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Field chief editor

Mission & scope

Frontiers in Pharmacology is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes research on the interactions between drugs and living beings to prevent and cure human disease.

Led by Field Chief Editor Heike Wulff (University of California, Davis, US), Frontiers in Pharmacology explores basic and clinical pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacy, and toxicology to clarify the fundamental processes of disease treatment and drug effects. Indexed in PubMed Central (PMC), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE), and the DOAJ, the journal welcomes academic, industrial, and clinical work focused on pharmacology.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • cardiovascular and smooth muscle pharmacology
  • drug metabolism and transport
  • drugs outcomes research and policies
  • ELSI in science and genetics
  • ethnopharmacology
  • experimental pharmacology and drug discovery
  • gastrointestinal and hepatic pharmacology
  • inflammation pharmacology
  • integrative and regenerative pharmacology
  • neuropharmacology
  • obstetric and pediatric pharmacology
  • pharmacoepidemiology
  • pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics
  • pharmacology of anti-cancer drugs
  • pharmacology of infectious diseases
  • pharmacology of ion channels and channelopathies
  • predictive toxicology
  • renal pharmacology
  • respiratory pharmacology
  • translational pharmacology.

All submissions to the journal involving natural products, including plant extracts or preparations, must adhere to 'The Four Pillars of Ethnopharmacology' to be considered for peer review, regardless of the specialty section, as a baseline standard for sample characterization. These are a set of mandatory guidelines designed to maintain the scientific, cultural, and ethical integrity of the Journal, and describe what the leading journals in the field consider as the basic aspects of good research (full ConPhyMP statement available here, ConPhyMP statement overview here, and GA-tool here). Please refer to the FULL VERSION of these guidelines before submitting a manuscript to the journal.

To be considered for publication in Frontiers in Pharmacology, studies incorporating complementary or alternative medicine must be based on a set of data linked to local or traditional uses that can be evaluated pharmacologically. A clear and plausible set of pharmacological data must be generated in these studies. Similarly, the journal endorses protocols including a minimum of 2 cell-lines in vitro as an evidential basis to demonstrate proposed anti-cancer effects in all relevant studies submitted to all specialty sections in the journal.

Isolated data mining studies using disproportionality analyses of databases containing spontaneously reported adverse events, frequently lead to misinterpretation due to various reporting biases, lack of structured control, and insufficient demographic details. Presenting such analyses in isolation typically does not yield clinically actionable safety findings without the broader context of a comprehensive signal evaluation. To ensure rigor and relevance, all submissions to the journal must be complemented by a proper systematic review and/or thorough analyses of reported cases, and adhere to the READUS-PV guidelines (The Reporting of a Disproportionality Analysis for Drug Safety Signal Detection Using Individual Case Safety Reports in PharmacoVigilance). Authors are expected to ensure compliance with the corresponding checklist before proceeding with submission to the journal. Full publication of the READUS-PV guidelines is available here.

Further unique criteria for the conception and review of submissions may apply, where appropriate, for individual specialty sections.

The journal welcomes submissions that support and advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably the SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.

Manuscripts that focus solely on clinical trials, patient management, or conventional therapies without a focus on pharmacological research are not suitable for publication in this journal. Additionally, studies that are purely statistical or predictive in nature, without providing novel insights into pharmacological mechanisms or drug development, are not within the scope of this journal.

Frontiers in Pharmacology is committed to advancing developments in the field of pharmacological discoveries by allowing unrestricted access to articles and communicating scientific knowledge to researchers and the public alike, to enable the scientific breakthroughs of the future.

Ethics Information

Research involving human subjects should comply with the ethical guidelines outlined in the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki.

Similarly, authors are required to specify the institutional and national standards adhered to for the care and use of laboratory animals. Transparent and accurate reporting of animal studies is required, with references to guidelines such as ARRIVE and IMPROVE.

Extended information on research ethics can be found under the Frontiers Policies and Publication Ethics page.

Frontiers in Pharmacology is member of the Committee on Publication Ethics.


  • Short name

    Front. Pharmacol.

