- 1Department of Physical Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan
- 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan
- 3Department of Chemistry, School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan
- 4Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
We present a theoretical investigation as to how multielectron dynamics of CO are manipulated by Fourier-synthesized intense laser pulses. The pulses used are assumed to be comprised of harmonics up to the fourth order. The multiconfiguration time-dependent (TD) Hartree-Fock (MCTDHF) method, where the multielectron wavefunction
Coherence is the succinct but vital word in modern science that features a wave of definite phase such as a laser field. The coherence of light [1] can be engraved in matter. Interaction of a coherent laser field with matter induces unique phenomena such as molecular alignment [2, 3] and high-order harmonic generation (HHG) of emission by intense near-infrared laser pulses [4]. Molecules can be aligned by intense near-infrared (IR) laser fields along a given space-fixed axis or plane, depending on the choice of light polarization through the anisotropic interaction of the electric field vector of intense laser radiation with the induced dipole moment. For a polarizable molecule, the major principal axis of the polarizability tensor is forced parallel to the polarization direction of a linearly polarized laser field. The mechanism of HHG is associated with the dynamics of an electron in field-dressed continuum states: Electrons freed by tunnel ionization (TI) [5–7] are pulled away from, pulled back near to, and recollided with parent ions within one optical cycle (the well-known three-step model [8]), while synchronized with the oscillating field. High energy photons even up to the soft x-ray range are emitted upon radiative recombination of an electron in field-driven quiver motion with the parent ion. In HHG, electronic continuum states in atoms or molecules are coherently excited with certain phases (described by a linear superposition of states), which leads to quantum interference between different electron trajectories (such as short and long trajectories) in the applied laser field [9, 10]. The HHG intensity is provided by the Fourier components of the induced dipole moment associated with individual trajectories. Coherent electronic motion in an ensemble of atoms or molecules, characterized by a definite dipole phase, is prerequisite for coherent emission of soft x-rays.
Phase coherence is the key concept in the optical control of quantum systems with high accuracy. Constructive and destructive interference between the wave packets created by a phase-locked pump-probe sequence can be controlled by varying the delay between the two pulses with interferometric precision [11, 12]. Various schemes for the control of optical phases have been devised to manipulate the wave functions or dynamics of quantum systems directly through the coherent nature of a laser field. This extensively growing research area is called coherent (or quantum) control [13–15]. Among various coherent control scenarios is utilization of a two-color phase-controlled laser field consisting of fundamental light and its harmonic light, which has been theoretically explored by Brumer and Shapiro [14]. For laser fields of moderate light intensity (below ∼1012 W/cm2), the population of a target state
An ultimate extension of this kind of methodology is Fourier synthesis of arbitrary light waveforms constructed of a fundamental frequency of light and its harmonics [32]. Sophisticated Fourier syntheses of laser fields have been reported [33–36]. Light wave engineering based on Fourier synthesis enables precise manipulation of electron motion beyond the case of single-frequency excitation; e.g., trajectory control of the HHG electrons in atoms and molecules by intense laser fields with various waveforms has been investigated theoretically [37] and achieved experimentally [38, 39]. Directionally asymmetric molecular TI induced by Fourier-synthesized four-color laser fields, consisting of fundamental, second-, third-, and fourth-harmonic light, can make possible orientation-selective molecular TI [40–43].
For a few-cycle single-frequency (one-color) pulse, carrier-envelope phase (CEP), i.e., the phase between the carrier wave and envelope peak of the pulse, also plays a significant role in electron dynamics such as TI and HHG. CEP stabilization has been achieved by the active feedback control which uses the combination of an f-to-2f interferometer to detect CEP drifts and a stereo-ATI (Above Threshold Ionization) phasemeter [44] to determine the value of CEP [45–48]. Few-cycle intense laser pulses with a stable CEP enable one to steer the electronic motion of atoms and molecules with an ultimate precision. Consequently, the HHG spectrum exhibits unique features depending on the CEP [49, 50].
