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Front. Phys. , 11 August 2020

Sec. Statistical and Computational Physics

Volume 8 - 2020 |

This article is part of the Research Topic Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations and Applications View all 11 articles

Invariant Solutions and Conservation Laws of the Variable-Coefficient Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Spin Chain Equation

\nNa Liu,
Na Liu1,2*
  • 1Business School, Shandong University of Political Science and Law, Jinan, China
  • 2School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China

The variable-coefficient Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain (vcHFSC) equation is investigated using the Lie group method. The infinitesimal generators and Lie point symmetries are reported. Four types of similarity reductions are acquired by virtue of the optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras. Several invariant solutions are derived, including trigonometric and hyperbolic function solutions. Furthermore, conservation laws for the vcHFSC equation are obtained with the help of Lagrangian and non-linear self-adjointness.


The investigation of physical phenomenon modeled by non-linear partial differential equations (NLPDEs) and searching for their underlying dynamics remain the hot issue of research for applied and theoretical sciences. A lot of attention has been concentrated on looking for the explicit solutions of NLPDEs, for they can provide accurate information with which to understand some interesting physical phenomena. A great many powerful methods have been proposed to construct the explicit solutions of NLPDEs, such as the inverse scattering method [1], the Lie group method [25], the Hirota bilinear method [6, 7], the extended tanh method [810], the homoclinc test method [1113], the F-expansion technique [14], and so on [1518]. Among these methods, the Lie group method is a powerful and prolific method for the study of NLPDEs. On the one hand, based on the Lie group method, we can obtain new exact solutions directly or from the known ones or via similarity reductions; on the other hand, the conservation laws can be constructed via the corresponding Lie point symmetries. Recently, invariant solutions of a class of constant and variable coefficient NLPDEs have been obtained by virtue of this method, such as Keller-Segel models [19], generalized fifth-order non-linear integrable equation [20], KdV equation [21], and Davey-Stewartson equation [22].

So far, many effective methods have been extended to construct exact solutions of different types of differential equations. For example, the generalized Bernoulli sub-ODE and the generalized tanh methods have been applied to establish optical soliton solutions of the Chen-Lee-Liu equation [23]. The Lie group method has been used to find the exact solutions of the time fractional Abrahams–Tsuneto reaction diffusion system [24] and the non-linear transmission line equation [25].

In this work, we will focus on the (2+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain (vcHFSC) equation

iqt+δ1(t)qxx+δ2(t)qyy+δ3(t)qxy+δ4(t)|q|2q=0,    (1)

where δ1(t), δ2(t), δ3(t), and δ4(t) are arbitrary functions with respect to t. The interaction properties and stability of the bright and dark solitons are presented in [26]. Non-autonomous complex wave and analytic solutions are obtained in [27]. When δi(t) (i = 1, ⋯ , 4) are arbitrary constants, Equation (1) can be reduced to the following (2+1)-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain (HFSC) equation:

iqt+δ1qxx+δ2qyy+δ3qxy+δ4|q|2q=0.    (2)

Latha and Vasanthi [28] obtained multisoliton solutions by employing Darboux transformation and analyzed the interaction properties of Equation (2). Anitha et al. [29] derived the dynamical equations of motion by employing long wavelength approximation and discussed the complete non-linear excitation with the aid of sine-cosine function method. Periodic solutions were obtained by Triki and Wazwaz [30], and they also discussed conditions for the existence and uniqueness of wave solutions. Tang et al. [31] reported the explicit power series solutions and bright and dark soliton solutions of Equation (2), and they also obtained some other exact solutions via the sub-ODE method.

However, the Lie symmetries, invariant solutions, and conservation laws of the (2+1)-dimensional vcHFSC equation (1) have not been studied. In the current work, we study the vcHFSC equation (1) via the Lie group method and obtain new invariant solutions, including the trigonometric and hyperbolic function solutions. Moreover, based on non-linear self-adjointness, conservation laws for vcHFSC equation (1) are constructed.

The main structure of this paper is as follows. In section Lie Symmetry Analysis and Optimal System, based on the Lie symmetry analysis, we construct the Lie point symmetries and the optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras for Equation (1). In section Symmetry Reductions and Invariant Solutions, four types of similarity reductions and some invariant solutions are studied by virtue of the optimal system. In section Non-linear Self-Adjointness and Conservation Laws, conservation laws for Equation (1) are obtained with the help of Lagrangian and non-linear self-adjointness. Section Results and Discussion provides the results and discussion. Finally, the conclusion is given in section Conclusion.