  • Abbreviation


  • Electronic ISSN



    All published articles receive a PMCID

  • Impact

    4.4 Impact Factor

    7.8 CiteScore

  • Indexed in

    PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), Scopus, Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Google Scholar, DOAJ, CrossRef, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Chinese Academy of Sciences GoOA, CLOCKSS, CNKI Scholar, CrossRef, DeepGreen, Dimensions, Figshare, Google Scholar, Jisc, MyScienceWork, 1Science, Sherpa/Romeo, OpenAIRE, CNPIEC - China National Import and Export Corporation, ResearchGate

Journal sections

Frontiers in Pharmacology is composed of the following Specialty sections:

The specialty sections of Frontiers in Pharmacology welcome submission of the following article types: Brief Research Report, Case Report, Clinical Trial, Community Case Study, Correction, Curriculum, Instruction, and Pedagogy, Data Report, Editorial, General Commentary, Hypothesis & Theory, Methods, Mini Review, Opinion, Original Research, Perspective, Policy Brief, Policy and Practice Reviews, Review, Study Protocol, Systematic Review, Technology and Code.

When submitting a manuscript to Frontiers in Pharmacology, authors must submit the material directly to one of the specialty sections. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed by the Associate and Review Editors of the respective specialty section.

Open access statement

Open access logo

Frontiers' philosophy is that all research is for the benefit of humankind. Research is the product of an investment by society and therefore its fruits should be returned to all people without borders or discrimination, serving society universally and in a transparent fashion.

That is why Frontiers provides online free and open access to all of its research publications. For more information on open access click here.

Open access funder and institutional mandates

Frontiers is fully compliant with open access mandates, by publishing its articles under the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC-BY). Funder mandates such as those by the Wellcome Trust (UK), National Institutes of Health (USA) and the Australian Research Council (Australia) are fully compatible with publishing in Frontiers. Authors retain copyright of their work and can deposit their publication in any repository. The work can be freely shared and adapted provided that appropriate credit is given and any changes specified.

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Each Frontiers article strives for the highest quality, thanks to genuinely collaborative interactions between authors, editors and reviewers, who include many of the world's best scientists and scholars. Frontiers is well aware of the potential impact of published research both on future research and on society and, hence, does not support superficial review, light review or no-review publishing models.

Frontiers uses the single anonymized peer review model, where the reviewer identity is not made visible to the author, while the author identity is visible to the reviewer, and reviewer and the authors’ identities are visible to the decision-making editor. Reviewers interact with the handling editor and the authors. Editor and reviewer names and affiliations are published on all Frontiers articles.

Research must be certified by peers before entering a stream of knowledge that may eventually reach the public - and shape society. Therefore, Frontiers only applies the most rigorous and unbiased reviews, established in the high standards of the Frontiers Review System. Furthermore, only the top certified research, evaluated objectively through quantitative online article level metrics, is disseminated to increasingly wider communities as it gradually climbs the tiers of the Frontiers Tiering System from specialized expert readership towards public understanding.

Frontiers has a number of procedures in place to support and ensure the quality of the research articles that are published:

    • Editorial Board Quality

      • Only leading experts and established members of the research community are appointed to the Frontiers Editorial Boards. Chief Editors, Associate Editors and Review Editors are all listed with their names and affiliations on the Journal pages and are encouraged to publicly list their publication credentials.

    • Associate Editor Assignment Quality

      • Associate Editors oversee the peer-review and take the final acceptance decision on manuscripts. Editorial decision power is distributed in Frontiers, because we believe that many experts within a community should be able to shape the direction of science for the benefit of society.

      • Submitting authors can choose a preferred Associate Editor to handle their manuscript, because they can judge well who would be an appropriate expert in editing their manuscript. There is no guarantee for this preference of choice, Associate Editors can decline invitations any time, and the handling Associate Editor can also be over-ridden by the Chief Editor before she/he is invited to edit the article or at any other stage.

      • Associate Editors are mandated to only accept to edit a manuscript if they have no conflicts of interest (as stated here and in their review invitation and assignment emails).

      • Should it become clear that the Associate Editor has a conflict of interest or is unable to perform the peer-review timely and adequately, a new Associate Editor can be assigned to the manuscript by the Chief Editor, who has full control to intervene in the peer-review process at any time.

      • The Associate Editor initially checks that the article meets basic quality standards and has no obvious objective errors.

