- 1Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges, Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven, Netherlands
- 2Vision and Sensing, Prodrive Technologies B.V., Science Park Eindhoven, Son, Netherlands
Plasma afterglows interacting with dust grains present a dynamic environment in which negatively charged dust grains leaving the plasma bulk experience an environment with plasma conditions transient in space and time. This review focuses on the impact of atmospheric pressure on the physics concerning the interaction between dust grains and the plasma afterglow. The four stage model commonly applied to low pressure dusty plasma afterglows provides a guiding framework for the analysis describing the phases of electron temperature relaxation, ambipolar diffusion, ambipolar-to-free diffusion transition and free diffusion. This work is completed by a non-exhaustive overview of research gaps and opportunities in the young and vibrant field of atmospheric pressure dusty plasma afterglows.
1 Introduction
Dust grains immersed in a plasma environment contribute strongly to the collective behavior by virtue of the electric charge obtained through interactions with the electrons, ions and electric fields. For many applications, from nanoparticle production [1, 2] to contamination control [3, 4], charged dust grains eventually leave the active plasma environment for subsequent processing. As a consequence, charged dust grains experience the transition from the active plasma region, through the ion-rich plasma afterglow with a net positive space charge, into an equilibrium environment containing neutral gas and long-lived radicals.
Early observations [5–7] of dust with residual charges in decaying plasmas at low pressure triggered investigations of dust (de)charging in temporal and spatial afterglow plasmas [8–18]. By contrast, the interaction of nanoparticles with atmospheric pressure afterglow plasmas constitutes a relatively unexplored field compared to low pressure dusty plasma afterglows. Nevertheless, the synthesis of nanocrystals at atmospheric pressure provides a low cost method to produce and deposit nanoparticles [19–22] with a specific structure [23, 24] and optical properties [25, 26], while the deposition of thin films using atmospheric pressure plasmas represents a cost effective alternative to vacuum processes [27–30] and provides the potential to include nanoparticles [20]. With the advent of these upcoming nanotechnologies, the demand for sensing abilities of such nanoparticles (or ultrafine particles) is also increasingly drawing attention [31–34]. Further progress of these technologies is limited by a lack of understanding of the interaction between nanoparticles and afterglow plasmas at atmospheric pressure.
Modeling efforts and experiments on atmospheric pressure afterglow plasmas interacting with dust grains have shown significant progress towards a more detailed understanding of these environments [35–41]. The models and experiments focused on the transition between the bulk plasma, where dust grains are negatively charged, towards an equilibrium gas in which dust grains can be left with residual positive charges. Such charging effects are heavily affected by deviations from bulk plasma properties such as quasi-neutrality, ambipolar diffusion and electron temperatures exceeding those of the gaseous and ion species. In turn, the charge state of nanoparticles strongly influences the aggregation of plasma species and coagulation with other nanoparticles [37]. Consequently, the spatial afterglow of such flow-through plasmas determines largely the resulting size distribution and material structure of nanoparticles synthesized using atmospheric pressure plasma reactors.
This review collects the existing knowledge on atmospheric pressure dusty plasma afterglows following the established model for low pressure dusty plasma afterglows [7, 15, 17, 42–45], and finalizes with a discussion of open gaps in this young and vibrant field of dusty plasma research.
2 Physics of dusty plasma afterglows
In the plasma afterglow, four stages can be identified during which the dust grain charge diminishes due to the decaying plasma conditions [15, 17]: (I) electron temperature relaxation, (II) ambipolar diffusion, (III) ambipolar-to-free diffusion transition, (IV) free diffusion, which are followed by an equilibrium with residual dust charge. In this work, there is no explicit definition of short τ0 and long τ∞ time scales as used in the definitions by Ivlev et al [7] and Couëdel et al [15, 42–44]. Instead, the time scales denoted in this work are calculated for specific plasma conditions that approximate an early (close to the short time scales) or late (before reaching equilibrium where t → ∞) afterglow plasma at atmospheric pressure.
