Little is known about the importance of non-technical skills for the adherence to guidelines, when teams of midwives, obstetricians, anesthesiologists, and pediatricians resuscitate and support the transition of newborns. Non-technical skills are competences underpinning successful teamwork in healthcare. These are usually referred to as leadership, situational awareness, communication, teamwork, decision making, and coping with stress and fatigue.
By review of videos of teams managing newborns with difficult transition, we aimed to investigate whether the level of the teams' non-technical skills was associated with the degree of adherence to guidelines for newborn resuscitation and transitional support at birth.
Four expert raters independently assessed 43 real-life videos of teams managing newborns with transitional difficulties, two assessed the non-technical score and two assessed the clinical performance. Exposure was the non-technical score, obtained by the Global Assessment Of Team Performance checklist (GAOTP). GAOTP was rated on a Likert Scale 1–5 (
Teams with an excellent non-technical score had a relative risk 5.5 [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.4–22.5] of high clinical performance score compared to teams with average non-technical score. In addition, we found a dose response like association. The specific non-technical skills associated with the highest degree of adherence to guidelines were leadership and teamwork, coping with stress and fatigue, and communication with parents. Inter-rater agreement was high; raters assessing non-technical skills had an interclass coefficient (ICC) 0.88 (95% CI 0.79–0.94); the neonatologists assessing clinical performance had an ICC of 0.81 (95% CI 0.66–0.89).
Teams with an excellent non-technical score had five times the chance of high clinical performance compared to teams with average non-technical skills. High performance teams were characterized by good leadership and teamwork, coping with stress, and fatigue and communication with parents.