AUTHOR=Zhao Yifan , Sun Peng , Ma Yue , Chang Xiaoqiang , Chen Xingyu , Ji Xin , Bai Yue , Zhang Dong , Yang Lan TITLE=Metabolite Profiling of Dihydroartemisinin in Blood of Plasmodium-Infected and Healthy Mice Using UPLC-Q-TOF-MSE JOURNAL=Frontiers in Pharmacology VOLUME=11 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphar.2020.614159 ISSN=1663-9812 ABSTRACT=

Dihydroartemisinin (DHA) and its’ derivatives have been employed as the most powerful first-line drugs for malarial treatment for several decades. The metabolism of DHA has not been studied clearly. Previous reports were focused on the pharmacokinetics procedure of DHA in healthy rats. The metabolites of DHA in red blood cells (RBC), especially in the RBC from Plasmodium-infected models, have rarely been studied. The Plasmodium species parasitize inside RBC, and these cells should be the final place where DHA performs its activity. In this study, the profile of DHA metabolites in biosample (blood, plasma, and RBC) of the infected and healthy mice was investigated with UPLC-Q-TOF-MS and UNIFI platform to gain insight into DHA metabolism. Results show that a total of 25 metabolites were successfully identified in infected (30 in healthy) blood, 27 in infected (27 in healthy) plasma, and 15 in infected (22 in healthy) RBC. Results show that hydroxylation, OH-dehydration, and glucuronidation reactions were important in the metabolic pathway in vivo. Significantly, DHA metabolites inside RBC were identified for the first time. 8-Hydroxy (8-OH) DHA, 4α-OH deoxy ART, and 6β-OH deoxy ART were identified in vivo for the first time.