The physics of dust grains interacting with atmospheric pressure plasma afterglows is mostly impacted by the smaller mean free paths (i.e. much higher collision frequencies) compared to vacuum conditions. The mean free path lsn of a charged or neutral species due to collisions with the neutral gas species is defined as
for species s, which could be electrons, ions or radicals, for example, where nn denotes the neutral gas density and σsn the collision cross section. As a consequence, the transfer of energy and momentum occurs much more frequently and limits the mobility of the species involved in, for instance, electron temperature relaxation and the currents imposed on dust grains.
2.1 Stage I: electron temperature relaxation
During the first phase (I), the electron temperature drops quickly due to the absence of an active ionization source. This temperature drop is caused by frequent collisions between energetic electrons and neutral gas particles at room temperature, which occurs on a time scale typically about τT ∼10–4 s under low pressure conditions (given for p = 0.4 mbar [15]). The charge fluctuation time scale τQ ∼ 10–6 − 10–5 s, as given by Couëdel et al [15] for the same conditions, is much smaller than τT. This means that the dust charge in the low pressure afterglow remains in quasi-steady state with the plasma conditions. Hence, under vacuum conditions, the relaxation of the electron temperature occurs sufficiently slow with respect to the (nearly temperature-independent) charging time scale so that the magnitude of the dust charge decreases steadily with the decaying plasma conditions [15].
Under atmospheric conditions, this situation differs significantly due to the electron-neutral collisionality. This effect has been accounted for by various models [37, 46], where a global model for the temporal afterglow was used due to the lack of a spatial afterglow model for the electron temperature. Given the scaling of the electron temperature relaxation timescale [15, 47],
where σen denotes the electron-neutral collision cross section and
The difference in electron temperature relaxation time scale between low and atmospheric pressure conditions implies that the dust charging time scale also needs to be assessed with respect to an enhanced pressure. The ion current experiences collisions much more frequently at atmospheric pressure. To assess the contribution of the collisionless
with α = 1.22 accounting for the Maxwellian ion energy distribution and R0 the capture radius, both as defined by Equation [5, 6] in Gatti and Kortshagen [50]. This Knudsen number is at most 0.02 for dust grain radii ad = 10–300 nm, argon ions in argon at atmospheric pressure σin ≈ 5.8 × 10–19 m−2 [51], nn = 2.6 × 1025 m−3, plasma density of ne = ni = 1018 m−3, and otherwise similar conditions used by Couëdel et al [15]. Hence, this means that only the hydrodynamic ion current contributes significantly to the total ion current. Consequently, the charge fluctuation timescale can be determined using the collisionless electron current (i.e.
where e denotes the elementary charge, μi = eDi/Ti the ion mobility, Di the ion diffusion coefficient, and Ti the ion temperature. From Eq. 5, it can be evaluated that
2.2 Stage II: ambipolar diffusion
The second stage concerns the decay of the plasma density, from (the end of) the bulk plasma, until the point at which free diffusion is achieved. Plasma loss is due to ambipolar diffusion onto the reactor walls, recombination at the surface of dust grains and volume recombination of charged species.
Ambipolar diffusion dominates free diffusion as long as the electron Debye length λDe is much smaller than the reactor size Λ during the early afterglow. In low temperature plasmas, ambipolar diffusion is governed by the ion diffusivity Di [52, 53], due to the high mobility of electrons μi ≪ μe, so that
and the ambipolar diffusion time scale τamb boils down to [54]:
By evaluation of Eq. 7 for low and atmospheric pressure conditions, one arrives at ambipolar diffusion time scales of
The absorption of charged species at the surface of the dust grains provides the second plasma loss mechanism, if the dust density is sufficiently high [55, 56] by assuming here nd = 1013 m−3. As the dust grains are negatively charged by the bulk plasma, the decrease of the ion density is governed by the flux of ions necessitated for recombination, Γi, lost at the surface of the dust grains,
Under low pressure conditions, the particle absorption time τA is thus determined by the OML ion current [15],
where λDL denotes the linearized Debye length [57]. Using Eq. 9, 10 for the particle absorption time scales, it can be seen that the ordering
differs vastly from the ordering at atmospheric pressure
The outcome for low pressure agrees with findings under such conditions following the four stage model [42]. By contrast, the recombination of ions at the dust surface provides a significant sink compared to reactor wall losses at atmospheric pressure.
