AUTHOR=Ebner Kathrin , Schaefer Franz , Liebau Max Christoph , The ARegPKD Consortium , Eid L. A. , Ranguelov N. , Adams B. , van Hoeck K. , Raes A. , Mekahli D. , Collard L. , Lombet J. , Maquet J. , Cachat F. , Schalk G. , Seeman T. , Ortiz Bruechle N. , Zerres K. , Thumfart J. , Briese S. , Querfeld U. , Hoppe B. , Feldkoetter M. , Kirschstein M. , Gruening G. , Beck B. B. , Benzing T. , Buettner R. , Dötsch J. , Goebel H. , Grundmann F. , Hero B. , Kurschat C. , Weber L. T. , Mayer B. , Weber J. , Ritter B. , Benz K. , Galiano M. , Tzschoppe A. , Buchholz B. , Buescher R. , Buescher A. , Latta K. , Häffner K. , Pohl M. , Gross O. , Krügel J. , Stock J. , Patzer L. , Teichler H. , Oh J. , Schild R. , Illig T. , Klopp N. , Pape L. , Wahrendorf S. , Bernhardt W. , Doyon A. , Wuehl E. , Vinke T. , Sander A. , Kunzmann K. , Bergmann C. , Wygoda S. , Henn M. , Wiemann D. , Blaschke K. , Derichs U. , Beetz R. , Jeck N. , Klaus G. , Fehrenbach H. , Hampel T. , Zoetler S. , Wallot M. , Kyrieleis H. , Lange-Sperandio B. , Ponsel S. , Kusser F. , Hoefele J. , Uetz B. , Benz M. , Schmidt S. , Huppertz-Kessler C. , Kranz B. , Koenig J. , Titieni A. , Boeswald M. , Staude H. , Jacoby U. , Wurm D. , Leichter H. E. , Bald M. , Billing H. , Gessner M. , Beringer O. , Ilmoja M.-L. , Soliman N. A. , Nabhan M. M. , Ariceta G. , Lara L. E. , Garcia-Gonzalez M. A. , Diaz-Rodriguez C. , Garcia-Vidal M. , Ranchin B. , Shroff R. , Sterenborg R. , Davitala T. , Papachristou F. , Stabouli S. , Sallay P. , Hooman N. , Ardissino G. , Testa S. , Massella L. , Emma F. , Jankauskiene A. , Cerkauskiene R. , Azukaitis K. , Bokenkamp A. , van Wijk J. , Taranta-Janusz K. , Wasilewska A. , Zagozdzon I. , Balasz-Chmielewska I. , Miklaszewska M. , Zachwieja K. , Drozdz D. , Tkaczyk M. , Stanczyk M. , Sikora P. , Zaniew M. , Litwin M. , Niemirska A. , Wicher D. , Jankowska I. , Antoniewicz J. , Lesiak J. , Lipinski P. , Szczepanska M. , Adamczyk P. , Morawiec-Knysak A. , Caldas Afonso A. , Teixeira A. , Milosevski-Lomic G. , Paripović D. , Peco-Antic A. , Prikhodina L. , Papizh S. , Bayazit A. K. , Anarat A. , Melek E. , Bayrakci U. S. , Kantar A. , Cayci S. , Baskin U. E. , Duzova A. , Yuzbasioglu A. , Soylu A. , Kavukcu S. , Kalman S. , Evrengül H. , Yüksel S. , Kara A. , Gurgoze M. K. , Candan C. , Sever L. , Caliskan S. , Canpolat N. , Emre S. , Yilmaz A. , Gökce I. , Alpay H. , Akinci N. , Mir S. , Sozeri B. , Dursun I. , Poyrazoglu H. M. , Dusunsel R. , Nalcacioglu H. , Ekinci Z. , Tabel Y. , Delibas A. , Övünc Hacihamdioglu D. , Guay-Woodford L. , Group ESCAPE Study , Group GPN Study TITLE=Recent Progress of the ARegPKD Registry Study on Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease JOURNAL=Frontiers in Pediatrics VOLUME=5 YEAR=2017 URL= DOI=10.3389/fped.2017.00018 ISSN=2296-2360 ABSTRACT=

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is a rare monogenic disease with a severe phenotype often presenting prenatally or in early childhood. With its obligate renal and hepatic involvement, ARPKD is one of the most important indications for liver and/or kidney transplantation in childhood. Marked phenotypic variability is observed, the genetic basis of which is largely unknown. Treatment is symptomatic and largely empiric as evidence-based guidelines are lacking. Therapeutic initiatives for ARPKD face the problem of highly variable cohorts and lack of clinical or biochemical risk markers without clear-cut clinical end points. ARegPKD is an international, multicenter, retro- and prospective, observational study to deeply phenotype patients with the clinical diagnosis of ARPKD. Initiated in 2013 as a web-based registry (, ARegPKD enrolls patients across large parts of Europe and neighboring countries. By January 2017, more than 400 patients from 17 mostly European countries have been registered in the ARPKD registry study with significant follow-up data. Due to comprehensive retro- and prospective data collection and associated biobanking, ARegPKD will generate a unique ARPKD cohort with detailed longitudinal clinical characterization providing a basis for future clinical trials as well as translational research. Hence, ARegPKD is hoped to contribute to the pathophysiological understanding of the disease and to the improvement of clinical management.