Corrigendum: The behavior of partially coherent twisted space-time beams in atmospheric turbulence
- Department of Engineering Physics, Air Force Institute of Technology, Dayton, OH, United States
We study how atmospheric turbulence affects twisted space-time beams, which are non-stationary random optical fields whose space and time dimensions are coupled with a stochastic twist. Applying the extended Huygens–Fresnel principle, we derive the mutual coherence function of a twisted space-time beam after propagating a distance z through atmospheric turbulence of arbitrary strength. We specialize the result to derive the ensemble-averaged irradiance and discuss how turbulence affects the beam’s spatial size, pulse width, and space-time twist. Lastly, we generate, in simulation, twisted space-time beam field realizations and propagate them through atmospheric phase screens to validate our analysis.
1 Introduction
New approaches in beam control include light with engineered space-time or spatiotemporal coupling. Recent papers have demonstrated space-time-coupled light which exhibits anomalous diffractive and refractive behaviors [1–4] as well as carries transverse (to the direction of propagation) orbital angular momentum in the form of spatiotemporal optical vortices (STOVs) [5–11]. These novel developments hold promise for exciting advancements in applications such as optical communications, optical tweezing, and quantum optics [2, 4, 12–16].
Most of the space-time-coupled beam research manipulates coherent light, although this has begun to change with the development of partially coherent STOV and twisted space-time (and space-frequency) beams [17–21]. The latter are non-stationary random fields with the beams’ spatial and temporal (or spectral) dimensions coupled in a stochastic twist. They are the spatiotemporal counterparts of traditional, spatially twisted Gaussian Schell-model beams [22–27].
Spatially twisted partially coherent fields have been extensively studied since being introduced in 1993. This research includes beam synthesis [28–33]; coherent modes/pseudo-modes [23, 26, 27, 34–37]; angular momentum [38–41]; and propagation behaviors in free-space, ABCD optical systems, and turbulence [35, 42–51]. This stands in contrast to twisted space-time beams (and STOV beams more generally), where only their angular momentum and free-space propagation behaviors have been investigated [6, 8, 9, 11, 19, 20, 52, 53].
In this paper, we undertake, to our knowledge, the first study on the effects of atmospheric turbulence on twisted space-time beams. Using the extended Huygens–Fresnel principle, we derive an approximate expression for the mutual coherence function (MCF) of a twisted space-time beam after propagating through atmospheric turbulence of any strength. We then specialize the MCF to obtain the ensemble-averaged irradiance and discuss how turbulence affects the beam’s size, pulse width, and space-time twist. To validate our analysis, we compare the theoretical irradiance to the results of Monte Carlo wave-optics simulations. Lastly, we conclude with a brief summary of our findings.
2 Theory
2.1 Extended Huygens–Fresnel principle
Let us begin with the extended Huygens–Fresnel principle/integral:
The two-frequency cross-spectral density (CSD) function [55, 58–62] can be obtained by taking the ensemble-averaged auto-correlation of Eq. 1, namely,
where we have assumed that the source field is statistically independent of the atmospheric turbulence fluctuations. The moment involving Ψ is related to the two-point, spherical wave structure function (WSF) [55–57, 61, 62], and equals
where Φn is the index of refraction power spectrum (assumed to be statistically isotropic) and β and R equal
The approximate expression on the second line of Eq. 3 is derived using the method of smooth perturbations (also known as the Rytov approximation) and further assuming that Ψ is Gaussian distributed [55–57, 61–63]. We will return to Eq. 3 shortly.
The ultimate goal is to find the “two-time” MCF of a twisted space-time beam after propagating through turbulence. To do this, we must inverse Fourier transform Eq. 2, i.e.,
Applying Eqs 2–5 and interchanging the order of the integrals yields
Assuming that the twisted space-time beam has a relatively narrow linewidth (or bandwidth) around mean or carrier frequency ωc (i.e., Δω/ωc ≪ 1), we can approximate Eq. 6 as
and, by evaluating Eq. 7, obtain a closed-form expression for the MCF. Before doing this, we need to discuss the functions D and W in the integrand.
2.2 Approximate two-point, spherical WSF D
Let us return to Eq. 3. By virtue of the source being narrowband, β ≈ 0. Letting Φn equal the von Kármán spectrum—namely,
where κm = 5.92/l0 and κ0 = 2π/L0 (
Eq. 10 includes both inner and outer scale effects. However, to evaluate Eq. 7 in closed form, we must let the inner scale l0 → 0 (κm → ∞). Using the large argument relation for 1F1, we obtain
We lastly assume that
Equation 12 is very physical: The terms describe how atmospheric turbulence corrupts light’s spectral and spatial coherence. For traditional space-time separable beams, these two terms give rise to pulse and beam broadening, respectively [56, 57, 67–73]. In our case, because of spatiotemporal coupling, both terms will affect the temporal and spatial beam sizes.