Lie Symmetry Analysis and Optimal System

In this section, our aim is to obtain the Lie point symmetries and the optimal system of the vcHFSC equation (1) by employing the Lie group method.

The vcHFSC equation (1) can be changed to the following system

{F1=ut+δ1(t)vxx+δ2(t)vyy+δ3(t)vxy  +δ4(t)(u2v+v3)=0,F2=-vt+δ1(t)uxx+δ2(t)uyy+δ3(t)uxy  +δ4(t)(u3+uv2)=0,    (3)

by using the transformation

q(x,y,t)=u(x,y,t)+iv(x,y,t),    (4)

where u(x, y, t) and v(x, y, t) are real and smooth functions.

Suppose that the associated vector field of system (3) is as follows:

V=ξ1(x,y,t,u,v)x+ξ2(x,y,t,u,v)y+ξ3(x,y,t,u,v)t  +η1(x,y,t,u,v)u+η2(x,y,t,u,v)v,    (5)

where ξ1(x, y, t, u, v), ξ2(x, y, t, u, v), ξ3(x, y, t, u, v), η1(x, y, t, u, v) and η2(x, y, t, u, v) are unknown functions that need to be determined.

If vector field (5) generates a symmetry of system (3), then V must satisfy symmetry condition

pr(2)V(Δ1)|Δ1=0,pr(2)V(Δ2)|Δ2=0,    (6)



The infinitesimals ξ1, ξ2, ξ3, η1, and η2must satisfy the following invariant conditions

{ηt1+ξ3δ1(t)vxx+δ1(t)ηxx2+ξ3δ2(t)vyy+δ2(t)ηyy2  +ξ3δ3(t)vxy+δ3(t)ηxy2+ξ3δ4(t)(u2v+v3)+δ4(t)(2uη1v  +u2η2+3v2η2)=0,-ηt2+ξ3δ1(t)uxx+δ1(t)ηxx1+ξ3δ2(t)uyy  +δ2(t)ηyy1+ξ3δ3(t)uxy+δ3(t)ηxy1+ξ3δ4(t)(u3+uv2)+δ4(t)(3u2η1  +η1v2+2uvη2)=0,    (7)


ηt1=Dt(η1-ξ1ux-ξ2uy-ξ3ut)+ξ1uxt+ξ2uyt  +ξ3utt,ηxx1=Dxx(η1-ξ1ux-ξ2uy-ξ3ut)+ξ1uxxx  +ξ2uxxy+ξ3uxxt,ηxy1=Dxy(η1-ξ1ux-ξ2uy-ξ3ut)+ξ1uxxy  +ξ2uxyy+ξ3uxyt,ηyy1=Dyy(η1-ξ1ux-ξ2uy-ξ3ut)+ξ1uxyy  +ξ2uyyy+ξ3uyyt,ηt2=Dt(η2-ξ1vx-ξ2vy-ξ3vt)+ξ1vxt  +ξ2vyt+ξ3vtt,ηxx2=Dxx(η2-ξ1vx-ξ2vy-ξ3vt)+ξ1vxxx  +ξ2vxxy+ξ3vxxt,ηxy2=Dxy(η2-ξ1vx-ξ2vy-ξ3vt)  +ξ1vxxy+ξ2vxyy+ξ3vxyt,ηyy2=Dyy(η2-ξ1vx-ξ2vy  -ξ3vt)+ξ1vxyy+ξ2vyyy+ξ3vyyt.

Solving Equation (7), one can obtain

ξ1=c1x+c2,ξ2=c1y+c3,ξ3=2c1δ1(t)dtδ1(t)         +c4δ1(t),η1=c1u,η2=c1v,    (8)

where c1, c2, c3, and c4 are arbitrary constants, and the coefficient functions δ1(t), δ2(t), δ3(t), and δ4(t) are determined by

ξ3δ2t+ξt3δ2-2δ2c1=0,ξ3δ3t+ξt3δ3-2δ3c1=0,ξ3δ4t+ξt3δ4+2c1δ4=0.    (9)

The Lie algebra of infinitesimal symmetries of system (3) is generated by the four vector fields:

𝔍1=xx+yy+2δ1(t)dtδ1(t)t+uu+vv,𝔍2=x,𝔍3=y,𝔍4=1δ1(t)t.    (10)

The one-parameter groups gi generated by the 𝔍i are given as follows:

g1:(x,y,t,u,v)(xeε,yeε,t+ε2δ1(t)dtδ1(t),ueε,veε),g2:(x,y,t,u,v)(x+ε,y,t,u,v),g3:(x,y,t,u,v)(x,y+ε,t,u,v),g4:(x,y,t,u,v)(x,y,t+εδ1(t),u,v).    (11)

