AUTHOR=Wang Lei , Wang Xueying , Guo Erliang , Mao Xionghui , Miao Susheng TITLE=Emerging roles of platelets in cancer biology and their potential as therapeutic targets JOURNAL=Frontiers in Oncology VOLUME=12 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fonc.2022.939089 ISSN=2234-943X ABSTRACT=

The main role of platelets is to control bleeding and repair vascular damage via thrombosis. They have also been implicated to promote tumor metastasis through platelet-tumor cell interactions. Platelet-tumor cell interactions promote tumor cell survival and dissemination in blood circulation. Tumor cells are known to induce platelet activation and alter platelet RNA profiles. Liquid biopsies based on tumor-educated platelet biomarkers can detect tumors and correlate with prognosis, personalized therapy, treatment monitoring, and recurrence prediction. Platelet-based strategies for cancer prevention and tumor-targeted therapy include developing drugs that target platelet receptors, interfere with the release of platelet particles, inhibit platelet-specific enzymes, and utilize platelet-derived “nano-platelets” as a targeted drug delivery platform for tumor therapy. This review elaborates on platelet-tumor cell interactions and the molecular mechanisms and discusses future research directions for platelet-based liquid biopsy techniques and platelet-targeted anti-tumor strategies.