To evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of Artificial-Intelligence (AI) segmentation in Total Marrow Irradiation (TMI) including contours throughout the head and neck (H&N), thorax, abdomen, and pelvis.
An AI segmentation software was clinically introduced for total body contouring in TMI including 27 organs at risk (OARs) and 4 planning target volumes (PTVs). This work compares the clinically utilized contours to the AI-TMI contours for 21 patients. Structure and image dicom data was used to generate comparisons including volumetric, spatial, and dosimetric variations between the AI- and human-edited contour sets. Conventional volume and surface measures including the Sørensen–Dice coefficient (Dice) and the 95th% Hausdorff Distance (HD95) were used, and novel efficiency metrics were introduced. The clinical efficiency gains were estimated by the percentage of the AI-contour-surface within 1mm of the clinical contour surface. An unedited AI-contour has an efficiency gain=100%, an AI-contour with 70% of its surface<1mm from a clinical contour has an efficiency gain of 70%. The dosimetric deviations were estimated from the clinical dose distribution to compute the dose volume histogram (DVH) for all structures.
A total of 467 contours were compared in the 21 patients. In PTVs, contour surfaces deviated by >1mm in 38.6% ± 23.1% of structures, an average efficiency gain of 61.4%. Deviations >5mm were detected in 12.0% ± 21.3% of the PTV contours. In OARs, deviations >1mm were detected in 24.4% ± 27.1% of the structure surfaces and >5mm in 7.2% ± 18.0%; an average clinical efficiency gain of 75.6%. In H&N OARs, efficiency gains ranged from 42% in optic chiasm to 100% in eyes (unedited in all cases). In thorax, average efficiency gains were >80% in spinal cord, heart, and both lungs. Efficiency gains ranged from 60-70% in spleen, stomach, rectum, and bowel and 75-84% in liver, kidney, and bladder. DVH differences exceeded 0.05 in 109/467 curves at any dose level. The most common 5%-DVH variations were in esophagus (86%), rectum (48%), and PTVs (22%).
AI auto-segmentation software offers a powerful solution for enhanced efficiency in TMI treatment planning. Whole body segmentation including PTVs and normal organs was successful based on spatial and dosimetric comparison.