- 1Departamento de Física, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain
- 2Instituto de Computación Científica Avanzada (ICCAEx), Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain
We study the conditions under which a Mpemba-like effect emerges in granular gases of inelastic and rough hard disks driven by a class of thermostats characterized by the splitting of the noise intensity into translational and rotational counterparts. Thus, granular particles are affected by a stochastic force and a stochastic torque, which inject translational and rotational energy, respectively. We realize that a certain choice of a thermostat of this class can be characterized just by the total intensity and the fraction of noise transferred to the rotational degree of freedom with respect to the translational ones. Firstly, Mpemba effect is characterized by the appearance of a crossing between the temperature curves of the considered samples. Later, an overshoot of the temperature evolution with respect to the steady-state value is observed and the mechanism of Mpemba effect generation is changed. The choice of parameters allows us to design plausible protocols based on these thermostats for generating the initial states to observe the Mpemba-like effect in experiments. In order to obtain explicit results, we use a well-founded Maxwellian approximation for the evolution dynamics and the steady-state quantities. Finally, theoretical results are compared with direct simulation Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics results, and a very good agreement is found.
1 Introduction
Since the Antiquity, the fact that water could start freezing earlier for initially hotter samples was observed and commented by very influential people of different epochs like Aristotle [1], Francis Bacon [2], or René Descartes [3]. This counterintuitive phenomenon contradicts Isaac Newton’s formulation of its well-known cooling’s law [4, 5], but otherwise it is part of the popular belief in cold countries. The scientific community started to pay attention to this effect since the late 60s of the last century thanks to its accidental rediscovery by a Tanzanian high-school student, Erasto B. Mpemba. Later, he and Dr. Denis Osborne reported their findings [6, 7] and since then the effect is usually known as Mpemba effect (ME).
Whereas the original tested system for ME has been water [6–37], it is still under discussion and no consensus about its occurrence has been agreed [38–40]. In fact, the statistical physics community is currently paying attention to Mpemba-like effects that have been described in a huge variety of complex systems in the last decades, such as ideal gases [41], molecular gases [42–44], gas mixtures [45], granular gases [46–52], inertial suspensions [53, 54], spin glasses [55], Ising models [56–58], non-Markovian mean-field systems [59, 60], carbon nanotube resonators [61], clathrate hydrates [62], active systems [63], or quantum systems [64]. The theoretical approach to the fundamentals of the problem has been done via different routes like Markovian statistics [65–69] or Landau’s theory of phase transitions [70]. Recently, in the context of a molecular gas under a nonlinear drag force, new interpretations and definitions of ME from thermal and entropic point of views, as well as a classification of the whole possible phenomenology, have been carried out [44]. In addition, ME has been experimentally observed in colloids [71, 72], proving that it is a real effect present in nature.
The very first time that ME was observed theoretically in granular gaseous rapid flows was in [46]. The considered system was a set of inelastic and smooth hard spheres (with constant coefficient of normal restitution) heated by a stochastic thermostat, the effect arising by initially preparing the system in far from Maxwellian states. The same type of initial preparation was applied to the case of molecular gases with nonlinear drag [42, 44]. Essentially, the temperature evolution depends on the whole moment hierarchy of the velocity distribution function (particularly on the excess kurtosis, or fourth cumulant, and, more weakly, on the sixth cumulant), this dependence giving rise to the possible appearance of ME.
On the other hand, there is no need to consider an initial velocity distribution function (VDF) far from the Maxwell–Boltzmann one if the temperature is coupled to other basic variables that can be fine-tuned in the initial preparation of the system. This occurs in the case of a monocomponent granular gas made by inelastic and rough hard spheres thermostatted by a stochastic force [47], as well as in driven binary mixtures of either molecular or inelastic gases [45, 48]. In those systems, one does not need to invoke strong nonGaussianities, since the temperature relaxation essentially depends on the rotational-to-translational temperature ratio (in the case of rough particles) or on the partial component temperatures (in the case of mixtures). A similar situation applies in the presence of anisotropy in either the injection of energy [51] or in the velocity flow [53]. However, there is still a lack of protocol defining a possible nearly realistic preparation of the initial states for a granular or molecular gas in homogeneous and isotropic states. Unlike other memory effects, such as Kovac’s effect [73, 74], ME has not a predefined way to elaborate a protocol.