Intense laser fields of light intensity above I≈1012–1013 Wcm−2 initiate large amplitude electronic motion in atoms, molecules, etc., which triggers various physical or chemical phenomena in a wide range of timescale. Such systems can then be excited to high-lying electronic states or ionized in a nonperturbative manner. A typical phenomenon is TI, which is the source of the HHG upon recombination with the parent ion, as mentioned above. TI occurs mainly in the sub-femotosecond or attosecond (1 as = 10–18 s) region, owing to a highly nonlinear optical response, when the electric field of the laser reaches its maximum values. A number of experimental and theoretical studies have been devoted to profoundly understanding the intense-field induced electron dynamics in atoms [51], molecules [52], solids [53], and biological systems [54].
Different types of theoretical approaches beyond perturbation theory have been developed to deal with nonperturbative electronic dynamics of molecules. Epoch-making is the one proposed by Keldysh [55], in which the intense-field ionization rate or probability of an atom is formulated as an electronic transition from the ground state to continuum states of an electron liberated in a driving laser electric field (Volkov states) [56]. In this approach, the detailed atomic energy structure, such as information on excited states or electron correlation, is not taken into account and the Coulomb interaction of the released electron in the laser field with the remaining ion core is neglected. In the Perelemov-Popov-Terent'ev (PPT) approach [57], the long-range Coulomb interaction is incorporated into the Keldysh approach as the first-order correction in the quasi-classical action of the electron. These types of approaches can be integrated into S-matrix theory in which the transition amplitude of a quantum process is formulated by the projection of the total wave function of the system onto the final state. Several versions of the S-matrix approach have been developed which are together known as the Keldysh-Faisal-Reiss (KFR) theory or Strong Field Approximation (SFA) [58, 59].
Ionization induced by intense fields is characterized by the Keldysh parameter
In the above theoretical approaches, only one atomic or molecular orbital is considered as the main ionizing orbital and is allowed to interact with the applied field [61–63]. This is the so-called single active electron (SAE) approximation, where the time-dependent (TD) Schrödinger equation to be solved for the least-bound one-electron is constructed by modelling an “effective potential” after the interaction with the remaining electrons, the nuclei, and the applied fields. In [64, 65], model effective potentials for the ionizing orbital of a CO molecule were constructed by semiempirically formulating the dynamic multielectron polarization effects induced by the applied field [66–68]. The TD version of the Hartree-Fock (HF) method, which is a first-principles approach, can be used to describe the time evolution of a multielectron system (beyond the above SAE approximation). In this TDHF, the multielectron wave function
Correlated multielectron dynamics such as simultaneous double ionization of atoms and molecules is currently one of the primary targets in the research field of attosecond science [50, 52, 69, 70]. Among related subjects are correlated intramolecular electron dynamics [71, 72] and channel interference in HHG [73]. To describe such dynamics properly, one has to go beyond the computationally inexpensive SAE approximation or TDHF method. The multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree-Fock (MCTDHF) method [74–83] has been developed in the past two decades as a legitimate method for including electron correlation in dynamics. In the MCTDHF, the multielectron wave function
As the level of the theory employed is higher, numerical results obtained become more detailed and reliable; accordingly, what is acquired to unveil the intrinsic physics underlying behind the numerical results becomes more complicated. The TD orbitals in the MCTDHF method evolves under the effects of electron correlation, but it is hard to extract the information of electron correlation from the time evolution of each orbital. For example, the temporal change in MCTDHF orbitals cannot be linearly decomposed into the change due to the one-body interaction (interaction of an electron with nuclei and external fields) and that due to the two-body interaction.
