AUTHOR=Georgiev Dejan , Christie Rosie , Torkamani Mariam , Song Ruifeng , Limousin Patricia , Jahanshahi Marjan TITLE=Development and Validation of a Daily Habit Scale JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neuroscience VOLUME=16 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnins.2022.880023 ISSN=1662-453X ABSTRACT=
Habits are defined as automatic behaviours triggered by cues and performed without awareness. They are difficult to control and mentally efficient, which contrasts with goal-directed behaviour, which is characterised by active thought, high computational effort, and the ability to modify this behaviour in response to a changing environment and contextual demands. Habits are not only defined by the frequency with which a behaviour is performed but represent a complex construct that also includes the strength and automaticity of the habitual behaviour. We report here the development and validation of a Daily Habit Scale (DHS) to assess the frequency, automaticity, and strength of daily habits in healthy individuals. Item reduction based on factor analysis resulted in a scale with 38 items grouped into eight factors explaining 52.91% of the variance. The DHS showed very good internal consistency (