AUTHOR=Jiang Bo , Yan Dong , Wang Jing , Qu Dezhan , Wu Jin-Hui TITLE=Controlled Bistable Transmission Non-Reciprocity in a Four-Mode Optomechanical System JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physics VOLUME=9 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphy.2021.822694 ISSN=2296-424X ABSTRACT=

We examine the bistable transmission non-reciprocity in a four-mode optomechanical system, where a mechanical oscillator interacts with one of three coupled optical cavities so as to generate an asymmetric optomechanical non-linearity. Two transmission coefficients in opposite directions are found to exhibit non-reciprocal bistable behaviors due to this asymmetric optomechanical non-linearity as the impedance-matching condition is broken for a not too weak input field. Such a bistable transmission non-reciprocity can be well manipulated to exhibit reversible higher isolation ratios in tunable wider ranges of the input field power or one cavity mode detuning by modulating relevant parameters like optical coupling strengths, optomechanical coupling strengths, and mechanical frequencies. This optomechanical system provides a flexible platform for realizing transmission non-reciprocity of weal light signals and may be extended to optical networks with more coupled cavities.