2.3 CSD function of a twisted space-time beam
With Eq. 12, we are one step closer to evaluating Eq. 7. We, of course, still need an expression for W. To find this expression, we begin with the MCF of a twisted space-time beam:
where A is the amplitude; Wx, Wy, and Wt are the spatial and temporal pulse widths; δx and δt are the spatial and temporal coherence widths; and μ is the space-time twist parameter [19]. The latter must satisfy
Note that Eq. 13 has the same general form as a twisted Gaussian Schell-model beam [22, 25–27]; however, here, space and time are twisted. It is well known that the spectral density or average irradiance of a spatially twisted random beam rotates in the x-y plane as it propagates in the z direction [35, 40, 41, 74]. From Eq. 7, we see that t is linked paraxially to the propagation distance z; therefore, a twisted space-time beam rotates or tumbles in the x-z plane as it propagates. This behavior is described in Refs. [19, 20] for twisted space-time beams propagating in free space. What remains to be determined is how atmospheric turbulence affects the x-z plane rotation of twisted space-time beams.
We can find the CSD function W of a twisted space-time beam by Fourier transforming the MCF in Eq. 13, i.e.,
Substituting Eq. 13 into Eq. 14 and evaluating the integrals yields
where γt = Wt/δt, Wω = 2WtΩt, δω = 2δtΩt, and
With Eq. 15, we are now ready to evaluate the integrals in Eq. 7.
2.4 MCF of twisted space-time beam in atmospheric turbulence
Substituting Eqs 12, 15 into Eq. 7 and evaluating the integrals produces (after much analysis)
Since the beam’s interesting behaviors occur in the x-t or x-z plane (the x and t dimensions are coupled), here, we present the MCF evaluated at y1 = y2 = 0. The undefined symbols in Eq. 17 are
Eq. 17 is organized so that the terms can be physically interpreted: Starting at the top and ignoring the carrier
2.5 Average irradiance and physical discussion
The ensemble-averaged irradiance is found by evaluating Eq. 17 at equal space-time points, i.e.,
In order, the exponentials are the spatial beam shape, temporal beam (pulse) shape, and x-t plane rotation. The behavior of the beam can be understood by examining
are annotated on the plot (centered on their corresponding Fresnel number) to show the strength of turbulence at that NFx. Figure 1B displays a zoomed-in view of
Starting with the free-space (solid) curves in Figure 1, we see that for NFx > 10, the twisted space-time beam is effectively in the source plane, with
Examining the turbulence (dashed, dashed-dotted, and dotted) curves, we generally observe the same behavior; however, the beam’s evolution described above is effectively pushed to the left, i.e., toward higher Fresnel numbers. Where the separation between free-space (diffractive) and turbulence-induced behavior occurs (in other words, at what NFx), of course, depends on
1. The beam’s size
2. After initially contracting, the pulse width
In atmospheric turbulence, the term containing the twist parameter μ tends to zero like z−2 (in free space, the term asymptotes to a constant value). For large z, the result is therefore
3. The x-t plane rotation
3 Validation
In this section, we validate Eq. 19 by generating, in simulation, twisted space-time beam field realizations and propagating those realizations through atmospheric turbulence phase screens. Before presenting and analyzing the results, we discuss the simulation setup.
3.1 Simulation setup
3.1.1 Numbers of grid points, spacings, trials, etc.
In these wave-optics simulations, we generated and propagated twisted space-time beam field realizations through independent instances of atmospheric turbulence. The Fresnel numbers for these simulations were NFx = 10, 5, 2.5, and 1. For each NFx, we computed the ensemble-averaged irradiance
3.1.2 Generating twisted space-time fields
We generated twisted space-time beam field realizations using the approach described in Ref. [31]. The technique utilizes Gori and Santarsiero’s integral criterion for genuine CSD functions and MCFs, colloquially known as the superposition rule [75, 76]. Specialized for our purposes, a thermal (or pseudo-thermal) twisted space-time beam field realization can be generated by evaluating the following superposition integral:
where r is a zero-mean, unit-variance, delta-correlated, complex Gaussian random function [31], and p and H are
The α, β, σx, and σt relate to the physical twisted space-time beam parameters in Eq. 13 via the relations [19, 35].
In the simulations, we produced twisted space-time beams with the following parameter values λc = 1 μm, Wx = Wy = 2 cm, δx = 0.9Wx, Wt = 1 ps, δt = 0.9Wt, and
3.1.3 Atmospheric turbulence
The index of refraction structure constant and outer scale for the atmospheric turbulence was
Note that we did not simulate the other turbulence conditions reported in Figure 1 due to computational constraints. Accurately simulating turbulence with a given outer scale requires phase screens that have physical dimensions on the order of L0. Simulating the L0 = 50 m and 100 m atm would have required grids that were (approximately) 25 and 100 times larger (in numbers of points), respectively, than those used in the L0 = 10 m simulations (see Section 3.1.1).
3.1.4 Procedure
On each Monte Carlo trial,
1. We generated a twisted space-time beam realization and an instance of atmospheric turbulence as described above.
2. We then Fourier transformed the twisted space-time beam realization to the ω domain using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) computed along the third dimension of U.
3. We propagated U to each of the 4, 5, 9, or 20 (depending on NFx) planes using the convolution form of the Fresnel diffraction integral (also known as the angular spectrum propagation method [78, 80]), which we evaluated using FFTs computed along U’s spatial dimensions.
