AUTHOR=Wu Qing , Liu Xia , Zhu Lin , Zhu Yichen , Mei Tingting , Cao Shanshan , Shen Yan , Ding Jun , Lin Tan
TITLE=Clinical Assessment of Ultrasound-Guided Local Lauromacrogol Injection Combined With Curettage and Hysteroscopy for Cesarean Scar Pregnancy
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Pharmacology
Background: To evaluate the efficacy, safeness and cost of ultrasound-guided local lauromacrogol injection (USG-LLI) combined with curettage and hysteroscopy for cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP).
Methods: This was a retrospective study included 151 CSP patients diagnosed with CSP from June 2017 to December 2019, and treated by USG-LLI (n = 86) or uterine artery embolization (UAE) (n = 65) combined with curettage and hysteroscopy. Clinical data and outcome were analyzed.
Results: There were no significant differences in basic clinical characteristics in the two groups. Two groups showed the similar success rates. USG-LLI group, compared with UAE group had significantly lower complication rates (9.30 vs. 44.62%), lower total costs (both medical and non-medication cost) (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: USG-LLI combined with curettage and hysteroscopy is a feasible method to treat CSP with minimal invasion and high efficacy. Moreover, compared with curettage after UAE, USG-LLI exhibited lower complication rate and required fewer expenses.