We assessed the relationship of changes in upper and lower body lean mass with muscle strength, endurance and power responses following two high protein diets (1.6 or 3.2 g.kg-1.d−1) during 16 weeks of either concurrent training (CT) or resistance training (RT) in resistance-trained young males.
Forty-eight resistance-trained young males (age: 26 ± 6 yr., body mass index: 25.6 ± 2.9 kg.m−2) performed 16 weeks (four sessions·wk.−1) of CT or RT with either 1.6 g.kg-1.d−1 protein (CT + 1.6;
For upper body, non-significant weak positive relationships were observed between change in upper body lean mass and change in pull-up (
Changes in muscle strength, endurance and power adaptation responses following 16 weeks of either CT or RT with different high protein intakes were not associated with changes in lean mass in resistance-trained young males. These findings indicate that muscle hypertrophy has a small, or negligible, contributory role in promoting functional adaptations with RT or CT, at least over a 16-week period.