If {u = U(x, y, t), v = V(x, y, t)} is a solution of system (3), by employing symmetry groups gi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4), we can obtain the following new solutions

(u(1),v(1))(eεU(xe-ε,ye-ε,t-ε2δ1(t)dtδ1(t)),eεV(xe-ε,ye-ε,t-ε2δ1(t)dtδ1(t))),(u(2),v(2))(U(x-ε,y,t),V(x-ε,y,t)),(u(3),v(3))(U(x,y-ε,t),V(x,y-ε,t)),(u(4),v(4))(U(x,y,t-εδ1(t)),V(x,y,t-εδ1(t))).    (12)

In order to construct the optimal system for system (3), we apply the formula

Ad(exp(ε𝔍i))𝔍j=𝔍j-ε[𝔍i,𝔍j]+ε22[𝔍i,[𝔍i,𝔍j]]-,    (13)

where [𝔍i, 𝔍j] = 𝔍i𝔍j − 𝔍j𝔍i and ε is a parameter. The commutator table and the adjoint table of system (3) have been constructed and are presented in Tables 1, 2, respectively.


Table 1. Commutator table of the vector fields of system (3).


Table 2. Adjoint table of the vector fields of system (3).

Based on Tables 1, 2, system (3) has the following optimal system [3, 32]

 (i) 𝔍1;(ii) 𝔍2+α𝔍3+β𝔍4;(iii) 𝔍3+χ𝔍4;(iv) 𝔍4,    (14)

where α, β, and χ are arbitrary constants.

Symmetry Reductions and Invariant Solutions

Based on the optimal system (14), our major goal is to deal with the similarity reductions and invariant solutions for system (3).

Subalgebra 𝔍1

The characteristic equations of subalgebra 𝔍1 can be written as

dxx=dyy=dt2δ1(t)δ1(t)dt=duu=dvv.    (15)

Solving these equations yields the four similarity variables

r=x(δ1(t)dt)-12,s=y(δ1(t)dt)-12,u=F(r,s)·(δ1(t)dt)12,v=H(r,s)·(δ1(t)dt)12,    (16)

and solving the constrained conditions (9), we get

δ2(t)=k1δ1(t),δ3(t)=k2δ1(t),δ4(t)=k3δ1(t)(δ1(t)dt)-2,    (17)

where k1, k2, and k3 are arbitrary constants. These variables reduce system (3) to the following (1+1)-dimensional PDEs

{F-rFr-sFs+2Hrr+2k1Hss+2k2Hrs  +2k3(F2H+H3)=0,-H+rHr+sHs+2Frr+2k1Fss+2k2Frs+2k3(F3  +FH2)=0.    (18)

Subalgebra 𝔍1 does not give any group-invariant solutions.

Subalgebra 𝔍2 + α𝔍3 + β𝔍4

The similarity variables of this generator are

r=αx-y,s=βx-δ1(t)dt,u=F(r,s),v=H(r,s),    (19)

and solving the constrained conditions (9), we get

δ2(t)=k1δ1(t),δ3(t)=k2δ1(t),δ4(t)=k3δ1(t),    (20)

where ki(i = 1, 2, 3, 4) are arbitrary constants. Substituting Equations (19) and (20) into (3), we have

{Fs-(α2+k1-αk2)Hrr-β2Hss-(2αβ-βk2)Hrs  -k3(F2H+H3)=0,Hs+(α2+k1-αk2)Frr+β2Fss+(2αβ-βk2)Frs  +k3(F3+FH2)=0.    (21)

For solving Equation (21), we use the transformation ζ = r − κs, F = f(ζ), H = h(ζ), where κ is an arbitrary constant, and then (21) can be reduced to the following ODEs

{-κf+(2αβκ-βk2κ-β2κ2-α2-k1+αk2)h  -k3(f2h+h3)=0,-κh-(2αβλ-βk2λ-β2λ2-α2-k1+αk2)f  +k3(f3+fh2)=0.    (22)

Solving Equation (22) yields

{f=-B1+A1tan(r-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2s),h=A1+B1tan(r-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2s),    (23)


{f=-B1+A1cot(r-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2s),h=A1+B1cot(r-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2s),    (24)

where k3=-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2(A12+B12) and A1, B1 are free parameters.

