AUTHOR=Luo Shuyi , Yao Guangyu , Hong Zhe , Zhang Shiyu , Wang Weizhen , Zhang Jingwen , Zhang Yaru , Wu Junkai , Zhang Li , Cheng Hong , Hao Yi , Li Yingjia
TITLE=Qualitative Classification of Shear Wave Elastography for Differential Diagnosis Between Benign and Metastatic Axillary Lymph Nodes in Breast Cancer
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Oncology
Purpose: To examine diagnostic performance of qualitative shear wave elastography (SWE) for evaluation of status of axillary lymph nodes (ALN) in comparison with conventional ultrasonograghy (US) and quantitative SWE parameters.
Methods: A total of 118 patients were enrolled, who were all scheduled for breast cancer surgery and core needle biopsy. Conventional US and SWE were performed before biopsy. Based on qualitative evaluation of each ALN, the SWE images were classified into four color patterns: Color Pattern 1: homogeneous; Color Pattern 2: filling defect within lymph node (LN); Color Pattern 3: homogeneous within LN with a localized colored area at the margin; and Color Pattern 4: filling defect within LN with a localized colored area at the margin. The diagnostic performances of the three methods were compared.
Results: There were 60 metastatic nodes and 61 benign nodes in the 121 ALNs. Benign ALNs were presented as Color Pattern 1 while metastatic ALNs usually were presented as Color Pattern 2 to 4 (p < 0.05). The AUC of qualitative SWE classification was 0.983, higher than that of quantitative SWE parameters and conventional US (p<0.05). The highest diagnostic performance, with AUC of 0.998, could be achieved if both conventional US and qualitative SWE were applied.
Conclusion: The qualitative SWE classification of ALNs proposed in our study exhibited better diagnostic performance than quantitative SWE parameters and conventional US, especially for differentiating metastatic ALNs from benign reactive ALNs. More accurate diagnosis could be reached with this new method and unnecessary biopsy might be avoided in the meantime.