AUTHOR=Ke Mengying , Qian Jinjun , Hao Feng , Li Xinying , Wu Hongjie , Luo Xian , Xu Bin , Gu Chunyan , Yang Ye TITLE=Acupuncture Synergized With Bortezomib Improves Survival of Multiple Myeloma Mice via Decreasing Metabolic Ornithine JOURNAL=Frontiers in Oncology VOLUME=11 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fonc.2021.779562 ISSN=2234-943X ABSTRACT=
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological malignancy worldwide in urgent need for novel therapeutic strategies. Since Velcade (bortezomib) was approved for the treatment of relapsed/refractory MM in 2003, we have seen considerable improvement in extending MM patient survival. However, most patients are fraught with high recurrence rate and incurability. Acupuncture is known for alleviating patient symptoms and improving the quality of life, but it is not well investigated in MM, especially in combination with bortezomib. In this study, we employed LC-MS and UHPLC-MS together with bioinformatics methods to test serum samples from 5TMM3VT MM murine model mice with four different treatments [control (C) group, bortezomib (V) treatment group, acupuncture (A) group, and combined (VA) group]. MM mice in group VA had longer survival time than mice in group A or group V. Joint pathway analysis indicated the underlying arginine and proline metabolism pathway among the 32 significantly decreased metabolites in group VA. CCK-8 assay and