1. Introduction
Inequality in a society can broadly be categorized as inequality of condition or inequality of opportunity. The former refers to disparities in the current status of individuals, whether this be income, wealth or their ownership of different goods and services. The latter refers to disparities in the future potential of individuals. Typically, inequality of opportunity is inferred indirectly through its effects like education level and quality, health status and treatment by the justice system. Though the two types of inequality are interrelated, we are interested in the former type only in this survey. Therefore, in what follows, the term āinequalityā will refer exclusively to inequality of condition.
We focus here on one aspect of inequality, viz., the measurement of inequality. Measuring inequality is important for answering a wide range of questions. For instance: is the income distribution more equal than what it was in the past? Are underdeveloped countries characterized by greater inequality than developed countries? Do taxes or other kinds of policy interventions lead to greater equality in the distribution of income or wealth? Since the way inequality is measured also determines how the above questions (among others) are answered, a rigorous discussion of the measurement of inequality is necessary (see, e.g., Refs. 1ā5).
A tool that is indispensable in measuring income and wealth inequality is the Lorenz function and its graphical representation, the Lorenz curve (see Ref. 6). The Lorenz curve plots the percentage of total income earned by various portions of the population when the population is ordered by the size of their incomes. The Lorenz curve is typically depicted as a curve in the unit square with end points at (0,0) and (1,1) (see Figure 1).1 The 45Ā° line is the line of perfect equality representing a situation where all individuals have the same income.
The Lorenz curve can be used, in a limited way, as a measure of inequality. Since the 45Ā° line is the line of perfect equality, we can say that the ācloserā a Lorenz curve is to the 45Ā° line, the more equal is the income distribution. Unfortunately, this does not get us very far because Lorenz curves can intersect and hence, the Lorenz curves cannot be ranked unambiguously using the above criterion (see Ref. 7). We have more to say on this point in Section 2.
The existing literature sees two approaches to deal with the problem of intersecting Lorenz curves. The first is to consider ranking criterion that are āweakerā than this dominance criterion meaningful only for non-intersecting Lorenz curves (see Refs. 7ā11). The pioneering work in this approach is Ref. 12 which suggested that there is an underlying notion of social welfare associated with any measure of income inequality. It is this concept with which we should be concerned. Furthermore, we should approach the question by considering directly the form of the social welfare function to be employed (see Ref. 13). This is a normative approach and is meaningful when we want to obtain a ranking of income distributions in order to infer something from the social welfare angle like whether āpost-tax income is more equally distributed than pre-tax incomeā.
The second approach is to develop summary measures of inequality using the Lorenz functions (see Ref. 7 for details). Here, each Lorenz function is associated with a real number and these numbers are used to compare inequality across different income distributions. This is a descriptive approach where we quantify the difference in inequality between pairs of distributions (see Ref. 13).
An index of income inequality is therefore a scalar measure of interpersonal income differences within a given population. High income inequality means concentration of high incomes in the hands of few and is likely to compress the size of the middle class. A large and rich middle class contributes significantly to the well-being of a society in many ways. In particular, a large and rich middle class contributes in terms of high economic growth, better health status, higher education level, a sizable contribution to the countryās tax revenue and a better infrastructure, and more social cohesion resulting from fellow feeling. A society characterized with a small middle class and more persons away from the middle income group may lead to a strained relationship between the subgroups on the two sides of the middle class which can generate unrest (see Ref. 4). Hence, the need for identifying the magnitude of income inequality through different indices is of prime importance.
Except for the unique case of equality, where the Lorenz curve is trivially linear, the Lorenz function is typically nonlinear and it accommodates the essential features of the inequalities involved. However, most of the common inequality indices formulated and used so far studies some of the āaverageā properties of the Lorenz function. On the other hand, the established observations in statistical physics, for example in developing the Renormalization Group theory of phase transitions (see, e.g., Ref. 14) or the chaos theory (see, e.g., Ref. 15), strongly indicated the richness of the (nontrivial) fixed point structure (and also of the eigen vectors and eigen values for the linearized function near that fixed point) of such non-linear functions to comprehend the physical and mathematical process represented by such nonlinear functions. We noted earlier (see Ref. 1) that, while the Lorenz function has got trivial fixed points, a complementary Lorenz function has a non-trivial point corresponding to an inequality index called the Kolkata index, having several intriguing and useful properties.
Our primary focus in this survey will be on the Kolkata index as a measure of inequality. The Kolkata index, first introduced by Ref. 1 and later analyzed in Ref. 2 and in Ref. 3, is that proportion k of the population such that the proportion of income that we can associate with k is (1āk). Since no single summary statistic can reflect all aspects of inequality exhibited by the Lorenz curve, the importance of using alternative measures of inequality is universally acknowledged (see Ref. 7). We would also discuss two popular indices namely, the Gini coefficient or index (see Ref. 16) and the Pietra index (see Ref. 17). The Gini index is the ratio of the area between the 45Ā° line and the Lorenz curve to the total area under the 45Ā° line. Equivalently, the Gini index is twice the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of perfect equality. The Pietra index is the maximum value of the gap between the 45Ā° line and the Lorenz curve (also see Ref. 18).
In Section 2, we discuss the fundamentals of Lorenz and complementary Lorenz functions, along with some examples extending from continuous to discrete wealth distributions. In Section 3, we define the Kolkata index (k-index) and show some example calculation of the k-index for continuous wealth distributions. We also demonstrate an algorithm for calculating the k-index for discrete wealth distribution. We conclude the section by comparing the k-index with various other indices. In Sections 4 and 5, we continue this comparison based on rich-poor disparity. In Section 6, we measure the k-index from real society data. Section 7 summarizes and concludes this work.
