AUTHOR=De Loof Arnold , Schoofs Liliane TITLE=Mode of Action of Farnesol, the “Noble Unknown” in Particular in Ca2+ Homeostasis, and Its Juvenile Hormone-Esters in Evolutionary Retrospect JOURNAL=Frontiers in Neuroscience VOLUME=13 YEAR=2019 URL= DOI=10.3389/fnins.2019.00141 ISSN=1662-453X ABSTRACT=
Farnesol, the sesquiterpenoid precursor of insect juvenile hormones (JH) that itself has JH activity, existed already long before animals and their hormones came into being. Although it is omnipresent in all eukaryotes, this molecule remains a “noble unknown” in cell physiology. It is neither documented as a hormone nor as another type of signaling molecule. To date, its function as an intermediate in the synthesis of squalene-cholesterol-steroids in chordates/vertebrates, and of the insect/arthropod JHs, esters of farnesol, in the mevalonate biosynthetic pathway is assumed to be the only one. This assumption neglects that already two decades ago, farnesol has been shown to be a potent endogenous inhibitor of N-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in some mammalian cell types. The tandem mevalonate pathway and Ca2+ channels originated early in eukaryotic evolution, and has since been well conserved, “promoting” it as a ubiquitous player in Ca2+ homeostasis in all eukaryotes. This paper accentuates how this drastic change in thinking gained momentum after the discovery by Paroulek and Sláma that the huge amounts of JH I in male accessory glands of the