This study was conducted under an Institutional Review Board-approved protocol at Henan Provincial People’s Hospital (China). Cf-tDNA samples were sequenced with a designed 68-gene panel. A total of 205 cf-tDNA samples from 107 patients were studied. The clinical relevance of serial cf-tDNA profiling during the postoperative course was analyzed.
At least one tumor mutations were detected in 179/205 (87.3%) TISF cf-tDNA samples. Serial cf-tDNA was complementary to molecular residual disease and to initial tumors. Serial cf-tDNA revealed the selection of pre-existing mismatch repair-deficient cells by temozolomide as a resistant mechanism. Cf-tDNA parameters during treatment were predictive of recurrence, and serial cf-tDNA monitoring had diagnostic value for early recurrence. A total of 223 potentially actionable genomic alterations were assessed in cf-tDNA samples, wherein 78% were not found in any tumor tissue.
In conclusion, serial TISF cf-tDNA profiling is valuable in tracking the tumor evolution of glioma during treatment and may be a feasible non-invasive option for monitoring glioma in future prospective studies and clinical practice.