2. Lorenz Function And The Complementary Lorenz Function
Let F be the distribution function of a non-negative random variable X which represents the income distribution in a society. The left-inverse of F is defined as Fā1(q)=infx{xāX|F(x)ā„q}. As long as the mean income Ī¼=ā«ā0xdF(x) is finite, we obtain an alternative representation of the mean: Ī¼=ā«10Fā1(q)dq. The function associated with the Lorenz curve is the Lorenz function, defined as LF(p)=(1/Ī¼)ā«p0Fā1(q)dq. The Lorenz function gives the proportion of total income earned by the bottom 100p% of the population for every given pā[0,1]. The advantage of this definition of Lorenz function due to Ref. 19 is that it can be applied to income distributions with both discrete and continuous random variables. The Lorenz function thus defined has the following properties: i) LF(p) is continuous, non-decreasing and convex in pā(0,1) and, ii) LF(0)=0, LF(1)=1 and LF(p)ā¤p for all pā(0,1). Moreover, if there exists pā(0,1) such that LF(p)=p, then for all pā[0,1], LF(p)=p. If the Lorenz function LF(p) is differentiable in the open interval (0,1), then the slope of the Lorenz function at any pā(0,1) is given by Fā1(p)/Ī¼. Let MF be the median as a percentage of the mean. Then MF is given by the slope of the Lorenz curve at p=1/2, that is, MF=Fā1(1/2)/Ī¼. Since many real life distributions of incomes are skewed to the right, the mean often exceeds the median so that MF<1. The complementary Lorenz function is defined as ĖLF(p)=1āLF(p). It measures the proportion of the total income earned by the top 100(1āp)% of the population. Therefore,
ĖLF(p):=1āLF(p)=1āpā«0Fā1(q)dqĪ¼=ā«1pFā1(q)dqĪ¼.(1) It easily follows that ĖLF(0)=1,ĖLF(1)=0, and 0ā¤ĖLF(p)ā¤1 for pā(0,1). Furthermore, ĖLF(p) is continuous, non-increasing and concave for pā(0,1).
Consider any egalitarian income distribution Fe where all agents earn a common positive income so that the associated Lorenz function is LFe(p)=p for all pā(0,1). Thus, we have a case of perfect equality where every p% of the population enjoys p% of the total income and the Lorenz curve coincides with the diagonal line of perfect equality. In reality, we do not find any society where all individuals have equal income. For all other income distributions the Lorenz curve will lie below the egalitarian line, that is below the Lorenz curve associated with the Lorenz function LFe(.) for the egalitarian income distribution Fe. Similarly, we also do not find a society where one person has all the income, that is, an income distribution FI such that LFI(p)=0 for all pā(0,1). Specifically, with complete inequality associated with the income distribution FI, which is characterized by the situation where only one agent has positive income and all other persons have zero income, the Lorenz curve will run through the horizontal axis until we reach the richest person and then it rises perpendicularly (see Figure 1). Hence, for any realistic income distribution of a society, Lorenz curve always lie in between the perfect equality line and the perfect inequality line. The Lorenz curve is quite useful because it shows graphically how the actual distribution of incomes differs not only from the perfect equality line associated with the egalitarian income distribution Fe but also from the perfect inequality line associated with the income distribution FI. The Lorenz curve, complimentary Lorenz curve, perfect equality and perfect inequality lines are shown in Figure 1 below, where we plot the fraction of population from poorest to richest on the horizontal axis and the fraction of associated income on the vertical axis.
We provide some simple examples of Lorenz functions for which the associated income distribution is a continuous random variable.
ā¢ Uniform distribution: Consider a society where the income distribution is uniform on some compact interval [a,b] with 0ā¤a<b<ā so that the probability density function is fu(x)=1/(bāa) and the distribution function is Fu(x)=(xāa)/(bāa) for every xā[a,b]. Since Ī¼u=(a+b)/2 and Fā1u(q)=a+(bāa)q, we get
LFu(p)=1Ī¼upā«0{a+(bāa)q}dq=p[1ā(bāa)(a+b)(1āp)], Observe that if a=0, then we have LFĖu(p)=p2.
ā¢ Exponential distribution: Suppose the income distribution is exponential so that the probability density function is given by fE(x)=Ī»eāĪ»x with Ī»>0 and the distribution function is FE(x)=1āeāĪ»x for any xā„0. In this case Ī¼E=1/Ī» and Fā1E(q)=ā(1/Ī»)ln(1āq) implying
LFE(p)=ā«āp0āln(1āq)dq=āt=1ā«t=1āpln(t)dt=pā(1āp)ln(11āp). ā¢ Pareto distribution: Consider a society where the income distribution is Pareto so that the density function is fP,Ī±(x)=Ī±(m)Ī±/(x)Ī±+1 and the distribution function is FP,Ī±(x)=1ā(m/x)Ī± where m>0 is the minimum income, Ī±>1 and the density and distribution functions are defined for all xā„m. In this case Ī¼P=Ī±m/(Ī±ā1) and Fā1P,Ī±(q)=m(1āq)ā(1/Ī±) implying
LFP,Ī±(p)=(Ī±ā1)Ī±pā«0(1āq)ā1Ī±dq=[t(Ī±ā1)Ī±]t=1t=1āp=1ā(1āp)1ā(1/Ī±).(2) Hence, if the income distribution is a continuous random variable F, one can calculate the Lorenz function LF(p) and, using ĖLF(p)=1āLF(p), we can easily calculate the associated complementary Lorenz function as well.
Example 1. Discrete random variable. To understand the procedure for getting the Lorenz function for income distribution given by discrete random variables, consider an economy with G groups of people where each group gā{1,ā¦,G} has a total of ngā„1 people with each person within this group having the same income of xg and also assume that 0ā¤x1<āÆ<xG. Define the total population as N:=āgāGng and the total income of the economy as M:=āgāGngxg so that the mean income for this society is Ī¼G=M/N. This income distribution is a discrete random variable X={x1,ā¦,xG} such that the probability mass function is given by fG(xg)=ng/N for all gā{1,ā¦,G} and the distribution function is given by
FG(x)={0,ifāxā[0,x1),{āgt=1nt}N,ifāxā[xg,xg+1)āāforāāanyāāgivenāāgā{1,ā¦,G},1,ifāxā„xG, For each gā{1,ā¦,G}, define N(g):=āgt=1nt/N, N(0):=0, M(g):=āgt=1ntxt/M and M(0):=0. For any given gā{1,ā¦,G} and any qgā(N(gā1),N(g)], one can easily verify that Fā1G(qg)=xg. Hence, using the Lorenz function formula we have the following: For any given gā{1,ā¦,G} and any pgā(N(gā1),N(g)],
LFG(pg)=M(gā1)+(pgāN(gā1))(NxgM).(3) The following observations are helpful in this context.
(1) The Lorenz function LFG(p) is piecewise linear and, for each gā{1,ā¦,Gā1}, the point (N(g),LG(N(g))=M(g)) on the coordinate plane of the graph of the Lorenz curve is a kink point.
(2) If G=1 so that M=Nx1, N(1)=1, then from Eq. 3 we get LF1(p)=M(0)+(pāN(0))(Nx1/Nx1)=p for all pā(N(0),N(1)], that is, Lorenz curve is associated with the egalitarian distribution and we have LF1(p)=LFe(p)=p for all pā(0,1).