Third, ion-electron recombination plays a significant role at atmospheric pressure. For the purpose of comparison, the recombination time scale is based on collisional-radiative recombination for Ar+ with electrons [58]:
Under vacuum, ne = 1015 m−3 and Te = Ti, the recombination time scale is in the order of seconds already in the early afterglow, while τCR ∼ 10–5 s for ne = 1018 m−3 and electrons at room temperature. Please note that also dissociative recombination of molecular ions and other three-body processes can become significant and that this analysis is purely illustrative for the comparison. Consequently, electron-ion recombination could play an important role for plasma loss in the afterglow, although its contribution diminishes quickly with decreasing plasma density.
In conclusion, the plasma density decays steadily due to the loss of electrons and ions to the reactor walls and the surface of dust grains, and by volume recombination at atmospheric pressure. Moreover, the dust density, plasma density, dust size and the gas composition can significantly influence the foregoing ordering of time scales and dominance of the associated processes. The steady decay of the plasma density amounts to two important implications. First, the electron Debye length increases during the plasma decay up to a point at which it becomes comparable to the reactor size, i.e. Λ/λDe ∼ 1. Second, the electron density decay results in an increasing significance of the total dust grain charge to the quasi-neutrality condition, i.e., the Havnes parameter PH = |qd|nd/(ene) ∼ 1, where the threshold condition is strongly affected by the value of the dust density [53]. Ambipolar diffusion is halted when one of these conditions is met and consequently, charged species transport becomes governed by free diffusion.
2.3 Stage III: ambipolar-to-free diffusion transition
During the third phase (III), a transition from ambipolar to free diffusion occurs when the electron Debye length tends towards the size of the reactor. At this point, ambipolar diffusion is no longer dominantly driving the transport and the ratio of these processes is important to determine the ratio of electron and ion density during the afterglow process. Several models on dust decharging in the low pressure afterglow have accounted for this transition explicitly such as the model by Couëdel et al [42] and Denysenko et al [17]. In both low [42] and atmospheric pressure [41] cases, it has been noted that a minor deviation from ambipolar diffusion, early in the afterglow, can greatly affect the residual dust charge by broadening the dust charge distributions and resulting in positive residual charges.
The ratio of ambipolar and free diffusivity is often based on the dimensionless (squared) ratio of the reactor size Λ and the electron Debye length λDe [59]. In early studies [59, 60], it was stated already that the transition does not proceed abruptly, but rather that deviations from ambipolar diffusion occur at ratios Λ/λDe ∼100. Although such studies have been performed decades ago, Λ/λDe ∼10 is also used to define the ambipolar-to-free diffusion transition in work on the afterglow [61–63]. Nevertheless, in different works [17, 42], the ambipolar-to-free diffusion transition is explicitly accounted for to provide estimates for the dust residual charge. As the authors point out, the accuracy of the diffusion transition is key to determine the dust decharging process, because the losses to dust grains may also affect the transition from ambipolar to free diffusion.
2.4 Stage IV: free diffusion
During the fourth phase (IV), free diffusion occurs when charge separation is allowed on reactor length scales, after which electrons and ions diffuse independently. This is formalized by the condition that the electron Debye length λDe is similar to the order of the reactor length Λ, i.e. Λ/λDe ∼ 1. From this moment, the electrons are quickly lost to the reactor walls and dust grains due to the mass difference (i.e. mi ≫ me) at the same temperature. As a consequence, the dust grains are left in a positive space charge region which results in an increasingly less negative dust charge by absorption of ions. In the end, the charge distribution is severely changed compared to the previous phase to such extent that part of the dust grains can become positively charged [42].
