AUTHOR=Xu Shiyang , Zeng XingLing , Yin Fuxian , Zhang Chao TITLE=Validating the reproducibility of a low-cost single-channel fNIRS device across hierarchical cognitive tasks JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neuroscience VOLUME=18 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnins.2024.1351341 ISSN=1662-453X ABSTRACT=

This study evaluates a low-cost, single-channel fNIRS device in cognitive neuroscience, aiming to overcome the financial barriers of commercial systems by testing its efficacy in tasks of varying complexity. Twenty-six participants engaged in motor control (finger-tapping), working memory (n-back), and creativity (AUT) tasks while their prefrontal cortex activity was monitored using the device, with behavioral and cerebral blood flow changes recorded. Results showed the device’s capability to detect significant blood flow variations across different tasks, thereby supporting its use in cognitive research. The study confirms the potential of single-channel fNIRS as a cost-effective tool for diverse cognitive assessments, from simple motor actions to complex creative thinking.