In this work, we have addressed the latter preparation problem for a specific model of granular gases. We consider a monodisperse granular gas of inelastic and rough hard disks, where inelasticity is parameterized via a constant coefficient of normal restitution, α, and the roughness is accounted for by a coefficient of tangential restitution, β, assumed to be constant as well. Disks are “heated” by a stochastic thermostat which injects energy to both translational and rotational degrees of freedom through a combination of a stochastic force and a stochastic torque, both with properties of a white noise. The relative amount of energy injected to the rotational degree of freedom, relative to that injected to the translational degrees of freedom, can be freely chosen. Therefore, we will denote this thermostat as splitting thermostat (ST). The quantity coupled to the temperature that will monitor the possible occurrence of ME will be the rotational-to-translational temperature ratio, as in [47], where, however, a stochastic torque was absent. This double energy-injection based on ST allows us to fix the initial conditions of the variables that play a role in the evolution process, namely the temperature and its coupling. A side effect of providing energy to the rotational degree of freedom is that it favors the possibility of an overshoot of the temperature with respect to its steady-state value. This might cause ME, even in the absence of a crossing between the temperatures of the two samples [44]. Therefore, the protocol must be adapted to this specific phenomenon.
It is worth saying that our theoretical approach is based on a Maxwellian approximation (MA), that is, we assume that both transient and steady-state VDFs are close to a two-temperature Maxwellian. This approach is founded on previous works for the case of zero stochastic torque [75] and on preliminary results for the system at hand [76]. Moreover, the two-dimensional characterization of the physical system is thought to be plausible for hopefully being reproduced in some experimental setup. As will be seen, the reliability of our theoretical approach is confirmed by computer simulations via the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method and event-driven molecular dynamics (EDMD).
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, the model system for a granular gas of inelastic and rough hard disks thermostatted by stochastic force and torque is introduced. Also, explicit evolution equations and expressions for the steady-state dynamic variables are shown under the MA, and the theoretical results are compared with DSMC and EDMD. Section 3 collects the definition and necessary conditions for ME to occur taking into account the emergence or not of overshoot during evolution. Subsequently, and based on the analysis of this section, two different protocols are presented for observing ME in cases without and with overshoot, respectively. This discussion is accompanied by its proper comparison with simulation results. Finally, concluding remarks are presented in Section 4.
2 The model
We consider a set of mechanically identical inelastic and rough hard disks of mass m, diameter σ, and reduced moment of inertia κ ≡ 4I/mσ2 (I being the moment of inertia). The translational velocities lie on the xy plane, i.e.,
In the case α ≠ 1 or |β| ≠ 1, that is, when kinetic energy is dissipated upon collisions, the undriven system will evolve up to a completely frozen state. In order to avoid that quench, we will force the particles to externally receive energy via a homogeneous stochastic force Fwn and a homogeneous stochastic torque τwn that inject translational and rotational kinetic energy, respectively, with the properties of a white noise. That is,
FIGURE 1. (A) Illustration of the system, where the green horizontal straight arrows and the blue curved ones represent the stochastic force Fwn and the stochastic torque τwn in Eqs. 2, respectively. (B) Mechanism of injection-dissipation of energy in the introduced model. Dissipative collisions produce a cooling effect on the translational and rotational temperatures (Ttr and Trot), together with a transfer between the translational and rotational energies (equipartition effect). Additionally, the external white-noise force and torque inject energy (heating effect).
To dynamically describe the system, we will work under the assumptions of the homogeneous Boltzmann–Fokker–Planck equation (BFPE). That is, we consider a homogeneous and isotropic gas in a dilute regime, such that the evolution due to the collisional process is determined by just binary collisions, assuming Stosszahlansatz (or molecular chaos). The BFPE for this collisional model together, with the ST, is written as follows
where f is the one-particle VDF, J[v, ω|f] is the usual Boltzmann collision operator for hard disks defined as [78–80].
where n is the number density, the subscript + in the integral over
2.1 Dynamics
The time evolution of the system is fully described by the BFPE, Eq. 3, which allows one to determine the dynamics of macroscopic quantities. The most important and basic quantities to study the dynamics of the system will be the translational and rotational granular temperatures defined at a certain time t as
where the notation ⟨⋅⟩ means the average over the instantaneous VDF,
One should notice that the partial noise intensities
In the definition of T(t) we have taken into account that there are two translational and one rotational degrees of freedom. This new pair of variables will be useful to study ME, which will be related to the evolution of the mean granular temperature T(t). In addition, this change of dynamical quantities in Eq. 8 induces a change of parameters describing the ST. Thus, we introduce the total noise intensity, χ2, and the rotational-to-total noise intensity ratio, ɛ, as
Notice that
Therefore, from now on the ST will be characterized by the pair (Twn, ɛ). In terms of the new parameters, the BFPE, Eq. 3, reads
being a reference noise-induced collisional frequency.