The positive ion density is transported to the reactor walls by free diffusion, or absorbed at the surface of the dust grains. The time scale of free diffusion of the ions τfree is governed by the diffusivity and the reactor length scale,
for Λ = 1 mm and the ion diffusion coefficient,
where the parameters were defined already for Eqs. 3–9 for argon ions diffusing in argon gas at atmospheric pressure. Because Λ = 100 mm typically at low pressure, and the pressure typically equals ∼0.1 mbar, the free diffusion time scale for the ions is the same as that at atmospheric pressure.
The loss of ions due to absorption by the dust grains can be evaluated using Fuchs’ theory of aerosol charging, although there is serious debate about the applicability of the theoretical assumptions underlying the model to small particles [40, 64]. Using Fuchs’ theory [65], the neutralization time scale of the dust grains due to ion absorption
where βi = 10–11 m3 s−1 obtained from Suresh et al [41] for ni = 1014 m−3 at p = 1000 mbar and Tn = 300 K. By comparison of [14–16], it can be concluded that the ions are quickly lost by absorption to the dust grains down to an ion density of about ni ∼1012 m−3, after which free diffusion to the walls plays an equally significant role. Consequently, this means that the ion density present during this stage is critical in determining the residual dust charge.
The dust residual charge becomes frozen, when the plasma density is insufficient to provide any significant current. The frozen charge condition, as described by Chaubey et al [45] and Ivlev et al [7], states that the charge becomes frozen when τL ≲ τQ. At very low pressure, plasma loss occurs much faster than charge fluctuations, i.e. τL ≪ τQ, and the dust charge can be frozen already from the beginning of the afterglow. At atmospheric pressure, however, the plasma loss timescale can exceed the charge fluctuation timescale, which agrees with the scaling of the frozen charge condition with pressure as described by Ivlev et al [7].
In Figure 1, the timescales discussed in this work are depicted as a function of the particle radius ad in the range of 1–1000 nm, evaluated for three different phases as indicated in the figure caption. The conditions related to phase 1 are similar to those used for evaluation of the electron temperature relaxation stage. It can be seen that the charge fluctuation timescale τQ ≲ τT in the early afterglow (phase 1 and 2), which means that the charge is in quasi-steady state with the plasma conditions for all sizes depicted. Because the electron temperature relaxation is much faster than the timescales of plasma losses, the phase 2 and 3 timescales are the target of further analysis. These conditions are based on the ambipolar diffusion stage (phase 2) and the free diffusion stage (phase 3). Recombination occurs much faster than the ambipolar and particle absorption losses as
FIGURE 1. Timescales τ (s) as a function of particle radius ad (m). The timescales have been evaluated for three different conditions. Superscript 1 (phase 1): Te = 2 eV and np = 1018 m−3. Superscript 2 (phase 2): Te = 0.025 eV and np = 1018 m−3. Superscript 3 (phase 3): Te = 0.025 eV and np = 1014 m−3.
3 Discussion
The foregoing analysis of the physics of atmospheric pressure dusty plasma afterglows is related to recent experimental and modelling work in this section to define open gaps in the field.
First, it is noted by various authors that a deviation from ambipolar diffusion early in the afterglow introduces growing differences between the electron and ion density, which greatly affect the final charge distribution of the nanoparticles [37, 41]. In the model by Chen et al [37], for example, the transition from ambipolar-to-free diffusion is simply put as two limiting cases due to the lack of a clear transition model, as stated by the authors. Consequently, an improved understanding of the transition from ambipolar-to-free diffusion could be gained by accurately modeling the ratio of the electron to ion density and the electric field, as both evolve dynamically in the spatial afterglow of flow-through plasmas.