2.1. The Lorenz Function as a Measure of Inequality
The Lorenz curve allows us to rank distributions according to inequality and say that the country with Lorenz curve closer to the perfect equality line has less inequality than the country with Lorenz curve further away. Consider two societies with income distributions given by the distribution functions Fa and Fb. If it so happens that LFa(p)ā¤LFb(p) for all pā[0,1], then clearly, the society with income distribution Fa is more unequal compared to the society having the income distribution Fb since for every pā(0,1) the bottom 100 p% population has a weakly lower percentage share of income under Fa than under Fb. Formally, for any two income distributions Fa and Fb, we say that Fb Lorenz dominates Fa if the Lorenz curve LFb(p) associated with the income distribution Fb lies nowhere below that of Lorenz curve LFa(p) associated with the income distribution Fa and at some places (at least) lies above. Thus, we can think of domination relation across pairs of Lorenz curves to infer about inequality and, in particular, in a pairwise Lorenz curve comparison, higher of the Lorenz curves are preferable. However, if the Lorenz curves of the two distributions cross, then such an unambiguous conclusion about inequality ordering cannot be drawn. The next example provides such an instance of intersecting Lorenz curves.
Example 2. Consider a society with four people and consider the following income distribution. Person 1 and Person 2 has an income of 20, Person 3 has an income of 30 and Person 4 has an income of 50. We first try to think of a meaningful representation of such an income distribution. Observe that if we draw a person at random, then with 1/2 probability we will draw a person having an income of 20, with 1/4 probability we will draw a person having an income of 30 and with 1/4 probability we will draw a person having an income of 50. Therefore, we have a probability mass function of a random variable of three possible incomes XA={20,30,50} and the probability mass function is given by fA(20)=1/2, fA(30)=1/4 and fA(50)=1/4. Using Eq. 3, the Lorenz function is given by
LFA(p)={2p3,ifāpā(0,12],6pā16,ifāpā(12,34],5pā23,ifāpā(34,1]. Similarly, consider a society with four people and consider the following income distribution. Person 1 and Person 2 has an income of 15, Person 3 has an income of 42 and Person 4 has an income of 48. We have a probability mass function of a random variable XB={15,42,50} and the probability mass function is given by fB(15)=1/2, fB(42)=1/4 and fB(48)=1/4. Again, using Eq. 3, the Lorenz function is given by
LFB(p)={p2,ifāpā(0,12],28pā920,ifāpā(12,34],8pā35,ifāpā(34,1]. Now consider the income distribution FA and compare it with the income distribution FB. Note that at p=1/2, LFA(1/2)=1/3>LFB(1/2)=1/4 and at p=3/4, LFA(3/4)=7/12<LFB(3/4)=3/5. Hence, given both LFA(p) and LFB(p) are continuous in pā[0,1], the two Lorenz curves overlap and, in particular, these two Lorenz curve intersects at p*=17/24, that is, at p* we have LFA(p*)=LFB(p*).
3. Inequality Indices in Detail
3.1. The Kolkata Index
The k-index for any income distribution F is defined by the solution to the equation kF+LF(kF)=1. It has been proposed as a measure of income inequality (see Refs. 2 and 3, and Ref. 1, for more details). We can rewrite kF+LF(kF)=1 as ĖLF(kF)=kF implying that the k-index is a fixed point of the complementary Lorenz function. Since the complementary Lorenz function maps [0,1] to [0,1] and is continuous, it has a fixed point. Furthermore, since complementary Lorenz function ĖLF(p) is non-increasing, the fixed point is unique. Since for any F, p*F:=Lā1F(1/2)ā„1/2 with the equality holding only if we have an egalitarian income distribution, the unique fixed point of ĖLF lies in the interval [1/2,p*F] implying that for any distribution F, kFā[1/2,1). Therefore, kF lies between 50% population proportion and the population proportion p*F=Lā1F(1/2) that we associate with 50% income given the income distribution F. Observe that if LF(p)=p, then kF=1/2 and for any other income distribution, 1/2<kF<1. Also note that while the Lorenz curve typically has only two trivial fixed points, that is, LF(0)=0 and LF(1)=1, the complementary Lorenz function ĖLF(p) has a unique non-trivial fixed point kF.
The Pareto principle is based on Paretoās observation (in the year 1906) that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. The evidence, though, suggests that the income distribution of many countries fails to satisfy the 80/20 rule (see Ref. 1). The k-index can be thought of as a generalization of the Pareto principle. Note that LF(kF)=1ākF; hence, the top 100(1ākF)ā% of the population has 100(1ā(1ākF))=100kFā% of the income. Hence, the āPareto ratioā for the k-index is kF/(1ākF). Observe, however, that this ratio is obtained endogenously from the income distribution and in general, there is no reason to expect that this ratio will coincide with the Pareto principle. The fact that the k-index generalizes Paretoās 80/20 rule was first pointed out in Ref. 1 and later also in Refs. 20 and 21.
ā¢ Uniform distribution. If we have the uniform distribution Fu defined on [a,b] where 0ā¤a<b<ā. Then
kFu=ā(3a+b)+ā5a2+6ab+5b22(bāa),āKFu=ā2(a+b)+ā5a2+6ab+5b2(bāa). ā¢ Exponential distribution. For the exponential distribution FE, the complementary Lorenz function is given by ĖLFE(p)=(1āp)[1+ln{1/(1āp)}]. One can show that kFEā0.6822 and hence KFEā0.3644.
ā¢ Pareto distribution. For the Pareto distribution FP,Ī±, the complementary Lorenz function is given ĖLFP,Ī±(p)=(1āp)1ā(1/Ī±). The k-index is therefore a solution to (I) (1ākFP)1ā(1/Ī±)=kFP. It is difficult to provide a general solution to (I). However, we an interesting observation in this context.
ā¢ If ĖĪ±=ln5/ln4ā1.16, then kFP,ĖĪ±=0.8 and we get the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule. Also note that KFP,ĖĪ±=0.6
3.1.1. Discrete Random Variable
Consider any discrete random variable with distribution function FG discussed in Example 1 for which the Lorenz function is given by Eq. 3. To obtain the explicit form of the k-index one can first apply a simple algorithm to identify the interval of the form [N(gā1),N(g)) defined for gā{1,ā¦,G} in which the k-index can lie.
Step 1: Consider the smallest g1ā{1,ā¦,G} such that N(g1)ā„1/2 and consider the sum N(g1)+M(g1). If N(g1)+M(g1)ā„1, then stop and kFGā(Ng1ā1,N(g1)] and, in particular, kF=N(g1) if and only if N(g1)+M(g1)=1. Instead, if N(g1)+M(g1)<1, then go to Step 2 and consider the group g1+1 and repeat the process.