Inserting the definitions of partial granular temperatures, Eq. 6, into Eq. 11, one obtains
are the translational and rotational energy production rates [78, 80].
In terms of the quantities defined in Eq. 8, Eqs. 13 become
is the cooling rate.
According to Eqs. 15, the steady-state quantities
which imply a balance between collisional cooling and external heating. The steady-state temperature can be used to define a reduced temperature
is the steady-state collision frequency. More in general, the time-dependent collision frequency is
The above collision frequency can be used to nondimensionalize the energy production rates as
are the reduced collisional moments. In Eq. 21,
Using these dimensionless definitions, Eqs. 15 yield
where use has been made of Eqs. 17, 22.
According to the definition of collisional moments, Eq. 21, they depend on the whole VDF. This implies that Eqs. 23 do not make a closed set of equations. The same applies to the steady-state solution, Eqs. 22. This shortcoming, however, can be circumvented if an approximate closure is applied. This is the subject of section 2.2.
2.2 Maxwellian approximation
In order to get explicit results from Eqs. 22, 23 by using the simplest possible closure, we resort to the two-temperature MA
This approximation does a very good job in the three-dimensional case with ɛ = 0 [75] and it is reasonably expected to perform also well in the case of disks with ɛ ≠ 0.
Within this approximation, the relevant collisional moments can be evaluated with the result [78–80].
Solving Eqs. 22, we get the steady-state expressions
In particular,
From Eqs. 26 one can observe that θst is independent of Twn and, at given α and β, it is a monotonically increasing function of ɛ. This is physically expected since, by growing ɛ, we are increasing the relative amount of rotational energy injected with respect to the total energy; therefore, it is presumed that the stationary value of Trot rises with respect to Ttr at fixed Twn. Thus, the most disparate values of θst correspond to ɛ = 1 and 0, their difference being plotted in Figure 2 as a function of α and β.
FIGURE 2. Difference θst(ɛ = 1) − θst(ɛ = 0) [Eq. 28] in the plane (α, β).
It is interesting to note that, in the MA, Eq. 24, one simply has.
As a consequence, Eqs. 23 can be recast as
Figures 3, 4 show density plots of Φ(T∗, θ) for α = 0.9 and 0.7, respectively. In each case, two values of β (0 and −0.7) and three values of ɛ (0, 0.5, and 1) are considered. We observe that, typically, Φ(T∗, θ) increases with increasing θ at fixed T∗, while it decreases with increasing T∗ at fixed θ.
FIGURE 3. Density plots of Φ(T*, θ) for α = 0.9 and (A) β = 0, ɛ = 0; (B) β = 0, ɛ = 0.5; (C) β = 0, ɛ = 1; (D) β = −0.7, ɛ = 0; (E) β = −0.7, ɛ = 0.5; and (F) β = −0.7, ɛ = 1. The contour lines (solid for Φ < 0, dashed for Φ > 0) are separated by an amount ΔΦ = 0.1. The thick solid line is the locus Φ(T*, θ) = 0. It intercepts the (brown dash-dotted) vertical line T* = 1 at θ = θst.
FIGURE 4. Same as Figure 3 but for α = 0.7.
2.3 Comparison with simulation results
In order to check the validity of the MA, we have compared our theoretical predictions against DSMC and EDMD simulation results both for transient and steady-state values.
The DSMC algorithm used is based on the one presented in, e.g., [81, 82], and adapted for the model presented in this work. For our DSMC simulations we have dealt with N = 104 particles and chosen a time step Δt = 4 × 10–5/νwn. In addition, the way of implementing the stochastic force and torque in the EDMD code is based on the approximate Green function algorithm [83], as applied to the ST. We have chosen N = 3.6 × 103 particles, a density nσ2 = 5 × 10–4 (implying a box length of L/σ ≈ 1897.37), and a time step Δt ≈ 4 × 10–4/νwn. No instabilities were observed.
