AUTHOR=da Cruz Raquel Santana , Chen Elaine , Smith Megan , Bates Jaedus , de Assis Sonia TITLE=Diet and Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance of Breast Cancer: The Role of the Paternal Germline JOURNAL=Frontiers in Nutrition VOLUME=7 YEAR=2020 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnut.2020.00093 ISSN=2296-861X ABSTRACT=

The past decade has made evident that in addition to passing their genetic material at conception, parents also transmit a molecular memory of past environmental experiences, including nutritional status, to their progeny through epigenetic mechanisms. In the 1990s, it was proposed that breast cancer originates in utero. Since then, an overwhelming number of studies in human cohorts and animal models have provided support for that hypothesis. It is becoming clear, however, that exposure in the parent generation can lead to multigenerational and transgenerational inheritance of breast cancer. Importantly, recent data from our lab and others show that pre-conception paternal diets reprogram the male germline and modulate breast cancer development in offspring. This review explores the emerging evidence for transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of breast cancer focusing on studies associated with ancestral nutritional factors or related markers such as birth weight. We also explore paternal factors and the epigenetic mechanisms of inheritance through the male germline while also reviewing the existing literature on maternal exposures in pregnancy and its effects on subsequent generations. Finally, we discuss the importance of this mode of inheritance in the context of breast cancer prevention, the challenges, and outstanding research questions in the field.