Based on Equations (19), (23), and (24), we obtain the following trigonometric function solutions for system (3)

{u=-B1+A1tan(αx-y-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2    (βx-δ1(t)dt)),v=A1+B1tan(αx-y-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2    (βx-δ1(t)dt)),    (25)


{u=-B1+A1cot(αx-y-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2   (βx-δ1(t)dt)),v=A1+B1cot(αx-y-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2   (βx-δ1(t)dt)),    (26)

where k3=-4αβ-2βk2+1-4β2(k22-4k1)+4β(2α-k2)+14β2(A12+B12) and A1, B1 are free parameters.

Subalgebra 𝔍3 + χ𝔍4

The similarity variables of this generator are

r=x,s=χy-δ1(t)dt,u=F(r,s),v=H(r,s),    (27)

and solving the constrained conditions (9), we get

δ2(t)=k1δ1(t),δ3(t)=k2δ1(t),δ4(t)=k3δ1(t),    (28)

where ki(i = 1, 2, 3, 4) are arbitrary constants. System (3) can then be transformed to

{Fs-Hrr-χ2k1Hss-χk2Hrs-k3(F2H+H3)=0,Hs+Frr+χ2k1Fss+χk2Frs+k3(F3+FH2)=0.    (29)

For solving Equation (29), we use the transformation ζ = r − κs, F = f(ζ), H = h(ζ), where κ is an arbitrary constant; Equation (29) can then be written as

{-κf+(χk2κ-χ2κ2k1-1)h-k3(f2h+h3)=0,-κh-(χk2κ-χ2κ2k1-1)f+k3(f3+fh2)=0.    (30)

To obtain the solutions of Equation (30), we shall apply the (GG) method, as described in [33].

Let us consider the solutions of (30), as

f=i=0nAi(GG)i,h=i=0mBi(GG)i.    (31)

By balancing the highest order derivative term and non-linear term in (30), we obtain m = n = 1, and G = G(ζ) satisfies second-order ODE


Solving Equation (30), we obtain

μ=λ2(A12+B12)+4B0(B0-λB1)4A12,A0=λ(A12+B12)-2B0B12A1,κ=k3(A12+B12)(2B0-λB1)2A1,k1=-2A1((A12+B12)(λχB1k2k3-2χA1B0k2k3+2A1k3)+2A1)χ2k32(λA12B1+λB13-2A12B0-2B0B12)2,    (32)

where λ, χ, d1, B0, B1, k2, and k3 are arbitrary constants.

Substituting (32) into (30), we obtain two types of solutions of (30), as follows:

When λ2 − 4μ > 0,

{f=λB1-2B02i×(C1cosh(12λ2-4μζ)+C2sinh(12λ2-4μζ)C1sinh(12λ2-4μζ)+C2cosh(12λ2-4μζ))-λ(λB1-2B0)2iλ2-4μ-λB0-2μB1iλ2-4μ,h=B12λ2-4μ×(C1cosh(12λ2-4μζ)+C2sinh(12λ2-4μζ)C1sinh(12λ2-4μζ)+C2cosh(12λ2-4μζ))-λB12+B0,    (33)


k1=2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)+λ2-4μ+2iχk2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)λ2-4μ4χ2k32(λB0B1-μB12-B02)2,ζ=r-2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)iλ2-4μs,λ,μ,χ,B0,B1,C1,C2,k2,and k3 are arbitrary constants.

When λ2 − 4μ < 0,

{f=λB1-2B02×(C1cosh(124μ-λ2ζ)-C2sinh(124μ-λ2ζ)C1sinh(124μ-λ2ζ)+C2cosh(124μ-λ2ζ))-λ(λB1-2B0)24μ-λ2-λB0-2μB14μ-λ2,h=B124μ-λ2×(C1cosh(124μ-λ2ζ)-C2sinh(124μ-λ2ζ)C1sinh(124μ-λ2ζ)+C2cosh(124μ-λ2ζ))-λB12+B0,    (34)


k1=2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)+λ2-4μ+2χk2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)4μ-λ24χ2k32(λB0B1-μB12-B02)2,  ζ=r-2k3(μB12+B02-λB0B1)λ2-4μs,λ,μ,χ,B0,B1,C1,C2,k2,           and k3 are arbitrary constants.

