Many breast cancer survivors face long-term postoperative challenges as a result of developing lymphedema symptoms and chronic lymphedema.
The purpose of this pilot clinical trial was to evaluate the use of TOLF program as an early intervention on improving lymphedema symptom experience (i.e., symptom number, symptom severity, symptom distress, and the impact of symptoms on patients’ activities of daily living) and optimizing lymph fluid levels (measured by the arm volume differences) among breast cancer survivors.
This study is a parallel, randomized clinical trial. A total of 92 breast cancer patients were randomly assigned to either the TOLF intervention group or the control group focusing on promoting arm mobility. Data were collected at baseline and end of the trial at the 3-month post intervention. The Breast Cancer and Lymphedema Symptom Experience Index was used to measure lymphedema symptom experience. Anthropometric measurements were used for circumferential arm measurements. Generalized linear mixed-effects models were used to evaluate the trial outcomes.
Significant improvements of lymphedema symptom experience were found in patients in the TOLF intervention group in comparison with patients in control group: the number of lymphedema symptoms (
Findings of the study demonstrated positive outcomes of relieving lymphedema symptom experience, optimizing arm circumference and halting the progression of lymphedema status in breast cancer survivors receiving TOLF intervention during early postoperative time. Given its feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness, this program may be incorporated in routine breast cancer care.