In our previous papers [86–90], a novel approach, i.e., a single orbital picture was established under the framework of the MCTDHF. We adopted the representation of TD natural spin-orbitals (SOs)
Directional anisotropy in the intense-field induced ionization of CO has been extensively investigated [20, 21, 26, 92] by using space-asymmetric ω+2ω two-color fields. The emission direction of C+ or O+ from CO in two-color field ionization experiments indicates that ionization is enhanced when the laser electric field
The direction of anisotropic ionization does not always agree with the prediction based solely on the shape of the HOMO. For OCS, the HOMO has a large amplitude around the C-S axis but ionization in a circularly polarized field is enhanced when the electric field turns to the direction from O to S [93]. This anisotropy is attributed to the linear Stark effect for polar molecules which increases (or reduces) the ionization potential of HOMO when
The results obtained by the conventional MO-ADK theory [61] are in agreement with the experimental result that the ionization rate of the HOMO of CO takes the maximum when
Among other relevant factors to be considered for intense field ionization are the combined contribution from multiple orbitals [101, 102], field-induced multielectron correlation effects [87], and dynamic electron polarization [64, 99]. Although the emission direction of C+ or O+ from CO in the two-color ionization experiments [20, 21, 26] suggests that the main channel of the TI in CO is the 5σ HOMO, next lower lying orbitals such as 1π HOMO-1 and 4σ HOMO-2 can contribute to the ionization yield [88, 101]. These factors also affect the HHG process. The effects of dynamic electron polarization on HHG have also been discussed in [103, 104].
In previous studies [88–90], we calculated the effective potentials for natural orbitals of CO in an intense near-IR field (λ = 760 nm, I = 1014 Wcm−2) from the MCTDHF wave function and investigated the mechanism of anisotropic ionization of CO. The analysis of the 5σ HOMO effective potential
We have so far shown how useful the effective potential approach is to unveil the intrinsic nature of multielectron dynamics [88–90]. In this paper, we examine the role of electron-electron interaction or electron correlation in CO interacting with Fourier-synthesized intense laser pulses by monitoring the temporal change in effective potentials, though the effective potential itself comes from a single-electron picture. The structure of this paper is as follows. The MCTDHF method for the calculation of multielectron dynamics is outlined in Methodology for Effective Potential, together with a brief derivation of the effective potentials for time-dependent natural orbitals. The results and discussion on the ionization and multielectron dynamics of CO in one-color to four-color phase-controlled fields are presented in Results and Discussion. Finally, conclusions about the manipulation of multielectron dynamics of CO by Fourier-synthesized pulses are given in Conclusion.
Methodology for Effective Potential
In this section, we outline the MCTDHF method developed for the simulation of multielectron dynamics of atoms and molecules. In our approach, the multielectron wave function
Outline of the Multiconfiguration Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Method
The dynamics of an Ne-electron system is governed by the TD Schrödinger equation for the wave function
The working EOMs for
where the (i, j) matrix element of the 1RDM,
Up to this point,
We now show briefly how to derive the effective potential for each SO. To begin with, we present in this paragraph the EOM for
the time propagation of
How to Derive the Effective Potentials for Natural Orbitals
In the case of
The elements
We start with the natural orbitals at
The constraint that
By substituting Eq. 11 and
We designate the expectation value of
Results and Discussion
In addition to a one-color (ω) two-cycle pulse with different carrier-envelope phases [88–90], we theoretically investigated the response of CO to intense multicolor pulses; two-color (ω+2ω), three-color (ω+2ω+3ω), and four color (ω+2ω+3ω+4ω) pulses with different relative phases. We present the numerical results of ionization dynamics of a CO molecule interacting with the above four types of pulses to extract how laser field coherence affects multielectron dynamics from the spatial profiles of TD effective potentials of the 5σ HOMO natural orbital.
Applied Pulses
The C-O axis is assumed to be parallel to the polarization direction of the applied electric field
and otherwise
These four phases
TD-CASSCF Calculation
In One-Color Pulses, Two-Color Pulses, Three-Color Pulses, Four-Color Pulses, we discuss the characteristic features of the ionization of CO for one- and multi-color pulses. The effects of electron correlation is in detail examined on the basis of the TD effective potentials for the 5σ natural orbitals obtained in the MCTDHF framework. We trace the temporal change in effective potentials to investigate how distinctly electron correlation influences the electronic dynamics.