Second, it is stated by multiple authors that accurate knowledge of the (absolute) ion and electron density in the afterglow is required to predict the dust charge distribution [41, 42]. It was found by Suresh et al through a comparison of their model to experiments by Sharma et al [38] that the fraction of charged particles increases with both electron and ion density present at the beginning of the spatial afterglow [41]. This implies that the electron density provides a tuning knob for the dust charge distribution, which shifts to positive residual mean charge for increasing electron density. Additionally, external electric fields have been used to manipulate the dust charge in the afterglow [11, 12, 14, 18, 35, 36, 45, 66]. In various experiments, it was found that a bias voltage can result in positively charged dust grains, or can be used to reduce the dust charge. However, it was noted that different mechanisms could be at play such as a decreased electron loss or thermionic emission from the wall [35]. Hence, the manipulation and measurement of the electron and ion density in future experiments would greatly assist the development of models and physical control of dust charge distributions.
Third, inconsistencies have been noted regarding the charge distribution of dust grains in relation to the dust grain size. In the afterglow, the characteristic charging time takes most time for the smallest dust grains due to the decreasing probability of a collision with charged species. For small nanoparticles with ad ≲100 nm, the charge fluctuation time scale τQ typically exceeds the residence time τres in the afterglow meaning that the dust charge is not in a steady state [38]. However, this also suggests that dust particles below a critical size—for which τQ ∼ τres—should not exhibit a bipolar charge distribution, which is a conclusion opposite to their observations. For larger nanoparticles with ad ≳100 nm, the dust grains became net positively charged for lower residence times (i.e. due to higher flow velocity) [36], which is in sharp contrast with the idea that shorter interaction time leads to charge distributions with mean negative charge. In conclusion, future endeavors could be targeting the transient dynamics of nanoparticles interacting with afterglow plasmas to capture the physics involved in the charging of small nanoparticles.
Fourth, there are several opportunities for future research that span interest across other fields. The presence of negative ions built from molecular species introduced by a precursor gas could have a major influence on the dust charging [38], but also on the depletion of electrons in the bulk and afterglow plasma [67]. The effect of neutral radicals and nanoparticles is not often mentioned in the foregoing literature, although neutral radicals contribute significantly to surface growth and an abundance of neutral nanoparticles in the bulk plasma already implies that coagulation becomes a significant mechanism for dust growth [68]. The relatively high fluxes compared to typical low pressure plasmas induce significant heating induced by recombination at the dust surface, which leads to increased hydrogen desorption and crystallization of the material [39].
Experimentalists, theoreticians and modellers clearly face many challenges in their effort to understanding dusty plasma afterglows. As the charge of dust particles in the plasma afterglow greatly impacts the material properties such as the crystallinity and size distribution, their combined effort will enable many applications from controlled synthesis of nanosized materials to contamination control at the nanometer scale.
Author contributions
The author of this work declares that this manuscript was drafted in solitude by TS and that the author is solely accountable for the content of this manuscript.
The author expresses his gratitude to T.J.M. Donders for fruitful discussions on dusty plasma afterglows and an offline review of this work.
Conflict of interest
Author T.J.A. Staps was employed by Prodrive Technologies B.V.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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Keywords: dusty plasma, nanoparticle, afterglow, plasma, atmospheric pressure, dust grain, decharging, charge distribution
Citation: Staps TJA (2022) A review of nanoparticle decharging in atmospheric pressure plasma afterglows. Front. Phys. 10:988812. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.988812
Received: 07 July 2022; Accepted: 11 August 2022;
Published: 07 September 2022.
Edited by:
John Goree, The University of Iowa, United StatesReviewed by:
Neeraj Chaubey, The University of Iowa, United StatesRanganathan Gopalakrishnan, University of Memphis, United States
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*Correspondence: T.J.A. Staps , dC5qLmEuc3RhcHNAdHVlLm5s, dGltLnN0YXBzQHByb2RyaXZlLXRlY2hub2xvZ2llcy5jb20=