AUTHOR=Harper Ronald M. , Kesavan Kalpashri TITLE=Neuromodulatory Support for Breathing and Cardiovascular Action During Development JOURNAL=Frontiers in Pediatrics VOLUME=9 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fped.2021.753215 ISSN=2296-2360 ABSTRACT=
Neonatal survival requires precise control of breathing and cardiovascular action, with fatal consequences or severe injury without support. Prematurity presents multiple opportunities to disrupt cardiorespiratory regulation, leading to expressions of apnea of prematurity, periodic breathing, and inappropriate cardiovascular responses to apnea. Failed breathing control can result from altered breathing drives, typically arising from untimely development of sensory or motor coordination processes. Some drives, such as temperature, are a special concern in neonates with low body mass, enhancing susceptibility to rapid body cooling. Chemical drives, such as pH or CO2 or O2, may be inadequately developed; in some conditions, such as congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS), breathing responses to CO2 or low O2 may be reduced or absent, and coupling of cardiovascular responses to breathing changes are abolished. Sleep states exert profound influences on both chemical and temperature drives, with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep potentially modifying descending temperature influences, and state transitions significantly altering respiratory responses to chemical stimuli. In addition, neonates spend the majority of time in REM sleep, a state which induces a generalized inhibition of skeletal muscle activity that abolishes muscle tone to upper airway and thoracic wall muscles, enhancing the likelihood for obstructive sleep apnea. Although disrupted regulatory drives can often be replaced by positive (or negative) pressure ventilation, such as continuous positive airway pressure or enhanced by manipulating neurotransmitter action