In Figure 5, results for the steady-state values
FIGURE 5. Steady-state values of the mean temperature
As a test of the transient stage, we present in Figure 6 the evolution of T∗ and θ (starting from a Gaussian-generated VDF with
FIGURE 6. Time evolution of the reduced mean temperature T* and the rotational-to-translational temperature ratio θ for ɛ = 0, 0.8, and 1. The initial conditions are
2.4 Temperature overshoot
As illustrated in Figure 6, the evolution of T∗(t∗) for certain initial states might experiment an overshoot
In general, at a given initial condition
Figure 7 shows
FIGURE 7. Phase diagram for the emergence of overshoot. The numerical critical value
3 Mpemba effect
As already said in Section 1, ME refers to the counterintuitive phenomenon according to which an initially hotter sample of a given fluid relaxes earlier to the steady state than an initially colder one. In a recent paper [44], we distinguished between the thermal ME—where the relaxation process is described by the temperature of the system (second moment of the VDF)— and the entropic ME—where the deviation from the final steady state is monitored by the Kullback–Leibler divergence (thus involving the full VDF). Whereas this distinction is interesting and the relationship between the thermal ME and the entropic ME is not always biunivocal [44], we focus this paper on the thermal version due to its simpler characterization and its relationship with the original results [6]. Morover, only cooling processes will be considered throughout this work.
Let us assume two samples—denoted by A and B—of the same gas, subject to the same noise temperature
3.1 Standard Mpemba effect
Let us first consider the standard form of thermal ME [42, 44–47], where both
It can be reasonably expected that a necessary condition for the occurrence of the SME is that the initial slope is smaller in sample A than in sample B, i.e.,
Note here that the usual situation is that both slopes are negative, in which case
3.2 Overshoot Mpemba effect
The emergence of the temperature overshoot described in Section 2.4 makes the crossover criterion employed in the SME become meaningless. Imagine that such a crossover takes place with
Reciprocally, imagine that
To characterize the existence of OME without a thermal crossover, we adopt the quantity [44].
This quantity is (except for a factor) the Kullback–Leibler divergence of the Maxwellian VDF given by Eq. 24 (with Trot/Ttr → θst) with respect to the steady-state Maxwellian. Note that
In order to look for OME, the necessary condition for SME [given by Eq. 31] must be reversed. That is,
Establishing the most favorable conditions for OME is not as simple as just declaring the opposite of the SME condition. Firstly, we want for the colder sample to overshoot as much as possible the steady state, so that the relaxation from below is retarded maximally. This reasoning is translated into the condition of highly negative initial slope
3.3 Initial preparation protocols
In order to study the absence or existence of ME, one needs to specify the initial conditions
Most of the interest of the present work resides in the proposal of protocols to generate the initial states of the samples involved in a ME experiment. The protocols are based on the proposed ST, and the initial states will be generated by assuming prior thermostat values
According to Eqs. 26, 27, the ratios between the prior and posterior noise temperatures for desired values of
3.3.1 Protocol for the standard Mpemba effect
In this case, we want to have θ0A << θ0B. According to Eqs. 26, and as observed in Figure 5, θst is an increasing function of ɛ and independent of Twn. Therefore, the most disparate values of θ0A and θ0B are obtained if the prior thermostats of samples A and B have ɛA = 0 and ɛB = 1, respectively. According to Figure 2, SME would be stronger and/or easier to find for lower values of β at fixed α and for lower values of α at fixed β. In addition, in order to define a cooling process, we need to choose proper values of
Thus, the designed protocol for SME reads as follows (Figure 8 for an illustrative scheme):
1) Start by fixing ɛA = 0 and ɛB = 1, in order to ensure θ0A < θ0B.
2) Choose
3) Let both samples evolve and reach the steady states corresponding to their respective prior thermostats. These steady states will play the role of the initial conditions for our ME experiment.
4) Switch the values of the thermostats of both samples to a common reference pair of values
5) Finally, let both samples evolve and reach a common steady state.
FIGURE 8. Scheme of the protocol for SME. (A) Choice of the splitting parameters ɛ. (B) Choice of the noise temperatures Twn.
