AUTHOR=Yuan Shuangshuang , Zhu Qizhi , Zhang Wanlu , Zhang Jin , Zhao Lunyang TITLE=A Micromechanical Anisotropic Damage Model for Brittle Rocks With Non-Associated Plastic Flow Rule Under True Triaxial Compressive Stresses JOURNAL=Frontiers in Physics VOLUME=9 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphy.2021.808375 ISSN=2296-424X ABSTRACT=
A micromechanical anisotropic damage model with a non-associated plastic flow rule is developed for describing the true triaxial behaviors of brittle rocks. We combine the Eshelby’s solution to the inclusion problem with the framework of irreversible thermodynamics. The main dissipative mechanisms of inelastic deformation due to the frictional sliding and damage by microcrack propagation are strongly coupled to each other. A Coulomb-type friction criterion is formulated in terms of the local stress applied onto the microcracks as the yielding function. The back-stress term contained in this local stress plays a critical role in describing the material’s hardening/softening behaviors. With a non-associated flow rule, a potential function is involved. Some analytical analysis of the non-associated micromechanical anisotropic damage model are conducted, which are useful for the model parameters calibration. The proposed model is used to simulate the laboratory tests on Westerly granite under true triaxial stresses. Comparing the numerical simulation results provided by the models with associated/non-associated plastic flow rule and experimental results, it is clear that the proposed non-associated model gives a better prediction than the previous associated model.