AUTHOR=Ren Kai , Leng Bo , Zhang Chang , Sun Qingyun , Tang Wencheng TITLE=The dynamic investigation of intrinsic vibration characteristics of a stranding machine by the finite element method JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physics VOLUME=11 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphy.2023.1159064 ISSN=2296-424X ABSTRACT=
In response to the design problems of violent vibration and noise when a stranding machine is running at high speed, this project completed a motion simulation and vibration analysis based on the prototype FB-650C-2 bow-type stranding machine produced by Fuchuan Mechanical and Electrical Technology Co. The modal analysis was carried out in ANSYS to obtain the first eight orders of inherent frequencies and vibration patterns, combined with excitation force analysis to verify whether the rotating parts could avoid the resonant frequency when operating. Harmonic response analysis was carried out based on the modal state to calculate the steady-state forced vibration of the structure, and the variation curve of response value (usual deformation) with frequency and the cloud diagrams of stress distribution of each component at the rotation frequency were obtained. Suggestions for improving vibration and reducing noise were made based on the experimental and analytical results.