Compassion is important for facilitating individual wellbeing and commitment. However, little is known about its importance and function within organizational contexts. This study aimed to assess the associations between compassion for others, experienced compassion, secure flourishing, and organizational commitment within a sample of managers from South Africa. Given that Pommier's Compassion Scale (which was used in this study) was not previously validated in South Africa, the study investigated its factorial validity and measurement invariance across genders.
A cross-sectional online survey-based research design with a purposive sampling strategy was employed to sample 390 managers to participate in this study. The Compassion Scale, Experienced Compassion Scale, Secure Flourishing Index and Organizational Commitment Scales were administered. A competing measurement modeling strategy was employed to test the factorial validity of the compassion scale. McDonalds Omega was computed to test the reliability of the instrument. Measurement invariance was employed to test the factorial equivalence of the compassion scale across genders. A structural model was tested to determine the relationships between factors.
The results supported a bifactor ESEM Model with one general compassion factor and four specific subscale factors (mindfulness, kindness, indifference, and common humanity). Managers' general compassion and belief in common humanity (a compassion subscale factor) significantly affected their secure flourishing, yet not their organizational commitment. Compassion experienced from others, however, had a strong and significant effect on their secure flourishing and organizational commitment.
The results indicate that the Compassion Scale is a valid, gender invariant, and reliable measure of compassion for others, and is suitable for organizational research. Giving and receiving compassion at work has significant benefits for managers and organizations.