4. In each plane, we converted the atmospheric phase screen in meters of OPL to radians using the ω values along the third dimension of U. We then applied the phase screen to the field and propagated U to the next plane.
5. Upon reaching the observation plane, we Fourier transformed the field back to the t domain using an FFT computed along U’s third dimension.
6. Lastly, we computed the trial irradiance
We repeated this procedure 1,000 times.
3.2 Results
Figures 2–4 show the results of the twisted space-time beam simulations. Figures 2, 3—which report the ensemble-averaged irradiances
FIGURE 2. Ensemble-averaged irradiance
FIGURE 3. Ensemble-averaged irradiance
FIGURE 4. Theory [Eq. 19] and simulation
Inspection of Figure 3 reveals good agreement between simulation and theory in weak to moderately strong atmospheric turbulence [Figures 3B, C, F, and G]. In contrast, the agreement is rather poor in strong turbulence [Figures 3D, H]. This discrepancy is likely caused by the quadratic approximation we used to derive the MCF in Eq. 17 and subsequently
3.3 Experimental verification
Before concluding, we briefly discuss the process for experimentally verifying the theoretical and simulated results presented above. Twisted space-time beam field realizations can be physically synthesized using an apparatus known as a Fourier transform pulse shaper (FTPS) [1, 4, 9, 84–87]. An FTPS consists of two identical gratings separated by a 4f cylindrical lens (CL) system. At the center of the 4f system is a spatial light modulator (SLM). Assuming a pulsed laser beam is input into the FTPS, the first grating-CL-2f system spreads and maps the input beam’s spectrum into physical space at the SLM plane. The SLM modifies the field in the space-frequency (x-ω) domain, which is then transformed back to the space-time domain by the second grating-CL-2f system. Partial coherence manifests by incoherently summing many independent twisted space-time beam realizations.
Turbulence (besides outdoor experiments which are generally uncontrolled) can be controllably generated in the laboratory using several different methods [88]. Of these, phase plate/wheel [89–92] or hot-air [93, 94] techniques are the most germane, and systems employing those methods are easily capable of reproducing the turbulence conditions simulated above.
Lastly, to observe the beam’s behavior in x-t domain, we follow the procedure described in Refs. [1, 5]: The light at the output of the turbulence generator transits a grating-CL-2f system and then is measured by a detector. The detector measures the light’s spatially resolved spectrum averaged over many independent field and turbulence realizations, i.e.,
Note that this quantity is also referred to as the spectral density [58, 59, 71, 72]. Using Eq. 14, the spectral density relates to the MCF via
and consequently, the ensemble-averaged irradiance
4 Conclusion
In this paper, we focused on a recently introduced, partially coherent, space-time-coupled field known as a twisted space-time beam. Twisted space-time beams are similar to traditional twisted Gaussian Schell-model beams; however, instead of being spatially twisted (like the latter), the former possess a stochastic twist which couples their space and time dimensions. Like STOV beams, this spatiotemporal twist imbues twisted space-time beams with transverse (to the direction of propagation) angular momentum.
Generalizing the original research presented in Refs. [19, 20], here, we studied how twisted space-time beams behave as they propagate through atmospheric turbulence. Applying the extended Huygens–Fresnel principle, we derived the MCF for twisted space-time beams after propagating a distance z through atmospheric turbulence of arbitrary strength. From the MCF, we obtained the ensemble-averaged irradiance and quantified the effects of turbulence on beam size, pulse width, and space-time twist. We then simulated twisted space-time beam propagation through atmospheric turbulence to validate our theoretical analysis. The simulated results were found to be in good agreement with theory in weak-to-moderate turbulence. On the other hand, we observed rather poor agreement in strong turbulence, where our theoretical expression for the ensemble-averaged irradiance underestimated the effects of turbulence on the beam size, pulse width, and space-time twist. It did, however, accurately predict the trends of those parameters versus Fresnel number and turbulence strength.
Light with engineered space-time or spatiotemporal coupling is a new and exciting aspect of beam control research, with potential revolutionary uses in optical communications, optical tweezing, and quantum optics. While the free-space propagation characteristics of space-time-coupled beams are generally understood, much less is known about how these beams behave in random media. The results in this paper are a first step toward this goal.
Data availability statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Author contributions
MH performed the tasks of conceptualization, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, validation, visualization, and writing.
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the US Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the US government. MH would like to thank the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Physical and Biological Sciences Branch (RTB) for supporting this work.
Conflict of interest
The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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Keywords: atmospheric turbulence, coherence, random media, random fields, space-time coupling, spatiotemporal coupling, statistical optics
Citation: Hyde IV MW (2023) The behavior of partially coherent twisted space-time beams in atmospheric turbulence. Front. Phys. 10:1055401. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.1055401
Received: 27 September 2022; Accepted: 02 December 2022;
Published: 09 January 2023.
Edited by:
Muhsin Caner Gokce, TED University, TurkeyReviewed by:
Serkan Sahin, TED University, TurkeyGuoquan Zhou, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, China
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*Correspondence: Milo W. Hyde IV, bWlsby5oeWRlQGFmaXQuZWR1