Taking into account Equations (27), (33), and (34), we obtain the hyperbolic function solutions for system (3):

{u=λB1-2B02i×(C1cosh(12λ2-4μζ)+C2sinh(12λ2-4μζ)C1sinh(12λ2-4μζ)+C2cosh(12λ2-4μζ))-λ(λB1-2B0)2iλ2-4μ-λB0-2μB1iλ2-4μ,v=B12λ2-4μ×(C1cosh(12λ2-4μζ)+C2sinh(12λ2-4μζ)C1sinh(12λ2-4μζ)+C2cosh(12λ2-4μζ))-λB12+B0,    (35)

where λ2 − 4μ > 0,

k1=2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)+λ2-4μ+2iχk2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)λ2-4μ4χ2k32(λB0B1-μB12-B02)2,ζ=x-2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)iλ2-4μ(χy-δ1(t)dt),λ,μ,χ,B0,B1,C1,C2,k2,and k3are arbitrary constants.{u=λB1-2B02×(C1cos(124μ-λ2ζ)-C2sin(124μ-λ2ζ)C1sin(124μ-λ2ζ)+C2cos(124μ-λ2ζ))-λ(λB1-2B0)24μ-λ2-λB0-2μB14μ-λ2,v=B124μ-λ2×(C1cos(124μ-λ2ζ)-C2sin(124μ-λ2ζ)C1sin(124μ-λ2ζ)+C2cos(124μ-λ2ζ))-λB12+B0,    (36)

where λ2 − 4μ < 0,

k1=2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)+λ2-4μ+2χk2k3(λB0B1-μB12-B02)4μ-λ24χ2k32(λB0B1-μB12-B02)2,ζ=x-2k3(μB12+B02-λB0B1)λ2-4μ(χy-δ1(t)dt),λ,μ,χ,B0,B1,C1,C2,k2,and k3 are arbitrary constants.

Subalgebra 𝔍4=1δ1(t)t

The similarity variables of this generator are

r=x,s=y,u=F(r,s),v=H(r,s),    (37)

and solving the constrained conditions (9), we get

δ2(t)=k1δ1(t),δ3(t)=k2δ1(t),δ4(t)=k3δ1(t),    (38)

where ki(i = 1, 2, 3) are arbitrary constants. Thus, system (3) can be transformed to

{Hrr+k1Hss+k2Hrs+k3(F2H+H3)=0,Frr+k1Fss+k2Frs+k3(F3+FH2)=0.    (39)

For solving Equation (39), we use the transformation ζ = r − κs, F = f(ζ), H = h(ζ), where λ is an arbitrary constant, and then (39) can be reduced to the following ODEs

{(1+κ2k1-κk2)h+k3(f2h+h3)=0,(1+κ2k1-κk2)f+k3(f3+fh2)=0.    (40)

Solving Equation (40) yields

{f=C1sin(r-k2+4k1k3(C12+C22)+k22-4k12k1s)-C2cos(r-k2+4k1k3(C12+C22)+k22-4k12k1s),h=C2sin(r-k2+4k1k3(C12+C22)+k22-4k12k1s)+C1cos(r-k2+4k1k3(C12+C22)+k22-4k12k1s),    (41)

where C1, C2, k1, k2, and k3 are arbitrary constants.

On combining Equations (37) and (41), we obtain the periodic function solutions for system (3):

{u=C1sin(x-k2+4k1k3(C12+C22)+k22-4k12k1y)-C2cos(x-k2+4k1k3(C12+C22)+k22-4k12k1y),v=C2sin(x-k2+4k1k3(C12+C22)+k22-4k12k1y)+C1cos(x-k2+4k1k3(C12+C22)+k22-4k12k1y),    (42)

where C1, C2, k1, k2, and k3 are arbitrary constants.

Non-linear Self-Adjointness and Conservation Laws

Conservation laws have been extensively researched due to their important physical significance. Many effective approaches have been proposed to construct conservation laws for NPDEs, such as Noether's theorem [34], the multiplier approach [35], and so on [36, 37]. Ibragimov [38, 39] proposed a new conservation theorem that does not require the existence of a Lagrangian and is based on the concept of an adjoint equation for NLPDEs. In this section, we will construct non-linear self-adjointness and conservation laws for vcHFSC equation (1).

Non-linear Self-Adjointness

Based on the method of constructing Lagrangians [38], we have the following formal Lagrangian L in the symmetric form

L=ū[ut+δ1(t)vxx+δ2(t)vyy+12δ3(t)vxy  +12δ3(t)vyx+δ4(t)(u2v+v3)]   +v̄[-vt+δ1(t)uxx+δ2(t)uyy+12δ3(t)uxy  +12δ3(t)uyx+δ4(t)(u3+uv2)],    (43)

where ū and v̄ are two new dependent variables.

The adjoint system of system (3) is

{F1*=δLδu=0,F2*=δLδv=0,    (44)


δLδu=Lu-DtLut+DxDxLuxx+DxDyLuxy+DyDyLuyy,    (45)
δLδv=Lv-DtLvt+DxDxLvxx+DxDyLvxy+DyDyLvyy,    (46)

with Dx, Dy, and Dt the total differentiations with respect to x, y, and t.

