω = −ωm) and SFF(ω = ωm) determining the heating and cooling processes [11], respectively. Hence, in order to obtain optimal cooling, we should ensure that the optical fluctuation spectrum takes the minimum value at ω = −ωm and the maximum value at ω = ωm. As discussed in Ref. [16], in the double-COM system, the two peaks of the optical fluctuation spectrum are caused by the normal optical mode splitting. According to the optimal cooling condition Js=2ωm(ωmΔ1) [16], to maximize the transition rate of the cooling process, we choose Δ1/ωm=3 (focus only on the case of ωmΔ1>0), Δs/ωm = −1, β = 0.9, and Js/ωm=22, and thus J0/ωm=2. In Figure 3, the optical fluctuation spectrum SFF(ω) is shown as a function of the frequency ω for different optical decay rates. As shown in Figure 3A, for κ1/ωm = 3, SFF takes the minimum value at ω = −ωm and the maximum value at ω = ωm, corresponding to the heating and cooling processes, respectively. Moreover, increasing the optical decay rate of the COM resonator κ1/ωm results in suppression of the cooling process but not the heating process (see Figure 3A). Also, it is worth noting that by increasing the optical decay rate of the pure optical resonator κ2/ωm, the height of the peak of the cooling process increases while the depth of the valley of the heating process decreases (see Figure 3B). This suggests that in the compound COM system, in order to get nice cooling, it is necessary to control the decay rates of the two resonators while satisfying the optimal cooling conditions.


FIGURE 3. For the forward-input case, the fluctuation spectrum SFFω (in arbitrary units) as a function of the frequency ω for different optical decay rates of (A) the optomechanical resonator κ1/ωm and (B) the pure optical resonator κ2/ωm. Here we have chosen Δ1/ωm=3, Δs/ωm = −1, β = 0.9, and J0/ωm=2 in (A,B); κ2/ωm = 0.5 in (A) and κ1/ωm = 3 in (B). The other parameters can be found in the main text.

Below, we will show that nonreciprocal enhancement of mechanical cooling can be achieved by directional squeezing effects. First, we consider that the system is not in the optimal optical coupling condition, i.e., J0/ωm=2. As mentioned above, for the forward-input case (input from port 1), the effective coupling strength Js is enhanced exponentially relative to J0 with increasing pump ratio β. Accordingly, by increasing β, the system will gradually approach the optimal optical coupling conditions. In Figure 4A, the net cooling rate Γm is plotted versus the optical detuning Δ2 for different input directions, where the blue dotted line denotes the signal field input from port 2. For the backward-input case, it can be seen that the maximum net cooling rate is located around Δ2/ωm = −1. However, for the forward-input case, the maximum net cooling rate is not just located around Δ2/ωm = −1, and enhancement of the cooling rate can be achievable with increasing pump ratio β. For example, for the forward-input case, Γm takes its maximum value at Δ2/ωm = −2 (see red solid line in Figure 4A), while for the backward-input case, Γm takes its minimum value at Δ2/ωm = −2 (see blue dotted line in Figure 4A). The corresponding final mean phonon number, nf, is plotted in Figure 4B. For the backward-input case, it can be seen that the mechanical resonator can be cooled around Δ2/ωm = −1, corresponding to the maximum net cooling rate as shown in Figure 4A. However, for the forward-input case, mechanical cooling deep into the ground-state is accessible with an increase in the pump ratio β. For instance, the mean phonon number nf is about 0.4 for β = 0.9.


FIGURE 4. For J0=2ωm, (A) the net cooling rate Γm (in arbitrary units) and (B) the mean phonon number nf as a function of the optical detuning Δ2 for different input directions. The green dashed line and red solid line denote the signal field input from the left-hand side (port 1), corresponding to β = 0.5 and β = 0.9, respectively. The blue dotted line denotes the signal field input from the right-hand side (port 2). For J0=22ωm, (C) Γm (in arbitrary units) and (D) nf versus Δ2 for different input directions. We have selected β =0.9 in (C,D). The other parameters can be found in the main text.

Finally, we consider that the system is in the optimal optical coupling condition, i.e., J0/ωm=22. As shown in Figure 4C, for the backward-input case, Γm takes its maximum value at Δ2/ωm = −1. Accordingly, one can see that the final mean phonon number nf can be less than 0.5 (see blue dotted line in Figure 4D). That means the mechanical resonator can be cooled close to its ground-state under optimal cooling conditions. More importantly, for the forward-input case, Γm takes its maximum value at Δ2/ωm = −6 (see red solid line in Figure 4C). Accordingly, the minimum final mean phonon number is obtained at Δ2/ωm = −6 (see red solid line in Figure 4D). That is to say, for a given pump ratio β, when a signal field is driven from the left-hand side (port 1), the mechanical resonator can be cooled down to its ground state; meanwhile, when a signal field is driven from the right-hand side (port 2), it cannot be effectively cooled, and vice versa, i.e., nonreciprocal mechanical cooling is achieved. As shown in Figure 4D, for β = 0.9, there are two nonreciprocal cooling segments on the x-axis, corresponding to Δ2/ωm < − 2.2 and −1.2 < Δ2/ωm < 0.1. The reason is that the directional quantum squeezing leads to effective squeezed mode detuning and chiral photon hopping between two optical modes.

4 Conclusion

In conclusion, we theoretically investigate the role of directional quantum squeezing in achieving nonreciprocal enhancement of mechanical cooling in a compound cavity optomechanical system consisting of an optomechanical resonator and a χ(2)-nonlinear resonator. By unidirectionally pumping the χ(2)-nonlinear resonator, the squeezed effect occurs only in the selected direction, resulting in asymmetric optical detuning a tunable chiral photon interaction between two resonators. As a result, the cooling and heating process depends on the driving direction, making it possible to achieve a nonreciprocal mechanical cooling. Moreover, enhanced mechanical cooling deep into the ground-state can be achievable in the selected direction due to the squeezing effect. These results provide a different route for manipulating COM systems through the directional quantum squeezing effect, and may lead to applications in various quantum acoustic devices.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author contributions

T-XL: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing–original draft, Funding acquisition. L-SC: Writing–review and editing, Formal Analysis, Investigation. W-JZ: Writing–review and editing, Formal Analysis, Investigation. XX: Funding acquisition, Project administration, Supervision, Writing–review and editing.


The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was supported by the funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (12205054 and 12265004), the Jiangxi Provincial Education Office Natural Science Fund Project (GJJ211437), and Ph.D. Research Foundation (BSJJ202122).

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: cavity optomechanical system, nonreciprocal ground-state cooling, quantum squeezing, nonlinear resonator, unidirectionally pumping

Citation: Lu T-X, Chen L-S, Zhong W-J and Xiao X (2023) Quantum squeezing induced nonreciprocal enhancement of optomechanical cooling. Front. Phys. 11:1332496. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1332496

Received: 03 November 2023; Accepted: 01 December 2023;
Published: 15 December 2023.

Edited by:

Qing Ai, Beijing Normal University, China

Reviewed by:

Yang-Yang Wang, Xijing University, China
H. Z. Shen, Northeast Normal University, China

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