    • Reviewer Assignment Quality

      • The Associate Editor can then personally choose and invite the most appropriate reviewers to handle the peer-review of the manuscript, including Review Editors from the board or external reviewers.

      • The Associate Editor is aided in this by the Frontiers Collaborative Review Forum software and interface, which suggests the most relevant Review Editors based on a match between their expertise and the topic of the manuscript. Associate Editors can however choose any reviewer they deem adequate.

      • After a certain time frame and if no reviewers have in the meantime been assigned to the manuscript, the Frontiers platform and algorithmic safety-net steps in and invites the most appropriate Review Editors based on constantly updated and improved algorithms that match reviewer expertise with the submitted manuscript.

      • Review Editors and reviewers are mandated to only accept to review a manuscript if they have no conflicts of interest (as stated here and in their review invitation and assignment emails).

      • Frontiers algorithms are constantly fine-tuned to better match Review Editors with manuscripts, and additional checks are being coded into the platform, for example regarding conflicts of interest.

      • Should it become clear that a particular reviewer has a conflict of interest or is unable to perform the peer-review timely and adequately, he or she shall be replaced with an alternative reviewer by the Associate Editor or the Chief Editor, who will be alerted and has full control to intervene into the peer-review at any time.

    • Independent Review Stage Quality

      • In the Independent Review Stage the assigned reviewers perform an in-depth review of the article independently of each other to safeguard complete freedom of opinion.

      • The reviewers are aided by an online standardized review questionnaire – adopted to article types – with the goal to facilitate rigorous evaluation according to objective criteria and the Frontiers Review Guidelines.

    • Interactive Review Stage Quality

      • The Associate Editor assesses the reviews and activates the “Interactive Review” – informing the authors of the extent of revisions that are required to address the reviewers’ comments, and starting the Interactive Discussion Forum where authors and also the reviewers get full access to all review reports.

      • Manuscript and review quality at this stage are enhanced by allowing authors and reviewers to discuss directly with each other in real-time until they reach consensus and a final version of the manuscript is endorsed by the reviewers.

      • Reviewer identity is protected at this stage to safeguard complete freedom of opinion.

      • Reviewers can recommend rejection at this stage if their requests to correct objective errors are not being met by the authors or if they deem the article overall of insufficient quality.

      • Should a dispute arise, authors or reviewers can trigger an arbitration and will alert the Associate Editor, who can assign more reviewers and/or bring the dispute to the attention of the Chief Editor. The Associate Editor can also weigh in on the discussion and is asked to mediate the process to ensure a constructive revision stage.

    • Decision Stage Quality

      • The decision to accept an article needs to be unanimous amongst all reviewers and the handling Associate Editor.

      • The names of the Associate Editor and reviewers are disclosed on published articles to encourage in depth and rigorous reviews, acknowledge work well done on the article and to bring transparency and accountability into peer-review.

      • Associate Editors can recommend the rejection of an article to the Chief Editor, who needs to check that the authors’ rights have been upheld during the peer-review process, and who can then ultimately reject the article if it is of insufficient quality, has objective errors or if the authors were unreasonably unwilling to address the points raised during the review.

      • Chief Editors can at any stage of the peer-review step in to comment on the review process, change assigned editors, assign themselves as a reviewer and even as the handling editor for the manuscript, and therefore have full authority and all the mechanisms to act independently in their online editorial office to ensure quality.

    • Safeguards against Financial Conflicts of Interest

      • Only leading researchers acting as Associate Editors, who are not part of Frontiers staff, can make acceptance decisions based on reviews performed by external experts acting as Review Editors or reviewers. None have a financial incentive to accept articles, i.e. they are not paid for their role to act as Associate or Review Editors, and any award scheme is not linked to acceptances of manuscripts.

      • Chief Editors receive an honorarium if their specialty section or field reaches certain submission levels. However, this honorarium is based on the total number of submitted articles during a calendar year, and not the number of accepted articles. Therefore they also have no financial incentive to accept manuscripts.

    • Post-Publication Stage Quality

      • The Frontiers platform enables post-publication commenting and discussions on papers and hence the possibility to critically evaluate articles even after the peer-review process.

      • Frontiers has a community retraction protocol in place to retract papers where serious concerns have been raised and validated by the community that warrant retraction, including ethical concerns, honest errors or scientific misconduct.