For illustration, Dx can be expressed as


Substituting (43), (45), and (46) into (44), the adjoint system for system (3) is

{F1*=-ūt+δ1(t)v̄xx+δ2(t)v̄yy+δ3(t)v̄xy+2δ4(t)ūuv+δ4(t)v̄(3u2+v2),F2*=v̄t+δ1(t)ūxx+δ2(t)ūyy+δ3(t)ūxy+2δ4(t)v̄uv+δ4(t)ū(u2+3v2).    (47)

The system (3) is non-linear self-adjoint when adjoint system (47) satisfy the following conditions

{F1*|ū = ϕ(x,y,t,u,v),v̄ = ψ(x,y,t,u,v) = λ11F1+λ12F2,F2*|ū = ϕ(x,y,t,u,v),v̄ = ψ(x,y,t,u,v) = λ21F1+λ22F2,    (48)

where ϕ(x, y, t, u, v)≠0 or ψ(x, y, t, u, v)≠0, and λij (i, j = 1, 2) are undetermined coefficients.

Substituting the expressions of Fi (i = 1, 2) and Fi* (i = 1, 2) into (48), we obtain the following equations

(λ12-ψu)(δ1(t)uxx-δ2(t)uyy-δ3(t)uxy)-(λ11-ψv)(δ1(t)vxx+δ2(t)vyy+δ3(t)vxy)-(λ11+ϕu)ut+(λ12-ϕv)vt+ψuv(2δ1(t)uxvx+2δ2(t)uyvy+δ3(t)uxvy+δ3(t)uyvx)+ψuu(δ1(t)ux2+δ2(t)uy2+δ3(t)uxuy)+ψvv(δ1(t)vx2+δ2(t)vy2+δ3(t)vxvy)+(2δ1(t)ψxu+δ3(t)ψyu)ux+(2δ2(t)ψyu+δ3(t)ψxu)uy+(2δ1(t)ψxv+δ3(t)ψyv)vx+(2δ2(t)ψyv+δ3(t)ψxv)vy+δ1(t)ψxx+δ2(t)ψyy+δ3(t)ψxy-λ11δ4(t)(u2v+v3)-λ12δ4(t)(uv2+u3)+2δ4(t)ϕuv+3δ4(t)ψu2+δ4(t)ψv2-ϕt=0,    (49)
-(λ22-ϕu)(δ1(t)uxx+δ2(t)uyy+δ3(t)uxy)-(λ21-ϕv)(δ1(t)vxx+δ2(t)vyy+δ3(t)vxy)-(λ21-ψu)ut+(λ22+ψv)vt+ϕuv(2δ1(t)uxvx+2δ2(t)uyvy+δ3(t)uxvy+δ3(t)uyvx)+ϕuu(δ1(t)ux2+δ2(t)uy2+δ3(t)uxuy)+ϕvv(δ1(t)vx2+δ2(t)vy2+δ3(t)vxvy)+(2δ1(t)ϕxu+δ3(t)ϕyu)ux+(2δ2(t)ϕyu+δ3(t)ϕxu)uy+(2δ1(t)ϕxv+δ3(t)ϕyv)vx+(2δ2(t)ϕyv+δ3(t)ϕxv)vy+δ1(t)ϕxx+δ2(t)ϕyy+δ3(t)ϕxy-λ21δ4(t)(u2v+v3)-λ22δ4(t)(uv2+u3)+2δ4(t)ψuv+3δ4(t)ϕv2+δ4(t)ϕu2+ψt=0.    (50)

Solving the above systems, we have

ϕ=-Cu,ψ=Cv,λ12=λ21=0,λ11=C,λ22=-C.    (51)

Theorem 4.1. System (3) is non-linearly self-adjoint.

The formal Lagrangian corresponding to (43) reads as,

L=-Cu[ut+δ1(t)vxx+δ2(t)vyy+12δ3(t)vxy+12δ3(t)vyx+δ4(t)(u2v+v3)]  +Cv[-vt+δ1(t)uxx+δ2(t)uyy+12δ3(t)uxy+12δ3(t)uyx+δ4(t)(u3+uv2)].    (52)

Conservation Laws

In this section, we will construct the conservation laws for system (3) by Ibragimov's theorem. Next, we briefly review the notations used in the following sections. Let x = (x1, x2, …, xn) be n independent variables, u = (u1, u2, …, um) be m dependent variables,

