Exclusive breastmilk is the desired enteral nutrition for babies born moderate- and late-preterm between 32+0 and 36+6 weeks' gestation; however, this goal is often difficult to achieve.
A prospective cohort of babies 32+0 −35+6 weeks' gestation enrolled in the DIAMOND trial were randomized to a condition specifying that babies should receive mother's own milk (MOM) as the only enteral feed. Factors associated with the successful transition to MOM, defined as MOM being the sole enteral feeding at the time of the first cessation of intravenous (IV) fluids, were investigated by logistic regression. Time to commencement of a milk other than MOM was analyzed by Kaplan–Meier survival curves.
A total of 151 eligible babies (60% boys) were included, 93 (63%) of whom successfully transitioned from IV fluids onto MOM only. Alternative sources of milk, mostly formula, were used to transition from IV fluids onto enteral feeds more often in multiples and Māori, and was commenced earlier in Māori than other ethnicities (
Despite an intention to provide only MOM, significant numbers of moderate- and late-preterm babies received formula to transition from IV fluids, and this differed by ethnicity. The drivers underlying these decisions require further investigation. These data highlight an urgent need for quality initiatives to support and encourage mothers of moderate- and late-preterm babies in their lactation.