Step t. We have reached Step t means that in Step (tā1) we had N(g1+tā1)+M(g1+tā1)<1. Therefore, consider the sum N(g1+t)+M(g1+t). If N(g1+t)+M(g1+t)ā„1, the stop and kFGā[N(g1+tā1),N(g1+t)) and, in particular, kF=N(g1+t) if and only if N(g1+t)+M(g1+t)=1. If N(g1+t)+M(g1+t)<1, then go to Step (t+1).
Observe that since N(G)=M(G)=1, if we have N(Gā1)+M(Gā1)<1 in some step, then, in the next step, this algorithm has to end since N(G)+M(G)=2>1.
Suppose for any discrete random variable with distribution function FG discussed in Example 1, Algorithm-A identifies g*ā{1,ā¦,G} such that N(g*)+M(g*)ā„1. If N(g*)+M(g*)=1, then kFG=N(g*) and if N(g*)+M(g*)>1, the kFG is the solution to the following equation:
kFG+{M(gāā1)+(kFGāN(gāā1))(NxgāM)}=1. Thus, to derive the k-index of any discrete random variable with distribution function FG discussed in Example 1, we first identifying the group g*ā{1,ā¦,G} such that kFGā(N(g*ā1),N(g*)] (using Algorithm-A) and then, using g*, we get the following value of kFG:
kFG={N(g*),ifāN(g*)+M(g*)=1,Ī¼G+N(g*)xg*āM(g*)Ī¼G+xg*,ifāN(g*)+M(g*)>1. Remark 1. Consider the income distributions FA and FB defined in Example 2. Recall that the Lorenz functions and LFB(p) are such that LFA(p)>LFB(p) for all pā(0,17/24) and LFA(p)<LFB(p) for all pā(17/24,1). However, one can work out that the k-indices for these distributions. Specifically, note that for FA, N(1)=1/2 and M(1)=1/3 implying that N(1)+M(1)=1/6<1 and N(2)=3/4 and M(1)=7/12 implying that N(2)+M(2)=4/3>. Hence, by Algorithm-A, kFAā(1/3,3/4) and it is a solution to the equation kFA+(6kFAā1)/6=1 implying that kFA=7/12ā0.58Ė3 and hence the normalized value is KFA=1/6ā0.1Ė6. Similarly, for FB, N(1)=1/2 and M(1)=1/4 implying that N(1)+M(1)=3/4<1 and N(2)=3/4 and M(1)=3/4 implying that N(2)+M(2)=3/2>. Hence, by Algorithm-A, kFBā(1/2,3/4) and it is a solution to the equation kFB+(28kFBā9)/20=1 implying that kFB=29/48ā0.6041Ė6 and hence the normalized value is KFB=5/24ā0.208Ė3. Observe that kFA<kFB and hence KFA<KFB implying that according to k-index as a measure of income inequality, the income distribution FA is less unequal than income distribution FB.
3.1.2. The Hirsch Index
The physicist Jorge E. Hirsch suggested this index to measure the citation impact of the publications of a research scientist (see Ref. 22). Let X=(x1,ā¦,xm) be the set of research papers of a scientist. Let f:Xāļ be the citation function of the scientist. The citation function simply gives the number of citations for each publication. Let X()=(x(1),ā¦,x(m)) be a reordering of the elements in the set X such that f(x(1))ā„ā¦ā„f(x(m)). The Hirsch index, or the h-index, is the largest number H*ā{0,1,ā¦,m} such that f(x(H*))ā„H*. Note that if f(x(1))=0, then H*=0, and, if f(x(m))ā„m, then H*=m and for all other cases H*ā{1,ā¦,mā1}.
If neither f(x(1))=0 nor f(x(m))ā„m holds, then how do we identify the h-index? To see this, suppose that we plot a graph where on the x-axis we plot the ordered set of publications of a research scientist in non-increasing order of citations and on the y-axis we plot the number of citations for each publication. Moreover, if we join the consecutive plotted points like f(x(t)) and f(x(t+1)) by a straight line for each tā{1,ā¦,mā1}, then we get a curve representing a function Ėf:[1,m]ā[f(x1),f(xm)], defined on the domain [1,m] with co-domain [f(x1),f(xm)], which we call the generated citation curve. The generated citation curve is continuous, piecewise linear and has a non-positive slope whenever the slope exists. The generated citation curve resembles a lot like the complementary Lorenz curve that we can associate with any income distribution. Consider the fixed point of the generated citation curve Ėf on the interval [1,m], that is, consider Ėhā[1,m] such that Ėf(Ėh)=Ėh. As long as there is at least one citation and as long as all papers are not cited more than (mā1)-times, such a fixed point Ėh exists and is unique with the added property that Ėhā[1,mā1]. Given this fixed point, we can identify the relevant value of the h-index, that is, Hāā{1,ā¦,m} for f by the following procedure: If the fixed point Ėh is an integer, then it is the H* that we are looking for, that is, Ėh=H*. If, however, Ėh is not an integer, then there exists an integer Ėh such that Ėf(x(Ėh))=f(x(Ėh))>Ėh and Ėf(x(Ėh+1))=f(x(Ėh+1))<Ėh+1 and then, the relevant value of the h-index is Ėh=H*. Therefore, graphically, the procedure of obtaining the h-index of any research scientist using the generated citation curve is the same as identifying the fixed point of the complementary Lorenz function of any income distribution that yields the k index.
3.2. The Gini Index
The Gini index is the ratio of the area that lies between the line of perfect equality and the Lorenz curve over the total area under the line of perfect equality. If we plot cumulative share of population from lowest income to highest income on the horizontal axis and cumulative share of income on the Vertical axis (as shown in Figure 1 above), then the Gini index GF(p) of any income distribution F is given by GF:=areaofAOCPA/areaofAOCBA. If all people have non-negative income (or wealth, as the case may be), the Gini index can theoretically range from 0 (complete equality) to 1 (complete inequality); it is sometimes expressed as a percentage ranging between 0 and 100. In practice, both extreme values are not quite reached. The Gini index is given by the following formula:
GF=ā«10(qāLF(q))dq(1/2)=21ā«0(qāLF(q))dq=1ā21ā«0LF(q)dq.(4) It is obvious that if LFe(p)=p for all pā(0,1), then GF=0. If the income distribution for a society with n people follows a Power Law distribution, then LFn(p)=pn. The Gini index is then given by GFn={1ā2/(n+1)}. Hence, as nāā, we have GFā=1. Gini index of some standard continuous random variable are provided below.