X=ξi(x,u,u(1),)xi+ηs(x,u,u(1),)us,    (53)

be a symmetry of m equations

Fs(x,u,u(1),,u(N))=0,s=1,2,,m.    (54)

and the corresponding adjoint equation

Fs*(x,u,v,u(1),v(1),,u(N),v(N))=δ(viFi)δus=0. s=1,2,,m.    (55)

Theorem 4.2. Any Lie point, Lie-Bäcklund and non-local symmetry X, as given in (53), of Equation (54) provides a conservation law for the system (54) and its adjoint system (55). The conserved vector is defined by

Ti=ξiL+Ws[Luis-Dxj(Luijs)+DxjDxk(Luijks)-]+Dxj(Ws)[Luijs-Dxk(Luijks)+DxkDxr(Luijkrs)-]  +DxjDxk(Ws)[Luijks-Dxr(Luijkrs)+]+,    (56)

where Ws=ηs-ξiuis is the Lie characteristic function and L=i=1mviFi is the formal Lagrangian.

Based on the formula in Theorem 4.2, we next construct conserved vectors for system (3) by employing the formal Lagrangian (43) and the symmetry operator (10). For system (3), Equation (56) becomes the following form

 Tx=ξL-W1[Dx(Luxx)+Dy(Luxy)] +Dx(W1)(Luxx)+Dy(W1)(Luxy)   -W2[Dx(Lvxx)+Dy(Lvxy)]+Dx(W2)(Lvxx) +Dy(W2)(Lvxy)=ξL-W1C(δ1(t)vx+12δ3(t)vy) +Dx(W1)(Cδ1(t)v)+Dy(W1)(12Cδ3(t)v)   +W2C(δ1(t)ux+12δ3(t)uy)-Dx(W2)(Cδ1(t)u) -Dy(W2)(12Cδ3(t)u),    (57)
 Ty=ηL-W1[Dx(Luyx)+Dy(Luyy)] +Dx(W1)(Luyx)+Dy(W1)(Luyy)   -W2[Dx(Lvyx)+Dy(Lvyy)] +Dx(W2)(Lvyx)+Dy(W2)(Lvyy) =ηL-W1C[12δ3(t)vx+δ2(t)vy]+Dx(W1)(12Cδ3(t)v) +Dy(W1)(Cδ2(t)v)   +W2C[12δ3(t)ux+δ2(t)uy]-Dx(W2)(12Cδ3(t)u) -Dy(W2)(Cδ2(t)u),    (58)
Tt=τL+W1(Lut)+W2(Lvt)=τL-W1(Cu)-W2(Cv),    (59)



Case 1 𝔍1=xx+yy+2δ1(t)dtδ1(t)t+uu+vv

The Lie characteristic functions for this operator are

W1=u-xux-yuy-2δ1(t)dtδ1(t)ut,    (60)
W2=v-xvx-yvy-2δ1(t)dtδ1(t)vt.    (61)

The corresponding conservation laws are

Tx=-12C[2k1δ1(t)(uvyy-uyyv)+k2δ1(t)(uvxy-uxvy+uyvx-uxyv)+2(uut+vvt)]x  -12C[k2δ1(t)(uyyv-uvyy)+2δ1(t)(uxyv-uyvx-uvxy+uxvy)]y  -12Cδ1(t)dt[2k2(utyv-uvty-utvy+uyvt)+4(utxv-uvtx-utvx+uxvt)]  -12C[k2δ1(t)(uvy-uyv)+2δ1(t)(uvx-uxv)],    (62)
Ty=12C[2k1δ1(t)(uvxy+uxvy-uyvx-uxyv)+k2δ1(t)(uvxx-uxxv)]x  +12C[2δ1(t)(uxxv-uvxx)+k2δ1(t)(uyvx+uxyv-uvxy-uxvy)-2(uut+vvt)]y  +12Cδ1(t)dt[2k2(uvtx-utxv+utvx-uxvt)+4k1(uvty-utyv+utvy-uyvt)]  +12C[k2δ1(t)(uxv-uvx)+2k1δ1(t)(uyv-uvy)],    (63)
Tt=C[(uux+vvx)x+(uuy+vvy)y-(u2+v2)]  -Cδ1(t)dt[2k1(uvyy-uyyv)+2k2(uvxy-uxyv)+2(uvxx-uxxv)].    (64)

Case 2 𝔍2=x

The Lie characteristic functions for this operator are

W1=-ux,W2=-vx.    (65)

The corresponding conservation laws are

Tx=-12C[2δ2(t)(uvyy-uyyv)+δ3(t)(uvxy-uxyv-uxvy+uyvx)+2(uut+vvt)],    (66)
Ty=12C[2δ2(t)(uvxy-uxyv+uxvy-uyvx)+δ3(t)(uvxx-uxxv)],    (67)
Tt=C(uux+vvx).    (68)