In the numerical simulations for CO in one-color pulses of λ = 760 nm [88–90], we considered 10 spatial orbitals 1σ, 2σ, 3σ, 4σ, 2×1π, 5σ HOMO, 2×2π LUMO (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) and 6σ. There is a limit to the number of molecular orbitals (MOs) that we can handle in practical applications of the MCTDHF. The most commonly used scheme is the complete active space (CAS) method, where the orbitals used in the Slater determinants (or configuration state functions) are divided into inactive (core) and active orbitals. The two inactive spin-orbitals (SOs) with the same spatial function are singly occupied respectively in all electron configurations; all possible electron configurations are generated by distributing the other electrons among the active orbitals. This type of expansion scheme is called the time-dependent complete-active-space self-consistent-field (TD-CASSCF) method [107, 108]. Various wave-function-based multiconfigurational TD approaches to the dynamics of indistinguishable particles are compiled in a recent review [109]. We adopted the following TD-CASSCF scheme in the present study; the lower lying core SOs up to 4σ were treated to be occupied by one electron and the shapes of the orbitals are allowed to vary according to the EOMs derived for the core SOs. The high lying 6 SOs, i.e., 2×1π, 5σ, 2×2π, 6σ, were treated as active orbitals that constitute the CAS to accommodate 14−8=6 electrons (the expansion length M = 400).
Since the molecular axis is parallel to the polarization direction, cylindrical symmetry is maintained; then, the cylindrical coordinates z and ρ are convenient for the numerical grid point representation of spatial orbitals; z is chosen parallel to the molecular axis. The nuclei C is placed at
One-Color Pulses
The temporal change in induced dipole moments characterizes the overall electronic dynamics of a molecule. Shown in Figure 1A are the one-color pulse
FIGURE 1. (A) Electric field profile
FIGURE 2. Four kinds of 5σ effective potentials plotted parallel to the z-axis at the fixed value of ρ = 0.755a0: (A) potentials obtained by TD-CASSCF at t = t1 ≈ 2 fs under the interaction with
We have numerically confirmed that ionization exclusively occurs from the 5σ orbital when the electric field points from C to O, i.e.,
The origin of anisotropic ionization of CO in near-IR fields has been argued mostly in connection with the fact that the 5σ HOMO natural orbital has a large lobe around the C atom. In what follows, we examine what role electron correlation plays in the anisotropic ionization process. We investigate the mechanism of anisotropic near-IR induced ionization of CO by tracing the TD effective potentials of natural orbitals, defined by Eq. 13, which are changing every moment. More generally, the (correlated) multielectron nature intrinsic in intense-field-induced phenomena can be extracted from the analysis of the temporal change in the effective potential of each natural orbital.
Figure 2 display different types of 5σ HOMO effective potentials
When the sign of
To quantify the role of electron correlation, we compare the effective potentials in Figure 2A with TDHF ones shown in Figure 2C. In Figure 2C,
In Four-Color Pulses, we provide a more concrete picture to understand the root of hump formation in
Two-Color Pulses
The one-color field
The largest peak in
Three-Color Pulses
Multicolor fields can be used to manipulate the modulation between the peaks of the electric field. In this subsection, we present
FIGURE 3. Electric field profiles for multi-color pulses (green broken lines): (A, B) three-color pulses with relative intensities
The induced dipole moment
FIGURE 4. Four kinds of 5σ effective potentials plotted parallel to the z-axis at the fixed value of ρ = 0.755a0. The pulses used in four panels (A–D) correspond to those in Figure 3(A–D), respectively.