ā¢ Uniform distribution: Consider uniform distribution on some compact interval [a,b] with 0ā¤a<b<ā. The Gini index is given by
GFu=21ā«0[qāq{1ā(bāa)(a+b)(1āq)}]dq=(bāa)3(a+b)>KFu. ā¢ Exponential distribution: Consider the exponential distribution with distribution function given by FE(x)=1āeāĪ»x for any xā„0 with Ī»>0. The Gini index is given by
GFE=21ā«0[qāLFE(q)]dq=21ā«0(1āq)ln(11āq)dq=12>KFE. ā¢ Pareto distribution: For Pareto distribution given by the distribution function is FP,Ī±(x)=1ā(m/x)Ī± with m>0 as the minimum income and Ī±>1, the Gini index is given by
GFP,Ī±=21ā«0[qā{1ā(1āq)1ā1Ī±}]dq=12Ī±ā1. If we plot the Gini index for different values of Ī±>1, then note that as Ī± increases the Gini index decreases, and, as Ī±ā1 we have GFP,Ī±ā1. Also note that if ĖĪ±=ln5/ln4, then GFP,ĖĪ±ā0.7565>KFP,ĖĪ±=0.6.
3.2.1. Discrete Random Variable
Consider the discrete random variable FG discussed in Example 1 for which the Lorenz function is given by Eq. 3. As show in Appendix A, we have the following explicit form of the Gini index.
GFG=Gāg=1Gāt=1ntng|xtāxg|2NM,(5) Note that if ng=1 for all gā{1,ā¦,G} so that G=N and M=āNg=1xg, then from Eq. 5 it follows that
GFN=Nāg=1Nāt=1|xtāxg|2NNāg=1xg.(6) Remark 2. Consider the income distributions FA and FB defined in Example 2. One can work out that the Gini indices are GFA=KFB=5/24ā0.208Ė3>KFA and GFB=21/80=0.2625>KFB. Hence, like the normalized k-index, according Gini index the income distribution FA is less unequal than income distribution FB.
3.3. The Pietra Index
An interesting index of inequality is the Pietra index (see Pietra [17]) that tries to identify that proportion of total income that needs to be reallocated across the population in order to achieve perfect equality. Given any income distribution F, this proportion is given by the maximum value of pāLF(p). Therefore, the Pietra index is PF=maxpā[0,1](pāLF(p)). It is immediate that if LF(p)=p for all pā[0,1], then KF=PF=GF=0. For any other income distribution F, the maximum distance between the perfect equality line and the Lorenz curve is the distance OP in Figure 1 above. Note that for any random variable X with distribution function F, pāLF(p)=pā(ā«p0Fā1(q)dq)/Ī¼=ā«p0{Ī¼āFā1(q)dq}/Ī¼. Therefore, maximizing (pāLF(p)) by selecting pā[0,1] is equivalent to maximizing the area ā«p0{Ī¼āFā1(q)}dq by selecting pā[0,1]. Since the Lorenz curve plots the percentage of total income earned by various portions of the population when the population is ordered by the size of their incomes, it is obvious that {Ī¼āFā1(q)}>0 for all qā[0,F(Ī¼)), {Ī¼āFā1(q)}<0 for all qā(F(Ī¼),1] and {Ī¼āFā1(q)}=0 at q=F(Ī¼). Thus, it follows that the maximum value of the integral ā«p0{Ī¼āFā1(q)}dq is attained at p=F(Ī¼). Hence, the Pietra index for any random variable with distribution function F is
PF=maxpā[0,1](pāLF(p))=F(Ī¼)āLF(F(Ī¼)).(7) ā¢ Uniform distribution: For the uniform distribution on some compact interval [a,b] with 0ā¤a<b<ā, we have pāLFu(p)=(bāa)p(1āp)/(a+b) for all pā[0,p]. Moreover, Ī¼u=(a+b)/2 and as a result Fu(Ī¼u)=1/2. Hence, the Pietra index is given by
PFu=(bāa)(a+b)Fu(Ī¼u)(1āFu(Ī¼u))=(bāa)4(a+b), Given GFu=(bāa)/3(a+b), we have PFu=(3/4)GFu<GFu. Moreover, one can easily check that PFu>KFu.
ā¢ Exponential distribution: For the exponential distribution FE(x)=1āeāĪ»x defined for any xā„0 with Ī»>0, we have pāLE(p)=(1āp)ln(1/(1āp)) for all pā[0,1]. We also have Ī¼E=1/Ī» and hence FE(Ī¼E)=1āeā1. The Pietra index is given by
PFE=(1āFE(Ī¼E))ln(11āFE(Ī¼E))=1e, Observe that KFEā0.3644<PFE=1/eā0.3679<GFE=1/2.
ā¢ Pareto distribution: For Pareto distribution given by the distribution function is FP,Ī±(x)=1ā(m/x)Ī± with m>0 as the minimum income and Ī±>1, we have pāLP(p)=(1āp)1ā(1/Ī±)ā(1āp) for all pā[0,p], Ī¼P=Ī±m/(Ī±ā1) and FP,Ī±(Ī¼P)=1ā{(Ī±ā1)/Ī±}Ī±. The Pietra index is given by
PFP,Ī±=(1āFP(Ī¼P))1ā(1/Ī±)ā(1āFP(Ī¼P))=(Ī±ā1)Ī±ā1Ī±Ī±, One can verify that PFP,Ī±<GFP=1/(2Ī±ā1) for all Ī±>1. Also note that if ĖĪ±=ln5/ln4, then GFP,ĖĪ±ā0.7565>PFP,ĖĪ±ā0.626655>KFP,ĖĪ±=0.6.
As shown in Appendix B(i), there is an alternative representation of the Pietra index as the ratio of the mean absolute deviation of the income distribution and twice its mean, that is, PF=E(|xāĪ¼|)/2Ī¼.
3.3.1 Discrete Random Variable
Consider the discrete random variable FG discussed in Example 1 for which the Lorenz function is given by Eq. 3. It is shown in Appendix B(ii) that the Pietra index has the following representations:
PFG=Ėgāg=1ng(Ī¼Gāxg)M=E(|xāĪ¼G|)2Ī¼G,(8) where Ėgā{1,ā¦,Gā1} is such that Ī¼Gā[xĖg,xĖg+1) implying that FG(Ī¼G)=N(Ėg).
Remark 3. Consider the income distributions FA and FB defined in Example 2. Observe that for both FA and FB the mean is the same and, in particular Ī¼A=Ī¼B=30. Therefore, FA(Ī¼A)=3/4 and LFA(Ī¼A)=7/12 implying PFA=KFA=1/6ā0.1Ė6<GFA, and, we also have FB(Ī¼B)=1/2 and LFB(Ī¼A)=1/4 implying PFB=1/4=0.25ā(KFB,GFB). Thus, PFA<PFB and hence, like the ordering with the k-index as well as the Gini index, according to the Pietra index, the income distribution FA is less unequal than income distribution.