Case 3 𝔍3=y

The Lie characteristic functions for this operator are

W1=-uy,W2=-vy.    (69)

The corresponding conservation laws are

Tx=12C[2δ1(t)(uvxy-uxyv-uxvy+uyvx)+δ3(t)(uvyy-uyyv)],    (70)
Ty=12C[2δ1(t)(uxxv-uvxx)-δ3(t)(uvxy-uxyv+uxvy-uyvx)-2(uut+vvt)],    (71)
Tt=C(uuy+vvy).    (72)

Case 4 𝔍4=1δ1(t)t

The Lie characteristic functions for this operator are

W1=-1δ1(t)ut,W2=-1δ1(t)vt.    (73)

The corresponding conservation laws are,

Tx=12C[k2(uvty-utyv+utvy-uyvt)+2(uvtx-utxv+utvx-uxvt)],    (74)
Ty=12C[k2(uvtx-utxv+utvx-uxvt)+2k1(uvty-utyv+utvy-uyvt)],    (75)
Tt=C[k1(uyyv-uvyy)+k2(uxyv-uvxy)+(uxxv-uvxx)].    (76)

Results and Discussion

The Lie group method has been successfully used to establish the invariant solutions for the vcHFSC equation. Some results for the vcHFSC equation have been published in the literature. Huang et al. [26] used the Hirota bilinear method and found the bright and dark solitons to Equation (1). Peng [27] reported some new non-autonomous complex wave and analytic solutions to Equation (1) with the aid of the (G′/G)method. In this article, we constructed the trigonometric and hyperbolic function solutions to the studied equation. Compared with the solutions obtained in references [26, 27], our results are new. To better understand the characteristics of the obtained solutions, the 3D graphical illustrations are plotted in Figures 13.


Figure 1. Plot of invariant solution (25) with δ1(t) = sint, A1 = 1, B1 = 4, α = β = k1 = 1, k2 = 3 at t = 0. (A) Perspective view of the solution u. (B) Perspective view of the solution v.


Figure 2. Plot of invariant solution (36) with δ1(t) = 1, C1 = 2, C2 = 1, λ = μ = χ = 1, B0 = B1 = k2 = k3 = 1 at t = 5. (A) Perspective view of the solution u. (B) Perspective view of the solution v.


Figure 3. Plot of invariant solution (42) with C1 = 1, C2 = 2, k1 = k2 = k3 = 1 at t = 0. (A) Perspective view of the solution u. (B) Perspective view of the solution v.

With the Lagrangian, we find that the vcHFSC equation is non-linearly self-adjoint. Furthermore, a new conservation theorem has been used to construct conservation laws for the vcHFSC equation. Based on the four infinitesimal generators, we obtained four conserved vectors. It worth noting that the conservation laws obtained in this article have been verified by Maple software.


In this research, the infinitesimal generators and Lie point symmetries of the vcHFSC equation have been investigated using the Lie group method. Based on the optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras, four types of similarity reductions are presented. Taking similarity reductions into account, the invariant solutions are provided, including trigonometric and hyperbolic function solutions. Furthermore, conservation laws for the vcHFSC equation are derived by non-linear self-adjointness and a new conservation theorem.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author Contributions

The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and has approved it for publication.


This work was supported by Shandong Provincial Government Grants, the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Shandong Joint Fund (No. U1806203), Program for Young Innovative Research Team in Shandong University of Political Science and Law, and the Project of Shandong Province Higher Educational Science and Technology Program (No. J18KA234).

Conflict of Interest

The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


We would like to express our sincerest thanks to the editor and the reviewers for their valuable suggestions and comments, which lead to further improvement of our original manuscript.


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Keywords: variable-coefficient Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain equation, Lie symmetry, invariant solutions, non-linear self-adjointness, conservation laws

Citation: Liu N (2020) Invariant Solutions and Conservation Laws of the Variable-Coefficient Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Spin Chain Equation. Front. Phys. 8:260. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.00260

Received: 30 December 2019; Accepted: 10 June 2020;
Published: 11 August 2020.

Edited by:

Jesus Martin-Vaquero, University of Salamanca, Spain

Reviewed by:

Abdullahi Yusuf, Federal University, Dutse, Nigeria
Chaudry Masood Khalique, North-West University, South Africa
Mahmoud Abdelrahman, Mansoura University, Egypt

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*Correspondence: Na Liu, c25hMDUzMUAxMjYuY29t

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