AUTHOR=Gonzalez-Covarrubias Vanessa , Urena-Carrion Javier , Villegas-Torres Beatriz , Cossío-Aranda J. Eduardo , Trevethan-Cravioto Sergio , Izaguirre-Avila Raul , Fiscal-López O. Javier , Soberon Xavier TITLE=Pharmacogenetic Variation in Over 100 Genes in Patients Receiving Acenocumarol JOURNAL=Frontiers in Pharmacology VOLUME=8 YEAR=2017 URL= DOI=10.3389/fphar.2017.00863 ISSN=1663-9812 ABSTRACT=

Coumarins are widely prescribed worldwide, and in Mexico acenocumarol is the preferred form. It is well known that despite its efficacy, coumarins show a high variability for dose requirements. We investigated the pharmacogenetic variation of 110 genes in patients receiving acenocumarol using a targeted NGS approach. We report relevant population differentiation for variants on CYP2C8, CYP2C19, CYP4F11, CYP4F2, PROS, and GGCX, VKORC1, CYP2C18, NQO1. A higher proportion of novel-to-known variants for 10 genes was identified on 41 core pharmacogenomics genes related to the PK (29), PD (3), of coumarins, and coagulation proteins (9) including, CYP1A1, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and F8, and a low proportion of novel-to-known variants on CYP2E1, VKORC1, and SULT1A1/2. Using a Bayesian approach, we identified variants influencing acenocumarol dosing on, VKORC1 (2), SULT1A1 (1), and CYP2D8P (1) explaining 40–55% of dose variability. A collection of pharmacogenetic variation on 110 genes related to the PK/PD of coumarins is also presented. Our results offer an initial insight into the use of a targeted NGS approach in the pharmacogenomics of coumarins in Mexican Mestizos.