4. Comparing the Measures
4.1. Rich-Poor Disparity
The Gini index, as is well-known, measures inequality by the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of perfect equality. For any pā[0,1], one can decompose the Gini index into three parts: two representing the within-group inequality and one representing the across-group inequality. In Figure 2 below, the unshaded area bounded by the Lorenz curve and the line from (0,0) to (p,LF(p)) is the within-group inequality of the poor. It represents the extent to which inequality can be reduced by redistributing incomes among the poor. Similarly, the area bounded by the Lorenz curve and the line segment from (p,LF(p)) to (1,1) represents the within-group inequality of the rich. The shaded area represents the across-group inequality. Easy computation shows that the extent of across-group inequality between the bottom pĆ100% and top is the (across-group) disparity function DF(p)=(1/2)[pāLF(p)]. One can ask for what value of p is the across-group inequality maximized? The answer is that this is maximized at the proportion associated with the Pietra index given by PF=F(Ī¼)āLF(F(Ī¼)). Hence, F(Ī¼) is the proportion where the disparity is maximized. Therefore, the Pietra index is that fraction which splits the society into two groups in a way such that inter-group inequality is maximized.
The discussion to follow shows that interpretation of the k-index is different from that of the Pietra index. Let us divide society into two groups, the āpoorestā who constitute a fraction p of the population and the ārichestā who constitute a fraction 1āp of the population. Given the Lorenz curve LF(p), we look at the distance of the āboundary personā from the poorest person on the one hand and the distance of this person from the richest person on the other hand. These distances are given by āp2+LF(p)2 and ā(1āp)2+(1āLF(p))2, respectively. Then, the k-index divides society into two groups in a manner such that the Euclidean distance of the boundary person from the poorest person is equal to the distance from the richest person.
The value of the disparity function at the k-index is DF(kF)=kFā1/2. It measures the gap between the proportion kF of the poor from the 50ā50 population split. As long as we do not have a completely egalitarian society, kF>1/2 and hence it is one way of highlighting the rich-poor disparity with kF defining the income proportion of the top (1ākF) proportion of the rich population. In terms of disparity, the Gini index and Pietra index do not have as nice an interpretation.
4.2. Comparison of Magnitudes
To compare the k-index with other measures of inequality we will use the normalized k-index which is given by KF:=2kFā1. The normalized k-index was first introduced in Ref. 20 and was called the āperpendicular-diameter indexā (see Refs. 20, 21, 23). For all income distributions used till the previous section we found that given any F, the value of the normalized k index is no more than the value of the Pietra index and the value of the Pietra index is no more than the value of the Gini index. This is not just a coincidence. It was established in Ref. 3 that for any income distribution F, we have KFā¤PFā¤GF. It is obvious that since the Pietra index maximizes pāLF(p), it is obvious that KF=2kFā1=kFāLF(kF)ā¤PF. Moreover, in Ref. 3, it was also established that for any given distribution F and any pā[0,1], pāLF(p)ā¤GF and hence, using this result, it follows that maxpā[0,1]{pāLF(p)}ā¤GF and hence we get PFā¤GF.
We first provide an example where the normalized k-index coincides with the Pietra index. This example is taken from Ref. 3. Let us consider an arc of a unit circle ODB as a Lorenz curve where OB is one of the diagonal (egalitarian line) of the unit square ABCO (as shown in Figure 3) where CD represents the unit radius of the circle, CA is the other diagonal of the unit square ABCO = ā2. In this case the Lorenz curve is, LFkg(p)=1āā1āp2 where Fkg is the relevant income distribution. One can verify that KFkg=PFkg=ā2ā1ā0.4142<GFkg=(Ļ/2)ā1ā0.571. Hence, the Gini index is larger than the Pietra index and the normalized k-index. Also in this case the maximum distance between perfect equality line and the Lorenz curve is at kFkg=F(Ī¼kg)=1/ā2, hence Pietra index coincides with the normalized k-index.
The Lorenz function LF(p) is symmetric if for all pā[0,1], LF(ĖLF(p))=1āp or equivalently LF(p)+rF(p)=1, where rF(p)=Lā1F(1āp). The idea of symmetry is explained in Figure 4. One can verify that the Lorenz function LFkg(p)=1āā1āp2 is symmetric. It was proved in Banerjee, Chakrabarti, Mitra, and Mutuswami [3] that, in general, if the Lorenz function is symmetric and differentiable, then the proportion F(Ī¼) associated with the Pietra index coincides with the proportion kF of the k-index. Hence, we also have KF=PF.
The next example is one where the Pietra index coincides with the Gini index. This example is taken from Eliazar and Sokolov [18]. Fix any fraction x0ā(0,1) and consider the following Lorenz function:
LFpg(p)={0ifāpā[0,x0],(pāx0)(1āx0),ifāpā(x0,1].(9) Figure 5 depicts this Lorenz function LFpg(.) and in particular the curve OBA represents this Lorenz curve. One can show that x0/2āx0=KFpg<PFpg=GFpg=x0. Hence, the Gini index coincides with Pietra and the normalized k-index has a lower value. Therefore, from this example we can say that k-index has different features relative to both the Gini index and the Pietra index.
Finally, when does all the three indices coincide? It was established in Ref. 3 that all three measures will coincide if and only if the Lorenz function has the following form defined for any given Cā[1/2,1):
LC(p)={(1āCC)pifāpā[0,C],(1āC)+C(1āC)(pāC)ifāpā(C,1].(10) In Figure 6, the straight lines OQ and QB taken together represents the Lorenz curve for LC(.). One can verify that
Observe that, if C=1/2, then we have LF0.5(p)=LFe(p)=p for all pā(0,1) and in that case the three indices also coincide since GFe=PFe=KFe=0.
It is clear that the Lorenz functions of the form LFC(.) with Cā(1/2,1) is valid for any society having two income groups. Therefore, a natural question in this context is the following: What does the coincidence of the three measures mean in terms of discrete random variables? For any discrete random variable FG such that G=2, we have N=n1+n2, M=n1x1+n2x2 with x1<x2 and the associated Lorenz function has the following form:
LF2(p)={(n1+n2)x1pn1x1+n2x2,ifāpā(0,n1n1+n2],n1x1n1x1+n2x2+((n1+n2)x2n1x1+n2x2)(pān1n1+n2),ifāpā(n1n1+n2,1).(12) For the coincidence of all the three indices we first require that Cā(1/2,0) and C=n1/(n1+n2) implying that n1>n2. Moreover, for the coincidence we also require C=kF2, that is, C+LF2(C)=1 which yields n21x1=n22x2. Thus, from the above discussion we have the following result.