Four-Color Pulses
The effects of sawtooth wave forms on multielectron dynamics can be investigated by using four-color fields. The relative amplitudes are fixed as
The induced dipole moment
Four types of 5σ effective potentials at t ≈ 2.8 fs for the pulse in Figure 3C are shown in Figure 4C. The difference between
In the present treatment, the effective potential of CO is a two-dimensional (2D) function, i.e., a function of z and ρ. We have already examined TD-CASSCF effective potentials in 2D representation for a one-color pulse [90]. In Figure 5A, we present a 2D contour plot of
FIGURE 5. TD-CASSCF results for the pulse in Figure 3C: (A) 2D contour plot of
The change in field-induced electron-electron interaction is definitely affected by the spatial change in total electron density
The hump ridge elevates as the field strength
FIGURE 6. 2D contour plots of
For the pulse of Figure 3D, effective potentials at t ≈ 3.5 fs are shown in Figure 4D. The potential
An interpretation based on the present single-electron picture is that the valley in
On the Information out of High-Order Harmonic Generation Spectra
We here discuss the connection of the present results of TI with HHG. The HHG spectra of asymmetric molecules, which reflect the presence and motion of the charges in applied fields, can be utilized to investigate the mechanism of coherent control and to assess the degree of controllability. The ionization potential for a polar molecule in an intense field is a time-dependent one, as denoted by
Another feature inherent in the HHG spectra of asymmetric molecules was pointed out by Bandrauk et al. [113, 114], who theoretically investigated the role of excited states in HHG for HeH2+. They found that a transient localized state (Stark-shifted or field-dressed first excited state of HeH2+) is resonantly populated prior to ionization by laser induced electron transfer from the He2+ side to the H+ side. This field-dressed excited state is able to get back directly to the ground state with emission. A resulting new HHG channel, regarded as the quasi two-step pathway, gives birth to an intense resonance peak (<
Intermediate states prepared by tailored multi-color fields, such as represented by a “squeezed” orbital in Figure 6B, may work as such transient excited states leading to resonance HHG. A realistic attempt to confirm the existence of such resonance states and to assess the controllability of the wave function is to examine how the HHG spectrum (regarding the cutoff energy, individual peak positions and intensities, etc.) changes by varying the relative phases among multi-color fields. In line with this, it is necessary to quantify how long the intermediate states (orbitals) prepared live. We would like to take on the applications of the effective potential approach to the setup of new experimental schemes and to the search of possible results, as discussed in [90].
We presented the results of theoretical investigation of the multielectron dynamics of CO in intense laser fields and discussed various manipulation schemes by Fourier-synthesized coherent fields comprised of harmonics up to the fourth order. The multielectron wavefunction
We then quantified the multielectron nature such as electron correlation by using our effective potential approach: the time-dependent natural orbitals
Two-body interaction
We found that
The final point to be discussed here concerns the future extension of the present effective potential approach to chemical reactions. The strong coupling between intense fields and valence electrons dramatically distorts the potential hypersurfaces which determine the motion of the nuclei and brings about decisive changes in reaction pathways [17, 117, 118]. Kübel et al. [118] ionized H2 by a few-cycle visible pulse and prepared a wave packet on the σg state of
A feasible extension along with this line is to include the nuclear coordinates
The various effective potential approaches abovementioned would help reveal the entire picture of the quantum electronic and nuclear dynamics of molecules and help contribute to further development of coherent control of chemical reactions. Challenges are widespread ahead of the frontier of the research on Coherent Phenomena in Molecular Physics.
Data Availability Statement
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Author Contributions
SO: Computation, preparation of figures. HO: conceptual proposal based on experimental feasibility, preparation of manuscript. TK: development of theoretical framework. HK: project coordination, preparation of manuscript. All authors developed the concept of the control of multielectron dynamics by multicolor fields and contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
This work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16H04091.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
The authors would like to thank Prof. S. Koseki for providing us results of the electronic structure calculation of CO.
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Keywords: muliticonfiguration time-dependent Hartree-Fock theory, natural orbital dynamics, time-dependent effective potential, multielectron dynamics, tunnel ionization, intense laser pulse, multicolor superposition
Citation: Ohmura S, Ohmura H, Kato T and Kono H (2021) Manipulation of Multielectron Dynamics of Molecules by Fourier-Synthesized Intense Laser Pulses: Effective Potential Analysis of CO. Front. Phys. 9:677671. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2021.677671
Received: 08 March 2021; Accepted: 28 May 2021;
Published: 08 July 2021.
Edited by:
Robert Gordon, University of Illinois at Chicago, United StatesReviewed by:
Andre Bandrauk, Université de Sherbrooke, CanadaArkaprabha Konar, Kent State University, United States
Copyright © 2021 Ohmura, Ohmura, Kato and Kono. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
*Correspondence: Hirohiko Kono, aGlyb2hpa28ua29uby5kNkB0b2hva3UuYWMuanA=