Recent laminar-fMRI studies have substantially improved understanding of the
Here, we used EPIK, which offers unprecedented coverage at sub-millimeter resolution, to investigate cortical broad resting-state dynamics with depth specificity in healthy volunteers.
Our results suggest that human DMN connectivity is primarily supported by intermediate and superficial layers of the cortex, and furthermore, the preferred cortical depth used for communication can vary from one network to another. In addition, the laminar connectivity profile of some networks showed a tendency to change upon engagement in a motor task. In line with these connectivity changes, we observed that the amplitude of the low-frequency-fluctuations (ALFF), as well as the regional homogeneity (ReHo), exhibited a different laminar slope when subjects were either performing a task or were in a resting state (less variation among laminae, i.e., lower slope, during task performance compared to rest).
The identification of varied laminar profiles concerning network connectivity, ALFF, and ReHo, observed across two brain states (task vs. rest) has major implications for the characterization of network-related diseases and suggests the potential diagnostic value of laminar fMRI in psychiatric disorders, e.g., to differentiate the cortical dynamics associated with disease stages linked, or not linked, to behavioral changes. The evaluation of laminar-fMRI across the brain encompasses computational challenges; nonetheless, it enables the investigation of a new dimension of the human neocortex, which may be key to understanding neurological disorders from a novel perspective.