ā¢ Consider any discrete random variable FG discussed in Example 1 for which the Lorenz function is given by Eq. 3. The normalized k-index coincides with the Gini index and the Pietra index if and only if any one of the following conditions holds:
(C1) The society has all agents having the same income x1>0 so that LF1(p)=LFe(p)=p for all pā(0,1). For this case we have, KF1=PF1=GF1=0.
(C2) The society has two groups of agents with one group of n1 agents having an income of x1 and another group of n2 agents having an income of x2 such that x1<x2. Moreover, the Lorenz function is LF2(p) given in Eq. 12 with the added restrictions that n1>n2, n21x1=n22x2 and hence n1x1<n2x2. For this case we have, KF2=PF2=GF2=2kF2ā1=(n1ān2)/(n1+n2).
5. Ranking Lorenz Functions
Consider the uniform income distribution FĖu defined on any compact interval [0,b] with b>0. The Lorenz function is given by LFĖu(p)=p2 for all pā[0,1] (see Figure 7). Here kFĖu is the reciprocal of the Golden ratio, that is, kFĖu=(ā5ā1)/2=1/Ļ where Ļ=(ā5+1)/2ā0.61803 is the Golden ratio. Moreover, KFu=ā5ā2ā0.23607. Similarly, one can derive that the Gini index is GFĖu=1/3 and the Pietra index is PFĖu=1/4 with Ī¼Ėu=1/2. Hence, we have GFĖu=1/3>PFĖu=1/4>KFĖu=ā5ā2. Similarly, consider the Pareto distribution FP,Ī± with parameter value Ī±=2. The Lorenz function is given by LFP,2(p)=1āā1āp so that ĖLFP,2(p)=ā1āp and the k-index is again the reciprocal of the Golden ratio, that is, kFP,2=1/Ļ and KFP,2=ā5ā2 (see Figure 7). Thus, according to the normalized k-index, a society with an income distribution FĖu is equivalent to a society with an income distribution of FP,2 in terms of inequality. One can verify that this equivalence between FĖu and FP,2 is also preserved under the Gini index and the Pietra index. Specifically, we have GFP,Ī±=GFĖu=1/3 and PFP,2=PFĖu=1/4 though Ī¼P,2=3/4>Ī¼Ėu=1/2. Hence, we have
GFP,Ī±=GFĖu=1/3>PFP,2=PFĖu=1/4>KFP,Ī±=KFĖu=ā5ā2. Consider the income distributions FA and FB defined in Example 2. From Remark 1 it follows that KFA<KFB, from Remark 2 it follows that GFA<GFB and from Remark 3 it also follows that PFA<PFB. Therefore, all the three measures unambiguously assures that the society with income distribution FA is less unequal that the society with income distribution FB.
Given the above examples of this section, one may be tempted to think that ranking Lorenz functions using these three measures always gives the same order, that is, if one measure shows that the income distribution F is equivalent to another income distribution Fā² in terms of inequality, then the other two measures will also give the same result, and, if one measure shows that the income distribution F is less unequal than the income distribution Fā², then also the other two measures will establish the same order. However, as argued in Ref. 3, this is not the case. To establish this point [3] provided the following two examples.
In the first example the following Lorenz functions were considered to establish that the normalized k-index yields a different ranking from the Pietra index.
LFa(p)={3p4,ifāpā[0,1/3],9pā18,ifāpā(1/3,1]. LFb(p)={8p9,ifāpā[0,7/8],16pā79,ifāpā(7/8,1]. One can show that KFa=KFb=1/7<PFa=1/12<PFb=7/72, that is, according to the normalized k-index, the society with income distribution Fb is equivalent to the society with income distribution Fb in terms of inequality. However, according to the Pietra index, the society with income distribution Fa is less unequal than the society with income distribution Fb.
In the second example, two Lorenz functions were considered of which the first one is the standard uniform distribution defined on any compact interval of the form [0,b] with b>0, that is, LFĖu(p)=p2 for all pā[0,1]. The other Lorenz function has the following form:
LFS(p)={p2ifāpā[0,3/4],1ā(7(1āp)4)ifāpā(3/4,1]. KFĖu=KFS=2/Ļā1<GFS=21/64<GFĖu=1/3. This example demonstrates an important difference between KF and GF. The Gini index is affected by transfers within a group. In particular, the poor are unaffected but the rich (lying in the interval [3/4,1)) have become more egalitarian while moving from LFĖu to LFS. The normalized k-index on the other hand is unaffected with such intra-group transfers. Therefore, if we are interested in reducing inequality between groups, then the normalized k-index is a better indicator than the Gini index.
6. Numerical Observations
For the purpose of comparison between different inequality indices, we present in Table 1, the estimated values of the Gini and k-indices for the income distributions in some countries for the period 1963ā1983. Tables 2 and 3 give the estimated values of these indices along with the Pietra index for citations, for different institutions and universities across the world observed in different years. Table 4 also shows the comparison between Gini, Pietra and k for inequalities in paper citations for various science journals. All the tables are taken from Ref. 1.
In Ref. 1 it was observed that Eq. 11 is an approximate result and can differ for large values of G and k. Furthermore, the value of k corresponds to an upper limit beyond which the distribution follows a power law pattern, similar to the celebrated Pareto law [24]. For the inequality in citation data, if n is the fraction of papers and w is the cumulative fraction of citations, then for nā„k, 1āwā¼(1ān)Ī± with Ī±=0.50Ā±0.10 which implies n=1ācā(1āw)Ī½ for Ī½=2.0Ā±0.5 and c is a proportionality constant. This is illustrated in Figures 8 and 9.
7. Summary and Discussion
For the nonlinear Lorenz function (LF(p)), the traditional measures like Gini index measures some āaverage propertyā, while the Kolkata index (k) identifies the non-trivial fixed point of the complementary Lorenz function (ĖLF(p) = 1āL(p); note that LF(p) has trivial fixed points at p=0 and 1, while ĖLF(p) has a nontrivial fixed point at p=k). This k-index apart from capturing the essential character of the nonlinear Lorenz function (as inspired by the major developments of renormalization group theory in statistical physics [14] or in identifying the universal characters corresponding to the onset of chaos in nonlinear systems [15]), also gives us a very tangible one, giving that (1āk) fraction of the population possess k fraction of the total wealth in the society. In Ref. 25 the k-index is used to define a generalized Gini index. In a recent study, the k-index has been used to quantify the inequality for spreading of the Covid-19 infection in urban neighbourhoods and slums in a society (see Ref. 26).