For given (α, β), the numerical solutions of Eqs. 30 for different values of
3.3.2 Protocol for the overshoot Mpemba effect
In the OME case, it is convenient to have θ0A ≫θ0B, so that the adopted choices of ɛ for the prior thermostats are the reverse of those of SME, i.e., ɛA = 1 and ɛB = 0. Whereas in Section 3.2 we commented that the best situation for the OME is not always the opposite to that of the SME, the above choice helps us avoid or weaken a possible overshoot for the hotter sample. Again, in order to define a cooling process, we need to choose proper values of
In analogy with the SME case, a protocol for observing OME is designed as follows (Figure 9):
1) Start by fixing ɛA = 1 and ɛB = 0, in order to ensure θ0A > θ0B.
2) Choose
3) Let both samples evolve and reach the steady states corresponding to their respective prior thermostats. These steady states will play the role of the initial conditions for our ME experiment.
4) Switch the values of the thermostats of both samples to a common reference pair of values
5) Finally, let both samples evolve and reach a common steady state.
FIGURE 9. Same as in Figure 8, but for OME.
Figure 10B shows a phase diagram for the occurrence of OME (with ɛref = 0.9) for the same pairs of coefficients of restitution as before.
FIGURE 10. Phase diagrams in the plane
3.4 Comparison with simulation results
In order to check the initialization protocols for detecting SME and OME, we have run DSMC and EDMD simulations. The simulation details are the same as introduced in Section 2.3. Simulation points correspond to the average over ensembles of 100 replicas. Again, no instabilities were observed.
3.4.1 Standard Mpemba effect
Figure 11 presents results for the SME protocol introduced in Section 3.3.1. As we can observe, the theoretical predictions agree very well with DSMC and EDMD simulation data.
FIGURE 11. Time evolution of the reduced mean temperature T* and the rotational-to-translational temperature ratio θ for SME initialization protocol, as described in Section 3.3.1. (A,B): (α, β) = (0.7, 0) and ɛref = 0.1; (C,D): (α, β) = (0.7, − 0.7) and ɛref = 0.1; (E,F); (α, β) = (0.9, 0) and ɛref = 0.6; and (G,H): (α, β) = (0.9, − 0.7) and ɛref = 0.1. Thick and dashed lines correspond to the theoretical prediction from Eq. 30, dotted lines represented the steady state value, and symbols refer to DSMC and EDMD simulation results. The inset in panel (E) shows the evolution of the temperature difference
The chosen initial temperature conditions are
The value ɛref = 0.6 for the system (α = 0.9, β = 0) was chosen instead of ɛref = 0.1 to avoid the need of taking very high initial temperatures (Figure 10A) and also to prevent overshoot (Figure 7). The price paid for this choice of coefficients of restitution is that the difference θ0A− θ0B is not too high, see Figures 2, 11F. Then, initial temperature values are restricted to be very similar and the crossing characterizing the SME is much less pronounced than in the other cases. However, the inset in Figure 11E shows a well defined change of sign of the difference
3.4.2 Overshoot Mpemba effect
The theoretical results stemming from the OME protocol introduced in Section 3.3.2 are compared with simulations in Figure 12, again with an excellent agreement.
FIGURE 12. Time evolution of the reduced mean temperature T*, the entropy-like quantity
The initial temperatures are
Whereas no crossing between
4 Concluding remarks
In this work, we have studied the homogeneous states of a dilute granular gas made of inelastic and rough hard disks lying on a two-dimensional plane. The inelasticity and roughness are mathematically described by constant coefficients of normal (α) and tangential (β) restitution, respectively. In order to avoid frozen long-time limiting states, the disks are assumed to be heated by the stochastic force- and torque-based ST. This novel stochastic thermostat injects energy to both translational and rotational degrees of freedom. Each specific thermostat of this type is univocally determined by its associated noise temperature, Twn ≥ 0 [Eq. 10], and the rotational-to-total noise intensity, 0 ≤ ɛ ≤ 1 [Eq. 9].
