AUTHOR=Barkmann Florian , Censor Yair , Wahl Niklas TITLE=Superiorization of projection algorithms for linearly constrained inverse radiotherapy treatment planning JOURNAL=Frontiers in Oncology VOLUME=13 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fonc.2023.1238824 ISSN=2234-943X ABSTRACT=Objective

We apply the superiorization methodology to the constrained intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning problem. Superiorization combines a feasibility-seeking projection algorithm with objective function reduction: The underlying projection algorithm is perturbed with gradient descent steps to steer the algorithm towards a solution with a lower objective function value compared to one obtained solely through feasibility-seeking.


Within the open-source inverse planning toolkit matRad, we implement a prototypical algorithmic framework for superiorization using the well-established Agmon, Motzkin, and Schoenberg (AMS) feasibility-seeking projection algorithm and common nonlinear dose optimization objective functions. Based on this prototype, we apply superiorization to intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning and compare it with (i) bare feasibility-seeking (i.e., without any objective function) and (ii) nonlinear constrained optimization using first-order derivatives. For these comparisons, we use the TG119 water phantom, the head-and-neck and the prostate patient of the CORT dataset.

Main results

Bare feasibility-seeking with AMS confirms previous studies, showing it can find solutions that are nearly equivalent to those found by the established piece-wise least-squares optimization approach. The superiorization prototype solved the linearly constrained planning problem with similar dosimetric performance to that of a general-purpose nonlinear constrained optimizer while showing smooth convergence in both constraint proximity and objective function reduction.


Superiorization is a useful alternative to constrained optimization in radiotherapy inverse treatment planning. Future extensions with other approaches to feasibility-seeking, e.g., with dose-volume constraints and more sophisticated perturbations, may unlock its full potential for high performant inverse treatment planning.