After a general introduction in Section 1, we discuss in Section 2, some structural features of the Lorenz function and introduce the Complementary Lorenz function, which has a nontrivial fixed point (namely the Kolkata index) as mentioned above. In Sections 3 and 4, we try to demonstrate the uniqueness of the k-index, compared to Gini and Pietra indices in ranking the rich-poor disparity, assuming some typical income distributions. we have argued (in Section 3) that the procedure of obtaining the h-index of any research scientist using the generated citation curve is the same as identifying the fixed point of the complementary Lorenz function of any income distribution that yields the k index. While comparing the normalized k-index with the Pietra index and with the Gini index, one can show that for any given distribution the normalized k-index is no more than the Pietra index and the Pietra index is no more than the Gini index. We have also argued (in Section 4.2) that for any given distribution the normalized k-index, the Pietra index and the Gini index coincide only if either the society is such that all agents have equal income or there are only two income groups in a society with some added restrictions (see condition C2 in this subsection). We have also argued (in Section 5) that if we are interested in reducing inequality between the rich and poor groups of the society, then the normalized k-index is a better indicator than the Gini index. In Section 6, we can see that while the Gini index value typically ranges from 0.30 to 0.62, the Kolkata index value ranges from 0.60 to 0.73 at any particular time or year for income or wealth data across the countries of the world. It may be mentioned here that income inequality data are not easily available from reliable sources. On the other hand, the (paper) citations may be considered as a measure of the wealth created by the respective University or Institution and the resulting inequality data are abundantly available in accurate digital formats (say from the ISI Web of Science). We estimated the Gini, Pietra, and Kolkata index values for the citations earned by the yearly publications of various academic institutions from such data sources. We find that while Gini and Pietra index values range from 0.65 to 0.75 and 0.50 to 0.60, respectively, the Kolkata index remains around 0.75Ā±0.05 value for Institutions or Universities across the world. As mentioned already, k-index is the social equivalent to the h-index for an individual researcher or academician. Also we find that the value for k-index gives an estimate of the crossover point beyond which the growth of income (or citations) with the fraction of population (or publications) enters a power law (Pareto) region (see Figures 8 and 9).
Author Contributions
All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
8. Appendices
8.1. Appendix A
We formally show that for the discrete random variable FG with the Lorenz function is given by Eq. 3, the Gini index has the following explicit form:
GFG=Gāg=1Gāt=1ntng|xtāxg|2NM. Observe first that
1ā«0LFG(q)dq=Gāg=1{N(g)ā«N(gā1)LFG(pk)dpk}āāāāāā=Gāg=1{N(g)ā«N(gā1){M(gā1)+(pgāN(gā1))(NxgM)}dpg}āāāāāā=āGāg=1g=1āt=1ngnt(xgāxt)NM+Gāg=1(2gā1āt=1nt+ng)ntxg2NM.(A1) Thus, using 2āGg=1(āgā1t=1ntāāGt=g+1nt)ngxg=āGg=1āGt=1ngnt|xgāxt| and using Eq. A1 we get
GFG=1ā21ā«0LFG(q)dqāā=1āGāg=1(2gā1āt=1nt+ng)ngxgNM+2{Gāg=1gā1āt=1ngnt(xgāxt)}NMāā=Gāg=1(Gāt=g+1ntāgā1āt=1nt)ngxgNM+Gāg=1Gāt=1ngnt|xgāxt|NMāā=āGāg=1Gāg=1ngnt|xgāxt|2NM+Gāg=1Gāt=1ngnt|xgāxt|NMāā=Gāg=1Gāt=1ngnt|xgāxt|2NM.(A2) Hence, from the last inequality in Eq. A2 the result follows.
8.2. Appendix B
8.2.1. Appendix B (i)
The following derivation shows why PF=E(|xāĪ¼|)/2Ī¼ this is true.
PF=F(Ī¼)āLF(Ī¼)āā=F(Ī¼)āā«F(Ī¼)0Fā1(q)dqĪ¼āā=ā«F(Ī¼)0{Ī¼āFā1(q)}dqĪ¼=2ā«F(Ī¼)0{Ī¼āFā1(q)}dq2Ī¼āā=ā«F(Ī¼)0{Ī¼āFā1(q)}dq+ā«1F(Ī¼){Fā1(q)āĪ¼}dq2Ī¼āā=ā«10|Fā1(q)āĪ¼|dq2Ī¼āā=E(|xāĪ¼|)2Ī¼.(B1) 8.2.2. Appendix B (ii)
We formally show that for the discrete random variable FG with the Lorenz function is given by Eq. 3, the Pietra index has the following explicit form:
PFG=Ėgāg=1ng(Ī¼Gāxg)M=E(|xāĪ¼G|)2Ī¼G, where Ėgā{1,ā¦,Gā1} is such that Ī¼Gā[xĖg,xĖg+1) implying that FG(Ī¼G)=N(Ėg).
For the first equality, observe that there exists Ėgā{1,ā¦,Gā1} such that Ī¼Gā[xĖg,xĖg+1) implying that FG(Ī¼G)=N(Ėg). Thus, using āGg=1ng(xgāĪ¼G)=0 and using FG(Ī¼G)āN(Ėg)=0 we get
PFG=FG(Ī¼G)āLFG(Ī¼G)āāā=FG(Ī¼G)āM(Ėgā1)ā{(FG(Ī¼G)āN(Ėgā1))}(NxĖgM)āāā=FG(Ī¼G)(MāNxĖgM)ā{M(Ėgā1)āN(Ėgā1)(NxĖgM)}āāā=FG(Ī¼G)(āGg=1ng(xgāxĖg))M+Ėgāg=1ng(xĖgāxg)Māāā=Gāg=1ng(xgāĪ¼G)M+Ėgāg=1ng(Ī¼Gāxg)M+(FG(Ī¼G)āN(Ėg))N(Ī¼GāxĖg)Māāā=Ėgāg=1ng(Ī¼Gāxg)M.(B2) Given Eq. B2 it follows that the Pietra index of the distribution FG with Ī¼Gā[xĖg,xĖg+1) is
PFG=Ėgāg=1ng(Ī¼Gāxg)M.(B3) Given Eq. B3, we can also derive second equality by using Ī¼Gā[xĖg,xĖg+1) and by using āĖgg=1ng(Ī¼Gāxg)=āng=Ėg+1ng(xgāĪ¼G). Specifically,
PFG=Ėgāg=1ng(Ī¼Gāxg)M=Ėgāg=1ng(Ī¼Gāxg)+Gāg=Ėg+1ng(xgāĪ¼G)2Māāā=Gāg=1(ng/N)|xgāĪ¼G|2(M/N)=E(|xāĪ¼G|)2Ī¼G.(B4) Footnotes
1The end points are clear since none of the population possesses none of the income while the entire population possesses all the income.
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