The system is assumed to be fully described by the instantaneous one-particle VDF, its dynamics being then given by the BFPE, Eq. (11). It is known that the steady-state VDF is not a Maxwellian, as occurs for ɛ = 0 [75], and this is even more the case with the instantaneous transient VDF. However, these nonGaussianities are expected to be small enough as to approximate the VDF by a Maxwellian, as previously done for ɛ = 0 [47]. Therefore, we have worked under the two-temperature MA introduced in Section 2.2, which allows us to account for the dynamics of the systems just in terms of the reduced total granular temperature, T∗, and the rotational-to-translational temperature ratio, θ, according to Eqs. 30. The steady-state values can be explicitly expressed in terms of the mechanical properties of the disks, Eqs. 26. Steady and transient states predicted by the MA are tested via DSMC ans EDMD, with very good agreement, as observed in Figures 5, 6. This reinforces the validity of our approach. As expected, θst is an increasing function of ɛ and independent of Twn, whereas
The main core of this work has been the description of ME in cooling processes in this system, with special emphasis on the elaboration of preparation protocols for the generation of the initial states. We noted that, if T∗ − 1 does not change its sign during the evolution, the usual form of ME, SME, can emerge if θ0A ≪θ0B, A being the initially hotter sample. This SME is characterized by a single crossing (or, in general, an odd number of them) between the temperature curves, thus inducing that the initially colder system, B, relaxes more slowly toward the final steady state. However, we have realized that an overshoot (or change of sign of T∗ − 1) might appear if the rotational-to-total noise intensity is larger than a certain critical value
Protocols for generating initial conditions to observe both SME and OME have been presented in Sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2, respectively. While reminiscent of the protocols previously considered in the case of sheared inertial suspensions [53], the protocols proposed here represent novel instructions to elaborate a ME experiment in homogeneous states of granular gaseous systems. We have based those protocols on the steady states of the ST, taking advantage of the increase of θst as ɛ increases. Thus, to guarantee the biggest possible difference |θ0B− θ0A| we have fixed prior thermalization processes with (ɛA, ɛB) = (0, 1) for SME and (ɛA, ɛB) = (1, 0) for OME. Moreover, in this prior thermalization stage,
The theoretical descriptions of the SME and OME initialization protocols have been tested by DMSC and EDMD simulations, finding a very good agreement between theory and simulations, as observed in Figures 11, 12, respectively.
One can then conclude that, despite its simplicity, the MA captures very well the dynamics for this system. In turn, this implies that the SME and OME protocols for the initial-state preparation described in this paper are trustworthy.
We expect that this work will be useful to the ME community in the search for practical protocols able to generate adequate initial states. Whereas this work is restricted to a specific physical model, the phenomenology that arises might be general in Mpemba-like effects in out-of-equilibrium statistical mechanical systems. In fact, the overshoot mechanism introduced has been previously observed in other gaseous models [44], and it is somehow reminiscent of the supercooling hypothesis for the ME in water [19]. Furthermore, the two-parameter-based protocols proposed in this paper might inspire the development of protocols for Mpemba-like effects in other systems.
To sum up, the designs of the protocols can be based on a very obvious statement: generate the initial conditions from steady states for specific values of the parameters of the thermostat; then, change the values of those thermostat parameters and let the system relax to the new steady state. In general, if the temperature (or the energy) of the physical system in a certain model is coupled to n independent control variables (i.e., the dynamics is described by n + 1 differential equations), one should look for a proper choice of n + 1 parameters of the model that will determine directly the value of each variable at the steady state.
Finally, given the simplicity of the hard-disk system studied in this paper, we hope it can be experimentally realizable, thus opening up the possibility of reproducing the ME by an adequate control of the external forcing mechanisms.
Data availability statement
The datasets presented in this study can be found in online repositories. The names of the repository/repositories and accession number(s) can be found below: https://github.com/amegiasf/MpembaSplitting.
Author contributions
AM and AS contributed to the conception and design of the study. AM performed the computer simulations and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Both authors contributed to manuscript revision, read, and approved the submitted version.
The authors acknowledge financial support from Grant No. PID2020-112936GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and from Grants No. IB20079 and No. GR21014 funded by Junta de Extremadura (Spain) and by ERDF “A way of making Europe.” AM is grateful to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades for a predoctoral fellowship FPU2018-3503.
The authors are grateful to the computing facilities of the Instituto de Computación Científica Avanzada of the University of Extremadura (ICCAEx), where the simulations were run.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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Keywords: granular gases, kinetic theory, Mpemba effect, direct simulation Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics
Citation: Megías A and Santos A (2022) Mpemba-like effect protocol for granular gases of inelastic and rough hard disks. Front. Phys. 10:971671. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.971671
Received: 17 June 2022; Accepted: 19 July 2022;
Published: 06 October 2022.
Edited by:
Ramon Planet, University of Barcelona, SpainReviewed by:
Stefano Mossa, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), FranceSutapa Roy, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India
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*Correspondence: Alberto Megías, YWxiZXJ0b21AdW5leC5lcw==