AUTHOR=Haines Jack , Gandolfi Marco , Franz Yohann , De Angelis Costantino , Guasoni Massimiliano TITLE=Mid-Infrared Frequency Generation via Intermodal Difference Frequency Generation in AlGaAs-On-Insulator Waveguides JOURNAL=Frontiers in Photonics VOLUME=2 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphot.2021.788174 ISSN=2673-6853 ABSTRACT=
We investigate theoretically mid-infrared (MIR) generation via difference frequency generation in multimode AlGaAs-on insulator (AlGaAs-OI) waveguides. The large refractive index difference between the AlGaAs core and the silica cladding shrinks the modes size down to the sub-